Configuration file examples

Example master configuration file

##### Primary configuration settings #####
# This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of the Salt Master.
# Values that are commented out but have an empty line after the comment are
# defaults that do not need to be set in the config. If there is no blank line
# after the comment then the value is presented as an example and is not the
# default.

# Per default, the master will automatically include all config files
# from master.d/*.conf (master.d is a directory in the same directory
# as the main master config file).
#default_include: master.d/*.conf

# The address of the interface to bind to:

# Whether the master should listen for IPv6 connections. If this is set to True,
# the interface option must be adjusted, too. (For example: "interface: '::'")
#ipv6: False

# The tcp port used by the publisher:
#publish_port: 4505

# The user under which the salt master will run. Salt will update all
# permissions to allow the specified user to run the master. The exception is
# the job cache, which must be deleted if this user is changed. If the
# modified files cause conflicts, set verify_env to False.
#user: root

# Tell the master to also use salt-ssh when running commands against minions.
#enable_ssh_minions: False

# The port used by the communication interface. The ret (return) port is the
# interface used for the file server, authentication, job returns, etc.
#ret_port: 4506

# Specify the location of the daemon process ID file:
#pidfile: /var/run/

# The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir,
# sock_dir, log_file, autosign_file, autoreject_file, extension_modules,
# key_logfile, pidfile, autosign_grains_dir:
#root_dir: /

# The path to the master's configuration file.
#conf_file: /etc/salt/master

# Directory used to store public key data:
#pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/master

# Key cache. Increases master speed for large numbers of accepted
# keys. Available options: 'sched'. (Updates on a fixed schedule.)
# Note that enabling this feature means that minions will not be
# available to target for up to the length of the maintenance loop
# which by default is 60s.
#key_cache: ''

# Directory to store job and cache data:
# This directory may contain sensitive data and should be protected accordingly.
#cachedir: /var/cache/salt/master

# Directory where custom modules sync to. This directory can contain
# subdirectories for each of Salt's module types such as "runners",
# "output", "wheel", "modules", "states", "returners", "engines",
# "utils", etc.
# Note, any directories or files not found in the `module_dirs`
# location will be removed from the extension_modules path.

#extension_modules: /var/cache/salt/master/extmods

# Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for
# each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules",
# "states", "returners", "engines", "utils", etc.
#module_dirs: []

# Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup:
#verify_env: True

# Set the number of hours to keep old job information in the job cache.
# This option is deprecated by the keep_jobs_seconds option.
#keep_jobs: 24

# Set the number of seconds to keep old job information in the job cache:
#keep_jobs_seconds: 86400

# The number of seconds to wait when the client is requesting information
# about running jobs.
#gather_job_timeout: 10

# Set the default timeout for the salt command and api. The default is 5
# seconds.
#timeout: 5

# The loop_interval option controls the seconds for the master's maintenance
# process check cycle. This process updates file server backends, cleans the
# job cache and executes the scheduler.
#loop_interval: 60

# Set the default outputter used by the salt command. The default is "nested".
#output: nested

# To set a list of additional directories to search for salt outputters, set the
# outputter_dirs option.
#outputter_dirs: []

# Set the default output file used by the salt command. Default is to output
# to the CLI and not to a file. Functions the same way as the "--out-file"
# CLI option, only sets this to a single file for all salt commands.
#output_file: None

# Return minions that timeout when running commands like
#show_timeout: True

# Tell the client to display the jid when a job is published.
#show_jid: False

# By default, output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value
# to False.
#color: True

# Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs
# (true by default).
# strip_colors: False

# To display a summary of the number of minions targeted, the number of
# minions returned, and the number of minions that did not return, set the
# cli_summary value to True. (False by default.)
#cli_summary: False

# Set the directory used to hold unix sockets:
#sock_dir: /var/run/salt/master

# The master can take a while to start up when lspci and/or dmidecode is used
# to populate the grains for the master. Enable if you want to see GPU hardware
# data for your master.
# enable_gpu_grains: False

# The master maintains a job cache. While this is a great addition, it can be
# a burden on the master for larger deployments (over 5000 minions).
# Disabling the job cache will make previously executed jobs unavailable to
# the jobs system and is not generally recommended.
#job_cache: True

# Cache minion grains, pillar and mine data via the cache subsystem in the
# cachedir or a database.
#minion_data_cache: True

# Cache subsystem module to use for minion data cache.
#cache: localfs
# Enables a fast in-memory cache booster and sets the expiration time.
#memcache_expire_seconds: 0
# Set a memcache limit in items (bank + key) per cache storage (driver + driver_opts).
#memcache_max_items: 1024
# Each time a cache storage got full cleanup all the expired items not just the oldest one.
#memcache_full_cleanup: False
# Enable collecting the memcache stats and log it on `debug` log level.
#memcache_debug: False

# Store all returns in the given returner.
# Setting this option requires that any returner-specific configuration also
# be set. See various returners in salt/returners for details on required
# configuration values. (See also, event_return_queue, and event_return_queue_max_seconds below.)
#event_return: mysql

# On busy systems, enabling event_returns can cause a considerable load on
# the storage system for returners. Events can be queued on the master and
# stored in a batched fashion using a single transaction for multiple events.
# By default, events are not queued.
#event_return_queue: 0

# In some cases enabling event return queueing can be very helpful, but the bus
# may not busy enough to flush the queue consistently.  Setting this to a reasonable
# value (1-30 seconds) will cause the queue to be flushed when the oldest event is older
# than `event_return_queue_max_seconds` regardless of how many events are in the queue.
#event_return_queue_max_seconds: 0

# Only return events matching tags in a whitelist, supports glob matches.
#  - salt/master/a_tag
#  - salt/run/*/ret

# Store all event returns **except** the tags in a blacklist, supports globs.
#  - salt/master/not_this_tag
#  - salt/wheel/*/ret

# Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of
# memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the
# master event bus. The value is expressed in bytes.
#max_event_size: 1048576

# Windows platforms lack posix IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter-
# process communications. Set ipc_mode to 'tcp' on such systems
#ipc_mode: ipc

# Overwrite the default tcp ports used by the minion when ipc_mode is set to 'tcp'
#tcp_master_pub_port: 4510
#tcp_master_pull_port: 4511

# By default, the master AES key rotates every 24 hours. The next command
# following a key rotation will trigger a key refresh from the minion which may
# result in minions which do not respond to the first command after a key refresh.
# To tell the master to ping all minions immediately after an AES key refresh, set
# ping_on_rotate to True. This should mitigate the issue where a minion does not
# appear to initially respond after a key is rotated.
# Note that ping_on_rotate may cause high load on the master immediately after
# the key rotation event as minions reconnect. Consider this carefully if this
# salt master is managing a large number of minions.
# If disabled, it is recommended to handle this event by listening for the
# 'aes_key_rotate' event with the 'key' tag and acting appropriately.
# ping_on_rotate: False

# By default, the master deletes its cache of minion data when the key for that
# minion is removed. To preserve the cache after key deletion, set
# 'preserve_minion_cache' to True.
# WARNING: This may have security implications if compromised minions auth with
# a previous deleted minion ID.
#preserve_minion_cache: False

# Allow or deny minions from requesting their own key revocation
#allow_minion_key_revoke: True

# If max_minions is used in large installations, the master might experience
# high-load situations because of having to check the number of connected
# minions for every authentication. This cache provides the minion-ids of
# all connected minions to all MWorker-processes and greatly improves the
# performance of max_minions.
# con_cache: False

# The master can include configuration from other files. To enable this,
# pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or
# absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory
# the main master configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use
# of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this
# option, then the master will log a warning message.
# Include a config file from some other path:
# include: /etc/salt/extra_config
# Include config from several files and directories:
# include:
#   - /etc/salt/extra_config

#####  Large-scale tuning settings   #####
# Max open files
# Each minion connecting to the master uses AT LEAST one file descriptor, the
# master subscription connection. If enough minions connect you might start
# seeing on the console (and then salt-master crashes):
#   Too many open files (tcp_listener.cpp:335)
#   Aborted (core dumped)
# By default this value will be the one of `ulimit -Hn`, ie, the hard limit for
# max open files.
# If you wish to set a different value than the default one, uncomment and
# configure this setting. Remember that this value CANNOT be higher than the
# hard limit. Raising the hard limit depends on your OS and/or distribution,
# a good way to find the limit is to search the internet. For example:
#   raise max open files hard limit debian
#max_open_files: 100000

# The number of worker threads to start. These threads are used to manage
# return calls made from minions to the master. If the master seems to be
# running slowly, increase the number of threads. This setting can not be
# set lower than 3.
#worker_threads: 5

# Set the ZeroMQ high water marks

# The listen queue size / backlog
#zmq_backlog: 1000

# The publisher interface ZeroMQPubServerChannel
#pub_hwm: 1000

# The master may allocate memory per-event and not
# reclaim it.
# To set a high-water mark for memory allocation, use
# ipc_write_buffer to set a high-water mark for message
# buffering.
# Value: In bytes. Set to 'dynamic' to have Salt select
# a value for you. Default is disabled.
# ipc_write_buffer: 'dynamic'

# These two batch settings, batch_safe_limit and batch_safe_size, are used to
# automatically switch to a batch mode execution. If a command would have been
# sent to more than <batch_safe_limit> minions, then run the command in
# batches of <batch_safe_size>. If no batch_safe_size is specified, a default
# of 8 will be used. If no batch_safe_limit is specified, then no automatic
# batching will occur.
#batch_safe_limit: 100
#batch_safe_size: 8

# Master stats enables stats events to be fired from the master at close
# to the defined interval
#master_stats: False
#master_stats_event_iter: 60

#####        Security settings       #####
# Enable passphrase protection of Master private key.  Although a string value
# is acceptable; passwords should be stored in an external vaulting mechanism
# and retrieved via sdb. See
# Passphrase protection is off by default but an example of an sdb profile and
# query is as follows.
# masterkeyring:
#  driver: keyring
#  service: system
# key_pass: sdb://masterkeyring/key_pass

