RHEL / CentOS / Scientific Linux / Amazon Linux / Oracle Linux

Salt should work properly with all mainstream derivatives of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, including CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux, and Amazon Linux. Report any bugs or issues on the issue tracker.

Installation from the Official Salt Project Repository

Packages for Redhat, CentOS, and Amazon Linux are available in the Salt Project Repository.


Archived builds from unsupported branches:

Red Hat / CentOS

If looking to use archives, the same directions from the RHEL/CentOS install directions can be used by replacing the URL paths with the appropriate archive location. The repository configuration endpoint also needs to be adjusted to point to the archives. Here is an example sed command:

# Salt repo configurations are found in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
sed -i 's/repo.saltproject.io/archive.repo.saltproject.io/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/salt*.repo

Amazon Linux

If looking to use archives, the same directions from the Amazon install directions can be used by replacing the URL paths with the appropriate archive location. The repository configuration endpoint also needs to be adjusted to point to the archives. Here is an example sed command:

# Salt repo configurations are found in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
sed -i 's/repo.saltproject.io/archive.repo.saltproject.io/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/salt*.repo


As of 2015.8.0, EPEL repository is no longer required for installing on RHEL systems. Salt Project repository provides all needed dependencies.


If installing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with disabled (not subscribed on) 'RHEL Server Releases' or 'RHEL Server Optional Channel' repositories, append CentOS 7 GPG key URL to Salt Project yum repository configuration to install required base packages:

name=Salt repo for Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever


systemd and systemd-python are required by Salt, but are not installed by the Red Hat 7 @base installation or by the Salt installation. These dependencies might need to be installed before Salt.

Installation Using pip

Since Salt is on PyPI, it can be installed using pip, though most users prefer to install using RPM packages (which can be installed by following the directions in the Salt Repository).

Installing from pip has a few additional requirements:

  • Install the group 'Development Tools', yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

  • Install the 'zeromq-devel' package if it fails on linking against that afterwards as well.

A pip install does not make the init scripts or the /etc/salt directory, and you will need to provide your own systemd service unit.

Installation from pip:

pip install salt


If installing from pip (or from source using setup.py install), be advised that the yum-utils package is needed for Salt to manage packages. Also, if the Python dependencies are not already installed, then you will need additional libraries/tools installed to build some of them. More information on this can be found here.

ZeroMQ 4

We recommend using ZeroMQ 4 where available. Salt Project provides ZeroMQ 4.3.1 and pyzmq 17.0.0 in the Salt Repository.

If this repository is added before Salt is installed, then installing either salt-master or salt-minion will automatically pull in ZeroMQ 4.3.1, and additional steps to upgrade ZeroMQ and pyzmq are unnecessary.

Package Management

Salt's interface to yum makes heavy use of the repoquery utility, from the yum-utils package. If salt has been installed using pip, or a host is being managed using salt-ssh, then as of version 2014.7.0 yum-utils will be installed automatically to satisfy this dependency.

Post-installation tasks


To have the Master start automatically at boot time:

RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8

systemctl enable salt-master.service

To start the Master:

RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8

systemctl start salt-master.service


To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:

RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8

systemctl enable salt-minion.service

To start the Minion:

RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8

systemctl start salt-minion.service

Now go to the Configuring Salt page.