

Implements JSON serializer.

It's just a wrapper around json (or simplejson if available).

exception salt.serializers.json.DeserializationError(message, line_num=None, buf='', marker='    <======================', trace=None)

Raised when stream of string failed to be deserialized

exception salt.serializers.json.SerializationError(message='')

Raised when stream of string failed to be serialized

salt.serializers.json.deserialize(stream_or_string, **options)

Deserialize any string or stream like object into a Python data structure.

  • stream_or_string -- stream or string to deserialize.

  • options -- options given to lower json/simplejson module.

salt.serializers.json.serialize(obj, **options)

Serialize Python data to JSON.

  • obj -- the data structure to serialize

  • options -- options given to lower json/simplejson module.