# Enable passphrase protection of the Master signing_key. This only applies if
# master_sign_pubkey is set to True.  This is disabled by default.
# master_sign_pubkey: True
# signing_key_pass: sdb://masterkeyring/signing_pass

# Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off
# authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for
# the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode
# you do so at your own risk!
#open_mode: False

# Enable auto_accept, this setting will automatically accept all incoming
# public keys from the minions. Note that this is insecure.
#auto_accept: False

# The size of key that should be generated when creating new keys.
#keysize: 2048

# Time in minutes that an incoming public key with a matching name found in
# pki_dir/minion_autosign/keyid is automatically accepted. Expired autosign keys
# are removed when the master checks the minion_autosign directory.
# 0 equals no timeout
# autosign_timeout: 120

# If the autosign_file is specified, incoming keys specified in the
# autosign_file will be automatically accepted. This is insecure.  Regular
# expressions as well as globing lines are supported. The file must be readonly
# except for the owner. Use permissive_pki_access to allow the group write access.
#autosign_file: /etc/salt/autosign.conf

# Works like autosign_file, but instead allows you to specify minion IDs for
# which keys will automatically be rejected. Will override both membership in
# the autosign_file and the auto_accept setting.
#autoreject_file: /etc/salt/autoreject.conf

# If the autosign_grains_dir is specified, incoming keys from minions with grain
# values matching those defined in files in this directory will be accepted
# automatically. This is insecure. Minions need to be configured to send the grains.
#autosign_grains_dir: /etc/salt/autosign_grains

# Enable permissive access to the salt keys. This allows you to run the
# master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to
# your pki_dir. To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group
# you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure. If an autosign_file
# is specified, enabling permissive_pki_access will allow group access to that
# specific file.
#permissive_pki_access: False

# Allow users on the master access to execute specific commands on minions.
# This setting should be treated with care since it opens up execution
# capabilities to non root users. By default this capability is completely
# disabled.
#  larry:
#    -
#    - network.*
# Blacklist any of the following users or modules
# This example would blacklist all non sudo users, including root from
# running any commands. It would also blacklist any use of the "cmd"
# module. This is completely disabled by default.
# Check the list of configured users in client ACL against users on the
# system and throw errors if they do not exist.
#client_acl_verify: True
#  users:
#    - root
#    - '^(?!sudo_).*$'   #  all non sudo users
#  modules:
#    - cmd

# Enforce publisher_acl & publisher_acl_blacklist when users have sudo
# access to the salt command.
#sudo_acl: False

# The external auth system uses the Salt auth modules to authenticate and
# validate users to access areas of the Salt system.
#  pam:
#    fred:
#      - test.*
# Time (in seconds) for a newly generated token to live. Default: 12 hours
#token_expire: 43200
# Allow eauth users to specify the expiry time of the tokens they generate.
# A boolean applies to all users or a dictionary of whitelisted eauth backends
# and usernames may be given.
# token_expire_user_override:
#   pam:
#     - fred
#     - tom
#   ldap:
#     - gary
#token_expire_user_override: False

# Set to True to enable keeping the calculated user's auth list in the token
# file. This is disabled by default and the auth list is calculated or requested
# from the eauth driver each time.
# Note: `keep_acl_in_token` will be forced to True when using external authentication
# for REST API (`rest` is present under `external_auth`). This is because the REST API
# does not store the password, and can therefore not retroactively fetch the ACL, so
# the ACL must be stored in the token.
#keep_acl_in_token: False

# Auth subsystem module to use to get authorized access list for a user. By default it's
# the same module used for external authentication.
#eauth_acl_module: django

# Allow minions to push files to the master. This is disabled by default, for
# security purposes.
#file_recv: False

# Set a hard-limit on the size of the files that can be pushed to the master.
# It will be interpreted as megabytes. Default: 100
#file_recv_max_size: 100

# Signature verification on messages published from the master.
# This causes the master to cryptographically sign all messages published to its event
# bus, and minions then verify that signature before acting on the message.
# This is False by default.
# Note that to facilitate interoperability with masters and minions that are different
# versions, if sign_pub_messages is True but a message is received by a minion with
# no signature, it will still be accepted, and a warning message will be logged.
# Conversely, if sign_pub_messages is False, but a minion receives a signed
# message it will be accepted, the signature will not be checked, and a warning message
# will be logged. This behavior went away in Salt 2014.1.0 and these two situations
# will cause minion to throw an exception and drop the message.
# sign_pub_messages: False

# Signature verification on messages published from minions
# This requires that minions cryptographically sign the messages they
# publish to the master.  If minions are not signing, then log this information
# at loglevel 'INFO' and drop the message without acting on it.
# require_minion_sign_messages: False

# The below will drop messages when their signatures do not validate.
# Note that when this option is False but `require_minion_sign_messages` is True
# minions MUST sign their messages but the validity of their signatures
# is ignored.
# These two config options exist so a Salt infrastructure can be moved
# to signing minion messages gradually.
# drop_messages_signature_fail: False

# Use TLS/SSL encrypted connection between master and minion.
# Can be set to a dictionary containing keyword arguments corresponding to Python's
# 'ssl.wrap_socket' method.
# Default is None.
#    keyfile: <path_to_keyfile>
#    certfile: <path_to_certfile>
#    ssl_version: PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

#####     Salt-SSH Configuration     #####
# Define the default salt-ssh roster module to use
#roster: flat

# Pass in an alternative location for the salt-ssh `flat` roster file
#roster_file: /etc/salt/roster

# Define locations for `flat` roster files so they can be chosen when using Salt API.
# An administrator can place roster files into these locations. Then when
# calling Salt API, parameter 'roster_file' should contain a relative path to
# these locations. That is, "roster_file=/foo/roster" will be resolved as
# "/etc/salt/roster.d/foo/roster" etc. This feature prevents passing insecure
# custom rosters through the Salt API.
# - /etc/salt/roster.d
# - /opt/salt/some/more/rosters

# The ssh password to log in with.
#ssh_passwd: ''

#The target system's ssh port number.
#ssh_port: 22

# Comma-separated list of ports to scan.
#ssh_scan_ports: 22

# Scanning socket timeout for salt-ssh.
#ssh_scan_timeout: 0.01

# Boolean to run command via sudo.
#ssh_sudo: False

# Boolean to run ssh_pre_flight script defined in roster. By default
# the script will only run if the thin_dir does not exist on the targeted
# minion. This forces the script to run regardless of the thin dir existing
# or not.
#ssh_run_pre_flight: True

# Number of seconds to wait for a response when establishing an SSH connection.
#ssh_timeout: 60

# The user to log in as.
#ssh_user: root

# The log file of the salt-ssh command:
#ssh_log_file: /var/log/salt/ssh

# Pass in minion option overrides that will be inserted into the SHIM for
# salt-ssh calls. The local minion config is not used for salt-ssh. Can be
# overridden on a per-minion basis in the roster (`minion_opts`)
#  gpg_keydir: /root/gpg

# Set this to True to default to using ~/.ssh/id_rsa for salt-ssh
# authentication with minions
#ssh_use_home_key: False

# Set this to True to default salt-ssh to run with ``-o IdentitiesOnly=yes``.
# This option is intended for situations where the ssh-agent offers many
# different identities and allows ssh to ignore those identities and use the
# only one specified in options.
#ssh_identities_only: False

# List-only nodegroups for salt-ssh. Each group must be formed as either a
# comma-separated list, or a YAML list. This option is useful to group minions
# into easy-to-target groups when using salt-ssh. These groups can then be
# targeted with the normal -N argument to salt-ssh.
#ssh_list_nodegroups: {}

# salt-ssh has the ability to update the flat roster file if a minion is not
# found in the roster.  Set this to True to enable it.
#ssh_update_roster: False

#####    Master Module Management    #####
# Manage how master side modules are loaded.

# Add any additional locations to look for master runners:
#runner_dirs: []

# Add any additional locations to look for master utils:
#utils_dirs: []

# Enable Cython for master side modules:
#cython_enable: False

#####      State System settings     #####
# The state system uses a "top" file to tell the minions what environment to
# use and what modules to use. The state_top file is defined relative to the
# root of the base environment as defined in "File Server settings" below.
#state_top: top.sls

# The master_tops option replaces the external_nodes option by creating
# a plugable system for the generation of external top data. The external_nodes
# option is deprecated by the master_tops option.
# To gain the capabilities of the classic external_nodes system, use the
# following configuration:
# master_tops:
#   ext_nodes: <Shell command which returns yaml>
#master_tops: {}

# The renderer to use on the minions to render the state data
#renderer: jinja|yaml

# Default Jinja environment options for all templates except sls templates
#  block_start_string: '{%'
#  block_end_string: '%}'
#  variable_start_string: '{{'
#  variable_end_string: '}}'
#  comment_start_string: '{#'
#  comment_end_string: '#}'
#  line_statement_prefix:
#  line_comment_prefix:
#  trim_blocks: False
#  lstrip_blocks: False
#  newline_sequence: '\n'
#  keep_trailing_newline: False

# Jinja environment options for sls templates
#  block_start_string: '{%'
#  block_end_string: '%}'
#  variable_start_string: '{{'
#  variable_end_string: '}}'
#  comment_start_string: '{#'
#  comment_end_string: '#}'
#  line_statement_prefix:
#  line_comment_prefix:
#  trim_blocks: False
#  lstrip_blocks: False
#  newline_sequence: '\n'
#  keep_trailing_newline: False

# The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first
# failure detected in the state execution, defaults to False
#failhard: False

# The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way
# state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed.
# The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False
# all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed.
#state_verbose: True

# The state_output setting controls which results will be output full multi line
# full, terse - each state will be full/terse
# mixed - only states with errors will be full
# changes - states with changes and errors will be full
# full_id, mixed_id, changes_id and terse_id are also allowed;
# when set, the state ID will be used as name in the output
#state_output: full

# The state_output_diff setting changes whether or not the output from
# successful states is returned. Useful when even the terse output of these
# states is cluttering the logs. Set it to True to ignore them.
#state_output_diff: False

# The state_output_profile setting changes whether profile information
# will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_profile: True

# The state_output_pct setting changes whether success and failure information
# as a percent of total actions will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_pct: False

# The state_compress_ids setting aggregates information about states which have
# multiple "names" under the same state ID in the highstate output.
#state_compress_ids: False

# Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by
# setting to 'True'. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically
# aggregate just those types.
# state_aggregate:
#   - pkg
#state_aggregate: False

# Send progress events as each function in a state run completes execution
# by setting to 'True'. Progress events are in the format
# 'salt/job/<JID>/prog/<MID>/<RUN NUM>'.
#state_events: False

#####      File Server settings      #####
# Salt runs a lightweight file server written in zeromq to deliver files to
# minions. This file server is built into the master daemon and does not
# require a dedicated port.

# The file server works on environments passed to the master, each environment
# can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file
# roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be
# reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
# Example:
# file_roots:
#   base:
#     - /srv/salt/
#   dev:
#     - /srv/salt/dev/services
#     - /srv/salt/dev/states
#   prod:
#     - /srv/salt/prod/services
#     - /srv/salt/prod/states
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt

# The master_roots setting configures a master-only copy of the file_roots dictionary,
# used by the state compiler.
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt-master

# When using multiple environments, each with their own top file, the
# default behaviour is an unordered merge. To prevent top files from
# being merged together and instead to only use the top file from the
# requested environment, set this value to 'same'.
#top_file_merging_strategy: merge

# To specify the order in which environments are merged, set the ordering
# in the env_order option. Given a conflict, the last matching value will
# win.
#env_order: ['base', 'dev', 'prod']

# If top_file_merging_strategy is set to 'same' and an environment does not
# contain a top file, the top file in the environment specified by default_top
# will be used instead.
#default_top: base

# The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on
# the master server. The default is sha256, but md5, sha1, sha224, sha384 and
# sha512 are also supported.
# WARNING: While md5 and sha1 are also supported, do not use them due to the
# high chance of possible collisions and thus security breach.
# Prior to changing this value, the master should be stopped and all Salt
# caches should be cleared.
#hash_type: sha256

# The buffer size in the file server can be adjusted here:
#file_buffer_size: 1048576

# A regular expression (or a list of expressions) that will be matched
# against the file path before syncing the modules and states to the minions.
# This includes files affected by the file.recurse state.
# For example, if you manage your custom modules and states in subversion
# and don't want all the '.svn' folders and content synced to your minions,
# you could set this to '/\.svn($|/)'. By default nothing is ignored.
#  - '/\.svn($|/)'
#  - '/\.git($|/)'

# A file glob (or list of file globs) that will be matched against the file
# path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. This is similar
# to file_ignore_regex above, but works on globs instead of regex. By default
# nothing is ignored.
# file_ignore_glob:
#  - '*.pyc'
#  - '*/somefolder/*.bak'
#  - '*.swp'

# File Server Backend
# Salt supports a modular fileserver backend system, this system allows
# the salt master to link directly to third party systems to gather and
# manage the files available to minions. Multiple backends can be
# configured and will be searched for the requested file in the order in which
# they are defined here. The default setting only enables the standard backend
# "roots" which uses the "file_roots" option.
#  - roots
# To use multiple backends list them in the order they are searched:
#  - git
#  - roots
# Uncomment the line below if you do not want the file_server to follow
# symlinks when walking the filesystem tree. This is set to True
# by default. Currently this only applies to the default roots
# fileserver_backend.
#fileserver_followsymlinks: False
# Uncomment the line below if you do not want symlinks to be
# treated as the files they are pointing to. By default this is set to
# False. By uncommenting the line below, any detected symlink while listing
# files on the Master will not be returned to the Minion.
#fileserver_ignoresymlinks: True
# The fileserver can fire events off every time the fileserver is updated,
# these are disabled by default, but can be easily turned on by setting this
# flag to True
#fileserver_events: False

# Git File Server Backend Configuration
# Optional parameter used to specify the provider to be used for gitfs. Must be
# either pygit2 or gitpython. If unset, then both will be tried (in that
# order), and the first one with a compatible version installed will be the
# provider that is used.
#gitfs_provider: pygit2

# Along with gitfs_password, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# gitfs_user: ''

# Along with gitfs_user, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# This parameter is not required if the repository does not use authentication.
#gitfs_password: ''

# By default, Salt will not authenticate to an HTTP (non-HTTPS) remote.
# This parameter enables authentication over HTTP. Enable this at your own risk.
#gitfs_insecure_auth: False

# Along with gitfs_privkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to
# authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart)
# is required for SSH remotes.
#gitfs_pubkey: ''

# Along with gitfs_pubkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to
# authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart)
# is required for SSH remotes.
#gitfs_privkey: ''

# This parameter is optional, required only when the SSH key being used to
# authenticate is protected by a passphrase.
#gitfs_passphrase: ''

# When using the git fileserver backend at least one git remote needs to be
# defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo.
# The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client
# and the first repo to have the file will return it.
# When using the git backend branches and tags are translated into salt
# environments.
# Note: file:// repos will be treated as a remote, so refs you want used must
# exist in that repo as *local* refs.
#  - git://
#  - file:///var/git/saltmaster
# The gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate
# errors when contacting the gitfs backend. You might want to set this to
# false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but
# keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True
# is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
#gitfs_ssl_verify: True
# The gitfs_root option gives the ability to serve files from a subdirectory
# within the repository. The path is defined relative to the root of the
# repository and defaults to the repository root.
#gitfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder
# The refspecs fetched by gitfs remotes
#  - '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
#  - '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'
#####         Pillar settings        #####
# Salt Pillars allow for the building of global data that can be made selectively
# available to different minions based on minion grain filtering. The Salt
# Pillar is laid out in the same fashion as the file server, with environments,
# a top file and sls files. However, pillar data does not need to be in the
# highstate format, and is generally just key/value pairs.
#  base:
#    - /srv/pillar
#  - hiera: /etc/hiera.yaml
#  - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/yaml

# A list of paths to be recursively decrypted during pillar compilation.
# Entries in this list can be formatted either as a simple string, or as a
# key/value pair, with the key being the pillar location, and the value being
# the renderer to use for pillar decryption. If the former is used, the
# renderer specified by decrypt_pillar_default will be used.
#  - 'foo:bar': gpg
#  - 'lorem:ipsum:dolor'

# The delimiter used to distinguish nested data structures in the
# decrypt_pillar option.
#decrypt_pillar_delimiter: ':'

# The default renderer used for decryption, if one is not specified for a given
# pillar key in decrypt_pillar.
#decrypt_pillar_default: gpg

# List of renderers which are permitted to be used for pillar decryption.
#  - gpg

# If this is `True` and the ciphertext could not be decrypted, then an error is
# raised.
#gpg_decrypt_must_succeed: False

# The ext_pillar_first option allows for external pillar sources to populate
# before file system pillar. This allows for targeting file system pillar from
# ext_pillar.
#ext_pillar_first: False

# The external pillars permitted to be used on-demand using pillar.ext
#  - libvirt
#  - virtkey

# The pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate
# errors when contacting the pillar gitfs backend. You might want to set this to
# false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but
# keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True
# is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
#pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify: True

# The pillar_opts option adds the master configuration file data to a dict in
# the pillar called "master". This is used to set simple configurations in the
# master config file that can then be used on minions.
#pillar_opts: False

# The pillar_safe_render_error option prevents the master from passing pillar
# render errors to the minion. This is set on by default because the error could
# contain templating data which would give that minion information it shouldn't
# have, like a password! When set true the error message will only show:
#   Rendering SLS 'my.sls' failed. Please see master log for details.
#pillar_safe_render_error: True

# The pillar_source_merging_strategy option allows you to configure merging strategy
# between different sources. It accepts five values: none, recurse, aggregate, overwrite,
# or smart. None will not do any merging at all. Recurse will merge recursively mapping of data.
# Aggregate instructs aggregation of elements between sources that use the #!yamlex renderer. Overwrite
# will overwrite elements according the order in which they are processed. This is
# behavior of the 2014.1 branch and earlier. Smart guesses the best strategy based
# on the "renderer" setting and is the default value.
#pillar_source_merging_strategy: smart

# Recursively merge lists by aggregating them instead of replacing them.
#pillar_merge_lists: False

# Set this option to True to force the pillarenv to be the same as the effective
# saltenv when running states. If pillarenv is specified this option will be
# ignored.
#pillarenv_from_saltenv: False

# Set this option to 'True' to force a 'KeyError' to be raised whenever an
# attempt to retrieve a named value from pillar fails. When this option is set
# to 'False', the failed attempt returns an empty string. Default is 'False'.
#pillar_raise_on_missing: False

# Git External Pillar (git_pillar) Configuration Options
# Specify the provider to be used for git_pillar. Must be either pygit2 or
# gitpython. If unset, then both will be tried in that same order, and the
# first one with a compatible version installed will be the provider that
# is used.
#git_pillar_provider: pygit2

# If the desired branch matches this value, and the environment is omitted
# from the git_pillar configuration, then the environment for that git_pillar
# remote will be base.
#git_pillar_base: master

# If the branch is omitted from a git_pillar remote, then this branch will
# be used instead
#git_pillar_branch: master

# Environment to use for git_pillar remotes. This is normally derived from
# the branch/tag (or from a per-remote env parameter), but if set this will
# override the process of deriving the env from the branch/tag name.
#git_pillar_env: ''

# Path relative to the root of the repository where the git_pillar top file
# and SLS files are located.
#git_pillar_root: ''

# Specifies whether or not to ignore SSL certificate errors when contacting
# the remote repository.
#git_pillar_ssl_verify: False

# When set to False, if there is an update/checkout lock for a git_pillar
# remote and the pid written to it is not running on the master, the lock
# file will be automatically cleared and a new lock will be obtained.
#git_pillar_global_lock: True

# Git External Pillar Authentication Options
# Along with git_pillar_password, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
#git_pillar_user: ''

# Along with git_pillar_user, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# This parameter is not required if the repository does not use authentication.
#git_pillar_password: ''

# By default, Salt will not authenticate to an HTTP (non-HTTPS) remote.
# This parameter enables authentication over HTTP.
#git_pillar_insecure_auth: False

# Along with git_pillar_privkey (and optionally git_pillar_passphrase),
# is used to authenticate to SSH remotes.
#git_pillar_pubkey: ''

# Along with git_pillar_pubkey (and optionally git_pillar_passphrase),
# is used to authenticate to SSH remotes.
#git_pillar_privkey: ''

# This parameter is optional, required only when the SSH key being used
# to authenticate is protected by a passphrase.
#git_pillar_passphrase: ''

# The refspecs fetched by git_pillar remotes
#  - '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
#  - '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'

# A master can cache pillars locally to bypass the expense of having to render them
# for each minion on every request. This feature should only be enabled in cases
# where pillar rendering time is known to be unsatisfactory and any attendant security
# concerns about storing pillars in a master cache have been addressed.
# When enabling this feature, be certain to read through the additional ``pillar_cache_*``
# configuration options to fully understand the tunable parameters and their implications.
# Note: setting ``pillar_cache: True`` has no effect on targeting Minions with Pillars.
# See
#pillar_cache: False

# If and only if a master has set ``pillar_cache: True``, the cache TTL controls the amount
# of time, in seconds, before the cache is considered invalid by a master and a fresh
# pillar is recompiled and stored.
#pillar_cache_ttl: 3600

# If and only if a master has set `pillar_cache: True`, one of several storage providers
# can be utilized.
# `disk`: The default storage backend. This caches rendered pillars to the master cache.
#         Rendered pillars are serialized and deserialized as msgpack structures for speed.
#         Note that pillars are stored UNENCRYPTED. Ensure that the master cache
#         has permissions set appropriately. (Same defaults are provided.)
# memory: [EXPERIMENTAL] An optional backend for pillar caches which uses a pure-Python
#         in-memory data structure for maximal performance. There are several caveats,
#         however. First, because each master worker contains its own in-memory cache,
#         there is no guarantee of cache consistency between minion requests. This
#         works best in situations where the pillar rarely if ever changes. Secondly,
#         and perhaps more importantly, this means that unencrypted pillars will
#         be accessible to any process which can examine the memory of the ``salt-master``!
#         This may represent a substantial security risk.
#pillar_cache_backend: disk

# A master can also cache GPG data locally to bypass the expense of having to render them
# for each minion on every request. This feature should only be enabled in cases
# where pillar rendering time is known to be unsatisfactory and any attendant security
# concerns about storing decrypted GPG data in a master cache have been addressed.
# When enabling this feature, be certain to read through the additional ``gpg_cache_*``
# configuration options to fully understand the tunable parameters and their implications.
#gpg_cache: False

# If and only if a master has set ``gpg_cache: True``, the cache TTL controls the amount
# of time, in seconds, before the cache is considered invalid by a master and a fresh
# pillar is recompiled and stored.
#gpg_cache_ttl: 86400

# If and only if a master has set `gpg_cache: True`, one of several storage providers
# can be utilized. Available options are the same as ``pillar_cache_backend``.
#gpg_cache_backend: disk

######        Reactor Settings        #####
# Define a salt reactor. See
#reactor: []

#Set the TTL for the cache of the reactor configuration.
#reactor_refresh_interval: 60

#Configure the number of workers for the runner/wheel in the reactor.
#reactor_worker_threads: 10

#Define the queue size for workers in the reactor.
#reactor_worker_hwm: 10000

#####          Syndic settings       #####
# The Salt syndic is used to pass commands through a master from a higher
# master. Using the syndic is simple. If this is a master that will have
# syndic servers(s) below it, then set the "order_masters" setting to True.
# If this is a master that will be running a syndic daemon for passthrough, then
# the "syndic_master" setting needs to be set to the location of the master server
# to receive commands from.

# Set the order_masters setting to True if this master will command lower
# masters' syndic interfaces.
#order_masters: False

# If this master will be running a salt syndic daemon, syndic_master tells
# this master where to receive commands from.
#syndic_master: masterofmasters

# This is the 'ret_port' of the MasterOfMaster:
#syndic_master_port: 4506

# PID file of the syndic daemon:
#syndic_pidfile: /var/run/

# The log file of the salt-syndic daemon:
#syndic_log_file: /var/log/salt/syndic

# The behaviour of the multi-syndic when connection to a master of masters failed.
# Can specify ``random`` (default) or ``ordered``. If set to ``random``, masters
# will be iterated in random order. If ``ordered`` is specified, the configured
# order will be used.
#syndic_failover: random

# The number of seconds for the salt client to wait for additional syndics to
# check in with their lists of expected minions before giving up.
#syndic_wait: 5

#####      Peer Publish settings     #####
# Salt minions can send commands to other minions, but only if the minion is
# allowed to. By default "Peer Publication" is disabled, and when enabled it
# is enabled for specific minions and specific commands. This allows secure
# compartmentalization of commands based on individual minions.

# The configuration uses regular expressions to match minions and then a list
# of regular expressions to match functions. The following will allow the
# minion authenticated as to execute functions from the test
# and pkg modules.
#    - test.*
#    - pkg.*
# This will allow all minions to execute all commands:
#  .*:
#    - .*
# This is not recommended, since it would allow anyone who gets root on any
# single minion to instantly have root on all of the minions!

# Minions can also be allowed to execute runners from the salt master.
# Since executing a runner from the minion could be considered a security risk,
# it needs to be enabled. This setting functions just like the peer setting
# except that it opens up runners instead of module functions.
# All peer runner support is turned off by default and must be enabled before
# using. This will enable all peer runners for all minions:
#  .*:
#    - .*
# To enable just the manage.up runner for the minion
#    - manage.up
#####         Mine settings     #####
# Restrict mine.get access from minions. By default any minion has a full access
# to get all mine data from master cache. In acl definion below, only pcre matches
# are allowed.
# mine_get:
#   .*:
#     - .*
# The example below enables minion to get 'network.interfaces' mine
# data only, minions web* to get all network.* and disk.* mine data and all other
# minions won't get any mine data.
# mine_get:
#     - network.interfaces
#   web.*:
#     - network.*
#     - disk.*

#####         Logging settings       #####
# The location of the master log file
# The master log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network
# location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.:
# ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI
# format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>
#log_file: /var/log/salt/master
#log_file: file:///dev/log
#log_file: udp://loghost:10514

#log_file: /var/log/salt/master
#key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key

# The level of messages to send to the console.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data:
# ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug']
#log_level: warning

# The level of messages to send to the log file.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level.
#log_level_logfile: warning

# The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formatting
# can be seen here:
#log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
#log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can
# be seen here:
# Console log colors are specified by these additional formatters:
# %(colorlevel)s
# %(colorname)s
# %(colorprocess)s
# %(colormsg)s
# Since it is desirable to include the surrounding brackets, '[' and ']', in
# the coloring of the messages, these color formatters also include padding as
# well.  Color LogRecord attributes are only available for console logging.
#log_fmt_console: '%(colorlevel)s %(colormsg)s'
#log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
#log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'

# This can be used to control logging levels more specificically.  This
# example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets
# 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level:
#   log_granular_levels:
#     'salt': 'warning'
#     'salt.modules': 'debug'
#log_granular_levels: {}

#####         Node Groups           ######
# Node groups allow for logical groupings of minion nodes. A group consists of
# a group name and a compound target. Nodgroups can reference other nodegroups
# with 'N@' classifier. Ensure that you do not have circular references.
#  group1: ',, or bl*'
#  group2: 'G@os:Debian and'
#  group3: 'G@os:Debian and N@group1'
#  group4:
#    - 'G@foo:bar'
#    - 'or'
#    - 'G@foo:baz'

#####     Range Cluster settings     #####
# The range server (and optional port) that serves your cluster information
#range_server: range:80

#####  Windows Software Repo settings #####
# Location of the repo on the master:
#winrepo_dir_ng: '/srv/salt/win/repo-ng'
# List of git repositories to include with the local repo:
#  - ''

#####  Windows Software Repo settings - Pre 2015.8 #####
# Legacy repo settings for pre-2015.8 Windows minions.
# Location of the repo on the master:
#winrepo_dir: '/srv/salt/win/repo'
# Location of the master's repo cache file:
#winrepo_mastercachefile: '/srv/salt/win/repo/winrepo.p'
# List of git repositories to include with the local repo:
#  - ''

# The refspecs fetched by winrepo remotes
#  - '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
#  - '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'

#####      Returner settings          ######
# Which returner(s) will be used for minion's result:
#return: mysql

######    Miscellaneous  settings     ######
# Default match type for filtering events tags: startswith, endswith, find, regex, fnmatch
#event_match_type: startswith

# Save runner returns to the job cache
#runner_returns: True

# Permanently include any available Python 3rd party modules into thin and minimal Salt
# when they are generated for Salt-SSH or other purposes.
# The modules should be named by the names they are actually imported inside the Python.
# The value of the parameters can be either one module or a comma separated list of them.
#thin_extra_mods: foo,bar
#min_extra_mods: foo,bar,baz

######      Keepalive settings        ######
# Warning: Failure to set TCP keepalives on the salt-master can result in
# not detecting the loss of a minion when the connection is lost or when
# its host has been terminated without first closing the socket.
# Salt's Presence System depends on this connection status to know if a minion
# is "present".
# ZeroMQ now includes support for configuring SO_KEEPALIVE if supported by
# the OS. If connections between the minion and the master pass through
# a state tracking device such as a firewall or VPN gateway, there is
# the risk that it could tear down the connection the master and minion
# without informing either party that their connection has been taken away.
# Enabling TCP Keepalives prevents this from happening.

# Overall state of TCP Keepalives, enable (1 or True), disable (0 or False)
# or leave to the OS defaults (-1), on Linux, typically disabled. Default True, enabled.
#tcp_keepalive: True

# How long before the first keepalive should be sent in seconds. Default 300
# to send the first keepalive after 5 minutes, OS default (-1) is typically 7200 seconds
# on Linux see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time.
#tcp_keepalive_idle: 300

# How many lost probes are needed to consider the connection lost. Default -1
# to use OS defaults, typically 9 on Linux, see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes.
#tcp_keepalive_cnt: -1

# How often, in seconds, to send keepalives after the first one. Default -1 to
# use OS defaults, typically 75 seconds on Linux, see
# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl.
#tcp_keepalive_intvl: -1

#####         NetAPI settings          #####
# Allow the raw_shell parameter to be used when calling Salt SSH client via API
#netapi_allow_raw_shell: True

# Set a list of clients to enable in in the API
#netapi_enable_clients: []

Example minion configuration file

##### Primary configuration settings #####
# This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of the Salt Minion.
# With the exception of the location of the Salt Master Server, values that are
# commented out but have an empty line after the comment are defaults that need
# not be set in the config. If there is no blank line after the comment, the
# value is presented as an example and is not the default.

# Per default the minion will automatically include all config files
# from minion.d/*.conf (minion.d is a directory in the same directory
# as the main minion config file).
#default_include: minion.d/*.conf

# Set the location of the salt master server. If the master server cannot be
# resolved, then the minion will fail to start.
#master: salt

# Set http proxy information for the minion when doing requests

# List of hosts to bypass HTTP proxy. This key does nothing unless proxy_host etc is
# configured, it does not support any kind of wildcards.
#no_proxy: []

# If multiple masters are specified in the 'master' setting, the default behavior
# is to always try to connect to them in the order they are listed. If random_master
# is set to True, the order will be randomized upon Minion startup instead. This can
# be helpful in distributing the load of many minions executing salt-call requests,
# for example, from a cron job. If only one master is listed, this setting is ignored
# and a warning will be logged.
#random_master: False

# NOTE: Deprecated in Salt 2019.2.0. Use 'random_master' instead.
#master_shuffle: False

# Minions can connect to multiple masters simultaneously (all masters
# are "hot"), or can be configured to failover if a master becomes
# unavailable.  Multiple hot masters are configured by setting this
# value to "str".  Failover masters can be requested by setting
# to "failover".  MAKE SURE TO SET master_alive_interval if you are
# using failover.
# Setting master_type to 'disable' lets you have a running minion (with engines and
# beacons) without a master connection
# master_type: str

# Poll interval in seconds for checking if the master is still there.  Only
# respected if master_type above is "failover". To disable the interval entirely,
# set the value to -1. (This may be necessary on machines which have high numbers
# of TCP connections, such as load balancers.)
# master_alive_interval: 30

# If the minion is in multi-master mode and the master_type configuration option
# is set to "failover", this setting can be set to "True" to force the minion
# to fail back to the first master in the list if the first master is back online.
#master_failback: False

# If the minion is in multi-master mode, the "master_type" configuration is set to
# "failover", and the "master_failback" option is enabled, the master failback
# interval can be set to ping the top master with this interval, in seconds.
#master_failback_interval: 0

# Set whether the minion should connect to the master via IPv6:
#ipv6: False

# Set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to resolve
# the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to 30 seconds.
# Set to zero if the minion should shutdown and not retry.
# retry_dns: 30

# Set the number of times to attempt to resolve
# the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to None,
# which will attempt the resolution indefinitely.
# retry_dns_count: 3

# Set the port used by the master reply and authentication server.
#master_port: 4506

# The user to run salt.
#user: root

# The user to run salt remote execution commands as via sudo. If this option is
# enabled then sudo will be used to change the active user executing the remote
# command. If enabled the user will need to be allowed access via the sudoers
# file for the user that the salt minion is configured to run as. The most
# common option would be to use the root user. If this option is set the user
# option should also be set to a non-root user. If migrating from a root minion
# to a non root minion the minion cache should be cleared and the minion pki
# directory will need to be changed to the ownership of the new user.
#sudo_user: root

# Specify the location of the daemon process ID file.
#pidfile: /var/run/

# The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir, log_file,
# sock_dir, pidfile.
#root_dir: /

# The path to the minion's configuration file.
#conf_file: /etc/salt/minion

# The directory to store the pki information in
#pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/minion

# Explicitly declare the id for this minion to use, if left commented the id
# will be the hostname as returned by the python call: socket.getfqdn()
# Since salt uses detached ids it is possible to run multiple minions on the
# same machine but with different ids, this can be useful for salt compute
# clusters.

# Cache the minion id to a file when the minion's id is not statically defined
# in the minion config. Defaults to "True". This setting prevents potential
# problems when automatic minion id resolution changes, which can cause the
# minion to lose connection with the master. To turn off minion id caching,
# set this config to ``False``.
#minion_id_caching: True

# Convert minion id to lowercase when it is being generated. Helpful when some
# hosts get the minion id in uppercase. Cached ids will remain the same and
# not converted. For example, Windows minions often have uppercase minion
# names when they are set up but not always. To turn on, set this config to
# ``True``.
#minion_id_lowercase: False

# Append a domain to a hostname in the event that it does not exist.  This is
# useful for systems where socket.getfqdn() does not actually result in a
# FQDN (for instance, Solaris).

# Custom static grains for this minion can be specified here and used in SLS
# files just like all other grains. This example sets 4 custom grains, with
# the 'roles' grain having two values that can be matched against.
#  roles:
#    - webserver
#    - memcache
#  deployment: datacenter4
#  cabinet: 13
#  cab_u: 14-15
# Where cache data goes.
# This data may contain sensitive data and should be protected accordingly.
#cachedir: /var/cache/salt/minion

# Append minion_id to these directories.  Helps with
# multiple proxies and minions running on the same machine.
# Allowed elements in the list: pki_dir, cachedir, extension_modules
# Normally not needed unless running several proxies and/or minions on the same machine
# Defaults to ['cachedir'] for proxies, [] (empty list) for regular minions

# Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup.
#verify_env: True

# The minion can locally cache the return data from jobs sent to it, this
# can be a good way to keep track of jobs the minion has executed
# (on the minion side). By default this feature is disabled, to enable, set
# cache_jobs to True.
#cache_jobs: False

# Set the directory used to hold unix sockets.
#sock_dir: /var/run/salt/minion

# In order to calculate the fqdns grain, all the IP addresses from the minion
# are processed with underlying calls to `socket.gethostbyaddr` which can take
# 5 seconds to be released (after reaching `socket.timeout`) when there is no
# fqdn for that IP. These calls to `socket.gethostbyaddr` are processed
# asynchronously, however, it still adds 5 seconds every time grains are
# generated if an IP does not resolve. In Windows grains are regenerated each
# time a new process is spawned. Therefore, the default for Windows is `False`.
# On macOS, FQDN resolution can be very slow, therefore the default for macOS is
# `False` as well. All other OSes default to `True`
# enable_fqdns_grains: True

# The minion can take a while to start up when lspci and/or dmidecode is used
# to populate the grains for the minion. Set this to False if you do not need
# GPU hardware grains for your minion.
# enable_gpu_grains: True

# Set the default outputter used by the salt-call command. The default is
# "nested".
#output: nested

# To set a list of additional directories to search for salt outputters, set the
# outputter_dirs option.
#outputter_dirs: []

# By default output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value
# to False.
#color: True

# Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs
# (true by default).
# strip_colors: False

# Backup files that are replaced by file.managed and file.recurse under
# 'cachedir'/file_backup relative to their original location and appended
# with a timestamp. The only valid setting is "minion". Disabled by default.
# Alternatively this can be specified for each file in state files:
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
#   file.managed:
#     - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
#     - backup: minion
#backup_mode: minion

# When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will
# continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the time, in
# seconds, between those reconnection attempts.
#acceptance_wait_time: 10

# If this is nonzero, the time between reconnection attempts will increase by
# acceptance_wait_time seconds per iteration, up to this maximum. If this is
# set to zero, the time between reconnection attempts will stay constant.
#acceptance_wait_time_max: 0

# If the master rejects the minion's public key, retry instead of exiting.
# Rejected keys will be handled the same as waiting on acceptance.
#rejected_retry: False

# When the master key changes, the minion will try to re-auth itself to receive
# the new master key. In larger environments this can cause a SYN flood on the
# master because all minions try to re-auth immediately. To prevent this and
# have a minion wait for a random amount of time, use this optional parameter.
# The wait-time will be a random number of seconds between 0 and the defined value.
#random_reauth_delay: 60

# To avoid overloading a master when many minions startup at once, a randomized
# delay may be set to tell the minions to wait before connecting to the master.
# This value is the number of seconds to choose from for a random number. For
# example, setting this value to 60 will choose a random number of seconds to delay
# on startup between zero seconds and sixty seconds. Setting to '0' will disable
# this feature.
#random_startup_delay: 0

# When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will
# continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the timeout value,
# in seconds, for each individual attempt. After this timeout expires, the minion
# will wait for acceptance_wait_time seconds before trying again. Unless your master
# is under unusually heavy load, this should be left at the default.
#auth_timeout: 60

# Number of consecutive SaltReqTimeoutError that are acceptable when trying to
# authenticate.
#auth_tries: 7

# The number of attempts to connect to a master before giving up.
# Set this to -1 for unlimited attempts. This allows for a master to have
# downtime and the minion to reconnect to it later when it comes back up.
# In 'failover' mode, it is the number of attempts for each set of masters.
# In this mode, it will cycle through the list of masters for each attempt.
# This is different than auth_tries because auth_tries attempts to
# retry auth attempts with a single master. auth_tries is under the
# assumption that you can connect to the master but not gain
# authorization from it. master_tries will still cycle through all
# the masters in a given try, so it is appropriate if you expect
# occasional downtime from the master(s).
#master_tries: 1

# If authentication fails due to SaltReqTimeoutError during a ping_interval,
# cause sub minion process to restart.
#auth_safemode: False

# Ping Master to ensure connection is alive (minutes).
#ping_interval: 0

# To auto recover minions if master changes IP address (DDNS)
#    auth_tries: 10
#    auth_safemode: True
#    ping_interval: 2
# Minions won't know master is missing until a ping fails. After the ping fail,
# the minion will attempt authentication and likely fails out and cause a restart.
# When the minion restarts it will resolve the masters IP and attempt to reconnect.

# If you don't have any problems with syn-floods, don't bother with the
# three recon_* settings described below, just leave the defaults!
# The ZeroMQ pull-socket that binds to the masters publishing interface tries
# to reconnect immediately, if the socket is disconnected (for example if
# the master processes are restarted). In large setups this will have all
# minions reconnect immediately which might flood the master (the ZeroMQ-default
# is usually a 100ms delay). To prevent this, these three recon_* settings
# can be used.
# recon_default: the interval in milliseconds that the socket should wait before
#                trying to reconnect to the master (1000ms = 1 second)
# recon_max: the maximum time a socket should wait. each interval the time to wait
#            is calculated by doubling the previous time. if recon_max is reached,
#            it starts again at recon_default. Short example:
#            reconnect 1: the socket will wait 'recon_default' milliseconds
#            reconnect 2: 'recon_default' * 2
#            reconnect 3: ('recon_default' * 2) * 2
#            reconnect 4: value from previous interval * 2
#            reconnect 5: value from previous interval * 2
#            reconnect x: if value >= recon_max, it starts again with recon_default
# recon_randomize: generate a random wait time on minion start. The wait time will
#                  be a random value between recon_default and recon_default +
#                  recon_max. Having all minions reconnect with the same recon_default
#                  and recon_max value kind of defeats the purpose of being able to
#                  change these settings. If all minions have the same values and your
#                  setup is quite large (several thousand minions), they will still
#                  flood the master. The desired behavior is to have timeframe within
#                  all minions try to reconnect.
# Example on how to use these settings. The goal: have all minions reconnect within a
# 60 second timeframe on a disconnect.
# recon_default: 1000
# recon_max: 59000
# recon_randomize: True
# Each minion will have a randomized reconnect value between 'recon_default'
# and 'recon_default + recon_max', which in this example means between 1000ms
# 60000ms (or between 1 and 60 seconds). The generated random-value will be
# doubled after each attempt to reconnect. Lets say the generated random
# value is 11 seconds (or 11000ms).
# reconnect 1: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 2: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 3: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect 4: wait 44 seconds
# reconnect 5: wait 55 seconds
# reconnect 6: wait time is bigger than 60 seconds (recon_default + recon_max)
# reconnect 7: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 8: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 9: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect x: etc.
# In a setup with ~6000 hosts these settings would average the reconnects
# to about 100 per second and all hosts would be reconnected within 60 seconds.
# recon_default: 100
# recon_max: 5000
# recon_randomize: False
# The loop_interval sets how long in seconds the minion will wait between
# evaluating the scheduler and running cleanup tasks.  This defaults to 1
# second on the minion scheduler.
#loop_interval: 1

# Some installations choose to start all job returns in a cache or a returner
# and forgo sending the results back to a master. In this workflow, jobs
# are most often executed with --async from the Salt CLI and then results
# are evaluated by examining job caches on the minions or any configured returners.
# WARNING: Setting this to False will **disable** returns back to the master.
#pub_ret: True

# The grains can be merged, instead of overridden, using this option.
# This allows custom grains to defined different subvalues of a dictionary
# grain. By default this feature is disabled, to enable set grains_deep_merge
# to ``True``.
#grains_deep_merge: False

# The grains_refresh_every setting allows for a minion to periodically check
# its grains to see if they have changed and, if so, to inform the master
# of the new grains. This operation is moderately expensive, therefore
# care should be taken not to set this value too low.
# Note: This value is expressed in __minutes__!
# A value of 10 minutes is a reasonable default.
# If the value is set to zero, this check is disabled.
#grains_refresh_every: 1

# The grains_refresh_pre_exec setting allows for a minion to check its grains
# prior to the execution of any operation to see if they have changed and, if
# so, to inform the master of the new grains. This operation is moderately
# expensive, therefore care should be taken before enabling this behavior.
#grains_refresh_pre_exec: False

# Cache grains on the minion. Default is False.
#grains_cache: False

# Cache rendered pillar data on the minion. Default is False.
# This may cause 'cachedir'/pillar to contain sensitive data that should be
# protected accordingly.
#minion_pillar_cache: False

# Grains cache expiration, in seconds. If the cache file is older than this
# number of seconds then the grains cache will be dumped and fully re-populated
# with fresh data. Defaults to 5 minutes. Will have no effect if 'grains_cache'
# is not enabled.
# grains_cache_expiration: 300

# Determines whether or not the salt minion should run scheduled mine updates.
# Defaults to "True". Set to "False" to disable the scheduled mine updates
# (this essentially just does not add the mine update function to the minion's
# scheduler).
#mine_enabled: True

# Determines whether or not scheduled mine updates should be accompanied by a job
# return for the job cache. Defaults to "False". Set to "True" to include job
# returns in the job cache for mine updates.
#mine_return_job: False

# Example functions that can be run via the mine facility
# NO mine functions are established by default.
# Note these can be defined in the minion's pillar as well.
# []
#  network.ip_addrs:
#    interface: eth0
#    cidr: ''

# The number of minutes between mine updates.
#mine_interval: 60

# Windows platforms lack posix IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter-
# process communications.  ipc_mode is set to 'tcp' on such systems.
#ipc_mode: ipc

# Overwrite the default tcp ports used by the minion when ipc_mode is set to 'tcp'
#tcp_pub_port: 4510
#tcp_pull_port: 4511

# Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of
# memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the
# minion event bus. The value is expressed in bytes.
#max_event_size: 1048576

# When a minion starts up it sends a notification on the event bus with a tag
# that looks like this: `salt/minion/<minion_id>/start`. For historical reasons
# the minion also sends a similar event with an event tag like this:
# `minion_start`. This duplication can cause a lot of clutter on the event bus
# when there are many minions. Set `enable_legacy_startup_events: False` in the
# minion config to ensure only the `salt/minion/<minion_id>/start` events are
# sent. Beginning with the `Sodium` Salt release this option will default to
# `False`
#enable_legacy_startup_events: True

# To detect failed master(s) and fire events on connect/disconnect, set
# master_alive_interval to the number of seconds to poll the masters for
# connection events.
#master_alive_interval: 30

# The minion can include configuration from other files. To enable this,
# pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or
# absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory
# the main minion configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use
# of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this
# option then the minion will log a warning message.
# Include a config file from some other path:
# include: /etc/salt/extra_config
# Include config from several files and directories:
#  - /etc/salt/extra_config
#  - /etc/roles/webserver

# The syndic minion can verify that it is talking to the correct master via the
# key fingerprint of the higher-level master with the "syndic_finger" config.
#syndic_finger: ''
#####   Minion module management     #####
# Disable specific modules. This allows the admin to limit the level of
# access the master has to the minion.  The default here is the empty list,
# below is an example of how this needs to be formatted in the config file
#  - cmdmod
#  - test
#disable_returners: []

# This is the reverse of disable_modules.  The default, like disable_modules, is the empty list,
# but if this option is set to *anything* then *only* those modules will load.
# Note that this is a very large hammer and it can be quite difficult to keep the minion working
# the way you think it should since Salt uses many modules internally itself.  At a bare minimum
# you need the following enabled or else the minion won't start.
#  - cmdmod
#  - test
#  - config

# Modules can be loaded from arbitrary paths. This enables the easy deployment
# of third party modules. Modules for returners and minions can be loaded.
# Specify a list of extra directories to search for minion modules and
# returners. These paths must be fully qualified!
#module_dirs: []
#returner_dirs: []
#states_dirs: []
#render_dirs: []
#utils_dirs: []
# A module provider can be statically overwritten or extended for the minion
# via the providers option, in this case the default module will be
# overwritten by the specified module. In this example the pkg module will
# be provided by the yumpkg5 module instead of the system default.
#  pkg: yumpkg5
# Enable Cython modules searching and loading. (Default: False)
#cython_enable: False
# Specify a max size (in bytes) for modules on import. This feature is currently
# only supported on *nix operating systems and requires psutil.
# modules_max_memory: -1

#####    State Management Settings    #####
# The default renderer to use in SLS files. This is configured as a
# pipe-delimited expression. For example, jinja|yaml will first run jinja
# templating on the SLS file, and then load the result as YAML. This syntax is
# documented in further depth at the following URL:
# NOTE: The "shebang" prefix (e.g. "#!jinja|yaml") described in the
# documentation linked above is for use in an SLS file to override the default
# renderer, it should not be used when configuring the renderer here.
#renderer: jinja|yaml
# The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first
# failure detected in the state execution. Defaults to False.
#failhard: False
# Reload the modules prior to a highstate run.
#autoload_dynamic_modules: True
# clean_dynamic_modules keeps the dynamic modules on the minion in sync with
# the dynamic modules on the master, this means that if a dynamic module is
# not on the master it will be deleted from the minion. By default, this is
# enabled and can be disabled by changing this value to False.
#clean_dynamic_modules: True
# Renamed from ``environment`` to ``saltenv``. If ``environment`` is used,
# ``saltenv`` will take its value. If both are used, ``environment`` will be
# ignored and ``saltenv`` will be used.
# Normally the minion is not isolated to any single environment on the master
# when running states, but the environment can be isolated on the minion side
# by statically setting it. Remember that the recommended way to manage
# environments is to isolate via the top file.
#saltenv: None
# Isolates the pillar environment on the minion side. This functions the same
# as the environment setting, but for pillar instead of states.
#pillarenv: None
# Set this option to True to force the pillarenv to be the same as the
# effective saltenv when running states. Note that if pillarenv is specified,
# this option will be ignored.
#pillarenv_from_saltenv: False
# Set this option to 'True' to force a 'KeyError' to be raised whenever an
# attempt to retrieve a named value from pillar fails. When this option is set
# to 'False', the failed attempt returns an empty string. Default is 'False'.
#pillar_raise_on_missing: False
# If using the local file directory, then the state top file name needs to be
# defined, by default this is top.sls.
#state_top: top.sls
# Run states when the minion daemon starts. To enable, set startup_states to:
# 'highstate' -- Execute state.highstate
# 'sls' -- Read in the sls_list option and execute the named sls files
# 'top' -- Read top_file option and execute based on that file on the Master
#startup_states: ''
# List of states to run when the minion starts up if startup_states is 'sls':
#  - edit.vim
#  - hyper
# List of grains to pass in start event when minion starts up:
#  - machine_id
#  - uuid
# Top file to execute if startup_states is 'top':
#top_file: ''

# Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by
# setting to True. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically
# aggregate just those types.
# state_aggregate:
#   - pkg
#state_aggregate: False

# Instead of failing immediately when another state run is in progress, a value
# of True will queue the new state run to begin running once the other has
# finished. This option starts a new thread for each queued state run, so use
# this option sparingly. Additionally, it can be set to an integer representing
# the maximum queue size which can be attained before the state runs will fail
# to be queued. This can prevent runaway conditions where new threads are
# started until system performance is hampered.
#state_queue: False

# Disable requisites during state runs by specifying a single requisite
# or a list of requisites to disable.
# disabled_requisites: require_in
# disabled_requisites:
#     - require
#     - require_in

# If set, this parameter expects a dictionary of state module names as keys
# and list of conditions which must be satisfied in order to run any functions
# in that state module.
#  "*": ["G@global_noop:false"]
#  service: ["not G@virtual_subtype:chroot"]

#####     File Directory Settings    #####
# The Salt Minion can redirect all file server operations to a local directory,
# this allows for the same state tree that is on the master to be used if
# copied completely onto the minion. This is a literal copy of the settings on
# the master but used to reference a local directory on the minion.

# Set the file client. The client defaults to looking on the master server for
# files, but can be directed to look at the local file directory setting
# defined below by setting it to "local". Setting a local file_client runs the
# minion in masterless mode.
#file_client: remote

# The file directory works on environments passed to the minion, each environment
# can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file
# roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be
# reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
# Example:
# file_roots:
#   base:
#     - /srv/salt/
#   dev:
#     - /srv/salt/dev/services
#     - /srv/salt/dev/states
#   prod:
#     - /srv/salt/prod/services
#     - /srv/salt/prod/states
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt

# Uncomment the line below if you do not want the file_server to follow
# symlinks when walking the filesystem tree. This is set to True
# by default. Currently this only applies to the default roots
# fileserver_backend.
#fileserver_followsymlinks: False
# Uncomment the line below if you do not want symlinks to be
# treated as the files they are pointing to. By default this is set to
# False. By uncommenting the line below, any detected symlink while listing
# files on the Master will not be returned to the Minion.
#fileserver_ignoresymlinks: True
# The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on
# the local fileserver. The default is sha256, but md5, sha1, sha224, sha384
# and sha512 are also supported.
# WARNING: While md5 and sha1 are also supported, do not use them due to the
# high chance of possible collisions and thus security breach.
# Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all
# Salt caches should be cleared.
#hash_type: sha256

# The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If
# this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to
# also be configured on the minion:
#  base:
#    - /srv/pillar

# If this is `True` and the ciphertext could not be decrypted, then an error is
# raised.
#gpg_decrypt_must_succeed: False

# Set a hard-limit on the size of the files that can be pushed to the master.
# It will be interpreted as megabytes. Default: 100
#file_recv_max_size: 100
######        Security settings       #####
# Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off
# authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for
# the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode
# you do so at your own risk!
#open_mode: False

# The size of key that should be generated when creating new keys.
#keysize: 2048

# Enable permissive access to the salt keys.  This allows you to run the
# master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to
# your pki_dir.  To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group
# you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure.
#permissive_pki_access: False

# The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way
# state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed.
# The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False
# all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed.
#state_verbose: True

# The state_output setting controls which results will be output full multi line
# full, terse - each state will be full/terse
# mixed - only states with errors will be full
# changes - states with changes and errors will be full
# full_id, mixed_id, changes_id and terse_id are also allowed;
# when set, the state ID will be used as name in the output
#state_output: full

# The state_output_diff setting changes whether or not the output from
# successful states is returned. Useful when even the terse output of these
# states is cluttering the logs. Set it to True to ignore them.
#state_output_diff: False

# The state_output_profile setting changes whether profile information
# will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_profile: True

# The state_output_pct setting changes whether success and failure information
# as a percent of total actions will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_pct: False

# The state_compress_ids setting aggregates information about states which have
# multiple "names" under the same state ID in the highstate output.
#state_compress_ids: False

# Fingerprint of the master public key to validate the identity of your Salt master
# before the initial key exchange. The master fingerprint can be found by running
# "salt-key -f" on the Salt master.
#master_finger: ''

# Use TLS/SSL encrypted connection between master and minion.
# Can be set to a dictionary containing keyword arguments corresponding to Python's
# 'ssl.wrap_socket' method.
# Default is None.
#    keyfile: <path_to_keyfile>
#    certfile: <path_to_certfile>
#    ssl_version: PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

# Grains to be sent to the master on authentication to check if the minion's key
# will be accepted automatically. Needs to be configured on the master.
#  - uuid
#  - server_id

######        Reactor Settings        #####
# Define a salt reactor. See
#reactor: []

#Set the TTL for the cache of the reactor configuration.
#reactor_refresh_interval: 60

#Configure the number of workers for the runner/wheel in the reactor.
#reactor_worker_threads: 10

#Define the queue size for workers in the reactor.
#reactor_worker_hwm: 10000

######         Thread settings        #####
# Disable multiprocessing support, by default when a minion receives a
# publication a new process is spawned and the command is executed therein.
# WARNING: Disabling multiprocessing may result in substantial slowdowns
# when processing large pillars. See
# for a full explanation.
#multiprocessing: True

# Limit the maximum amount of processes or threads created by salt-minion.
# This is useful to avoid resource exhaustion in case the minion receives more
# publications than it is able to handle, as it limits the number of spawned
# processes or threads. -1 is the default and disables the limit.
#process_count_max: -1

#####         Logging settings       #####
# The location of the minion log file
# The minion log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network
# location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.:
# ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI
# format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>
#log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
#log_file: file:///dev/log
#log_file: udp://loghost:10514
#log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
#key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key

# The level of messages to send to the console.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data:
# ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug']
# Default: 'warning'
#log_level: warning

# The level of messages to send to the log file.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level.
# Default: 'warning'

# The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formatting
# can be seen here:
#log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
#log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can
# be seen here:
# Console log colors are specified by these additional formatters:
# %(colorlevel)s
# %(colorname)s
# %(colorprocess)s
# %(colormsg)s
# Since it is desirable to include the surrounding brackets, '[' and ']', in
# the coloring of the messages, these color formatters also include padding as
# well.  Color LogRecord attributes are only available for console logging.
#log_fmt_console: '%(colorlevel)s %(colormsg)s'
#log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
#log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'

# This can be used to control logging levels more specificically.  This
# example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets
# 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level:
#   log_granular_levels:
#     'salt': 'warning'
#     'salt.modules': 'debug'
#log_granular_levels: {}

# To diagnose issues with minions disconnecting or missing returns, ZeroMQ
# supports the use of monitor sockets to log connection events. This
# feature requires ZeroMQ 4.0 or higher.
# To enable ZeroMQ monitor sockets, set 'zmq_monitor' to 'True' and log at a
# debug level or higher.
# A sample log event is as follows:
# [DEBUG   ] ZeroMQ event: {'endpoint': 'tcp://', 'event': 512,
# 'value': 27, 'description': 'EVENT_DISCONNECTED'}
# All events logged will include the string 'ZeroMQ event'. A connection event
# should be logged as the minion starts up and initially connects to the
# master. If not, check for debug log level and that the necessary version of
# ZeroMQ is installed.
#zmq_monitor: False

# Number of times to try to authenticate with the salt master when reconnecting
# to the master
#tcp_authentication_retries: 5

######      Module configuration      #####
# Salt allows for modules to be passed arbitrary configuration data, any data
# passed here in valid yaml format will be passed on to the salt minion modules
# for use. It is STRONGLY recommended that a naming convention be used in which
# the module name is followed by a . and then the value. Also, all top level
# data must be applied via the yaml dict construct, some examples:
# You can specify that all modules should run in test mode:
#test: True
# A simple value for the test module: foo
# A list for the test module: [baz,quo]
# A dict for the test module:
#test.baz: {spam: sausage, cheese: bread}
######      Update settings          ######
# Using the features in Esky, a salt minion can both run as a frozen app and
# be updated on the fly. These options control how the update process
# (saltutil.update()) behaves.
# The url for finding and downloading updates. Disabled by default.
#update_url: False
# The list of services to restart after a successful update. Empty by default.
#update_restart_services: []

######      Keepalive settings        ######
# ZeroMQ now includes support for configuring SO_KEEPALIVE if supported by
# the OS. If connections between the minion and the master pass through
# a state tracking device such as a firewall or VPN gateway, there is
# the risk that it could tear down the connection the master and minion
# without informing either party that their connection has been taken away.
# Enabling TCP Keepalives prevents this from happening.

# Overall state of TCP Keepalives, enable (1 or True), disable (0 or False)
# or leave to the OS defaults (-1), on Linux, typically disabled. Default True, enabled.
#tcp_keepalive: True

# How long before the first keepalive should be sent in seconds. Default 300
# to send the first keepalive after 5 minutes, OS default (-1) is typically 7200 seconds
# on Linux see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time.
#tcp_keepalive_idle: 300

# How many lost probes are needed to consider the connection lost. Default -1
# to use OS defaults, typically 9 on Linux, see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes.
#tcp_keepalive_cnt: -1

# How often, in seconds, to send keepalives after the first one. Default -1 to
# use OS defaults, typically 75 seconds on Linux, see
# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl.
#tcp_keepalive_intvl: -1

######   Windows Software settings    ######
# Location of the repository cache file on the master:
#win_repo_cachefile: 'salt://win/repo/winrepo.p'

######      Returner  settings        ######
# Default Minion returners. Can be a comma delimited string or a list:
#return: mysql
#return: mysql,slack,redis
#  - mysql
#  - hipchat
#  - slack

######    Miscellaneous  settings     ######
# Default match type for filtering events tags: startswith, endswith, find, regex, fnmatch
#event_match_type: startswith

Example proxy minion configuration file

##### Primary configuration settings #####
# This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of all Salt Proxy
# Minions on this host.
# With the exception of the location of the Salt Master Server, values that are
# commented out but have an empty line after the comment are defaults that need
# not be set in the config. If there is no blank line after the comment, the
# value is presented as an example and is not the default.

# Per default the proxy minion will automatically include all config files
# from proxy.d/*.conf (proxy.d is a directory in the same directory
# as the main minion config file).
#default_include: proxy.d/*.conf

# Backwards compatibility option for proxymodules created before 2015.8.2
# This setting will default to 'False' in the 2016.3.0 release
# Setting this to True adds proxymodules to the __opts__ dictionary.
# This breaks several Salt features (basically anything that serializes
# __opts__ over the wire) but retains backwards compatibility.
#add_proxymodule_to_opts: True

# Set the location of the salt master server. If the master server cannot be
# resolved, then the minion will fail to start.
#master: salt

# If a proxymodule has a function called 'grains', then call it during
# regular grains loading and merge the results with the proxy's grains
# dictionary.  Otherwise it is assumed that the module calls the grains
# function in a custom way and returns the data elsewhere
# Default to False for 2016.3 and 2016.11. Switch to True for 2017.7.0.
# proxy_merge_grains_in_module: True

# If a proxymodule has a function called 'alive' returning a boolean
# flag reflecting the state of the connection with the remove device,
# when this option is set as True, a scheduled job on the proxy will
# try restarting the connection. The polling frequency depends on the
# next option, 'proxy_keep_alive_interval'. Added in 2017.7.0.
# proxy_keep_alive: True

# The polling interval (in minutes) to check if the underlying connection
# with the remote device is still alive. This option requires
# 'proxy_keep_alive' to be configured as True and the proxymodule to
# implement the 'alive' function. Added in 2017.7.0.
# proxy_keep_alive_interval: 1

# By default, any proxy opens the connection with the remote device when
# initialized. Some proxymodules allow through this option to open/close
# the session per command. This requires the proxymodule to have this
# capability. Please consult the documentation to see if the proxy type
# used can be that flexible. Added in 2017.7.0.
# proxy_always_alive: True

# If multiple masters are specified in the 'master' setting, the default behavior
# is to always try to connect to them in the order they are listed. If random_master is
# set to True, the order will be randomized instead. This can be helpful in distributing
# the load of many minions executing salt-call requests, for example, from a cron job.
# If only one master is listed, this setting is ignored and a warning will be logged.
#random_master: False

# Minions can connect to multiple masters simultaneously (all masters
# are "hot"), or can be configured to failover if a master becomes
# unavailable.  Multiple hot masters are configured by setting this
# value to "str".  Failover masters can be requested by setting
# to "failover".  MAKE SURE TO SET master_alive_interval if you are
# using failover.
# master_type: str

# Poll interval in seconds for checking if the master is still there.  Only
# respected if master_type above is "failover".
# master_alive_interval: 30

# Set whether the minion should connect to the master via IPv6:
#ipv6: False

# Set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to resolve
# the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to 30 seconds.
# Set to zero if the minion should shutdown and not retry.
# retry_dns: 30

# Set the port used by the master reply and authentication server.
#master_port: 4506

# The user to run salt.
#user: root

# Setting sudo_user will cause salt to run all execution modules under an sudo
# to the user given in sudo_user.  The user under which the salt minion process
# itself runs will still be that provided in the user config above, but all
# execution modules run by the minion will be rerouted through sudo.
#sudo_user: saltdev

# Specify the location of the daemon process ID file.
#pidfile: /var/run/

# The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir, log_file,
# sock_dir, pidfile.
#root_dir: /

# The directory to store the pki information in
#pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/minion

# Where cache data goes.
# This data may contain sensitive data and should be protected accordingly.
#cachedir: /var/cache/salt/minion

# Append minion_id to these directories.  Helps with
# multiple proxies and minions running on the same machine.
# Allowed elements in the list: pki_dir, cachedir, extension_modules
# Normally not needed unless running several proxies and/or minions on the same machine
# Defaults to ['cachedir'] for proxies, [] (empty list) for regular minions
# append_minionid_config_dirs:
#   - cachedir

# Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup.
#verify_env: True

# The minion can locally cache the return data from jobs sent to it, this
# can be a good way to keep track of jobs the minion has executed
# (on the minion side). By default this feature is disabled, to enable, set
# cache_jobs to True.
#cache_jobs: False

# Set the directory used to hold unix sockets.
#sock_dir: /var/run/salt/minion

# Set the default outputter used by the salt-call command. The default is
# "nested".
#output: nested
# By default output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value
# to False.
#color: True

# Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs
# (true by default).
# strip_colors: False

# Backup files that are replaced by file.managed and file.recurse under
# 'cachedir'/file_backup relative to their original location and appended
# with a timestamp. The only valid setting is "minion". Disabled by default.
# Alternatively this can be specified for each file in state files:
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
#   file.managed:
#     - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
#     - backup: minion
#backup_mode: minion

# When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will
# continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the time, in
# seconds, between those reconnection attempts.
#acceptance_wait_time: 10

# If this is nonzero, the time between reconnection attempts will increase by
# acceptance_wait_time seconds per iteration, up to this maximum. If this is
# set to zero, the time between reconnection attempts will stay constant.
#acceptance_wait_time_max: 0

# If the master rejects the minion's public key, retry instead of exiting.
# Rejected keys will be handled the same as waiting on acceptance.
#rejected_retry: False

# When the master key changes, the minion will try to re-auth itself to receive
# the new master key. In larger environments this can cause a SYN flood on the
# master because all minions try to re-auth immediately. To prevent this and
# have a minion wait for a random amount of time, use this optional parameter.
# The wait-time will be a random number of seconds between 0 and the defined value.
#random_reauth_delay: 60

# When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will
# continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the timeout value,
# in seconds, for each individual attempt. After this timeout expires, the minion
# will wait for acceptance_wait_time seconds before trying again. Unless your master
# is under unusually heavy load, this should be left at the default.
#auth_timeout: 60

# Number of consecutive SaltReqTimeoutError that are acceptable when trying to
# authenticate.
#auth_tries: 7

# If authentication fails due to SaltReqTimeoutError during a ping_interval,
# cause sub minion process to restart.
#auth_safemode: False

# Ping Master to ensure connection is alive (minutes).
#ping_interval: 0

# To auto recover minions if master changes IP address (DDNS)
#    auth_tries: 10
#    auth_safemode: False
#    ping_interval: 90
# Minions won't know master is missing until a ping fails. After the ping fail,
# the minion will attempt authentication and likely fails out and cause a restart.
# When the minion restarts it will resolve the masters IP and attempt to reconnect.

# If you don't have any problems with syn-floods, don't bother with the
# three recon_* settings described below, just leave the defaults!
# The ZeroMQ pull-socket that binds to the masters publishing interface tries
# to reconnect immediately, if the socket is disconnected (for example if
# the master processes are restarted). In large setups this will have all
# minions reconnect immediately which might flood the master (the ZeroMQ-default
# is usually a 100ms delay). To prevent this, these three recon_* settings
# can be used.
# recon_default: the interval in milliseconds that the socket should wait before
#                trying to reconnect to the master (1000ms = 1 second)
# recon_max: the maximum time a socket should wait. each interval the time to wait
#            is calculated by doubling the previous time. if recon_max is reached,
#            it starts again at recon_default. Short example:
#            reconnect 1: the socket will wait 'recon_default' milliseconds
#            reconnect 2: 'recon_default' * 2
#            reconnect 3: ('recon_default' * 2) * 2
#            reconnect 4: value from previous interval * 2
#            reconnect 5: value from previous interval * 2
#            reconnect x: if value >= recon_max, it starts again with recon_default
# recon_randomize: generate a random wait time on minion start. The wait time will
#                  be a random value between recon_default and recon_default +
#                  recon_max. Having all minions reconnect with the same recon_default
#                  and recon_max value kind of defeats the purpose of being able to
#                  change these settings. If all minions have the same values and your
#                  setup is quite large (several thousand minions), they will still
#                  flood the master. The desired behavior is to have timeframe within
#                  all minions try to reconnect.
# Example on how to use these settings. The goal: have all minions reconnect within a
# 60 second timeframe on a disconnect.
# recon_default: 1000
# recon_max: 59000
# recon_randomize: True
# Each minion will have a randomized reconnect value between 'recon_default'
# and 'recon_default + recon_max', which in this example means between 1000ms
# 60000ms (or between 1 and 60 seconds). The generated random-value will be
# doubled after each attempt to reconnect. Lets say the generated random
# value is 11 seconds (or 11000ms).
# reconnect 1: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 2: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 3: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect 4: wait 44 seconds
# reconnect 5: wait 55 seconds
# reconnect 6: wait time is bigger than 60 seconds (recon_default + recon_max)
# reconnect 7: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 8: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 9: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect x: etc.
# In a setup with ~6000 thousand hosts these settings would average the reconnects
# to about 100 per second and all hosts would be reconnected within 60 seconds.
# recon_default: 100
# recon_max: 5000
# recon_randomize: False
# The loop_interval sets how long in seconds the minion will wait between
# evaluating the scheduler and running cleanup tasks. This defaults to a
# sane 60 seconds, but if the minion scheduler needs to be evaluated more
# often lower this value
#loop_interval: 60

# The grains_refresh_every setting allows for a minion to periodically check
# its grains to see if they have changed and, if so, to inform the master
# of the new grains. This operation is moderately expensive, therefore
# care should be taken not to set this value too low.
# Note: This value is expressed in __minutes__!
# A value of 10 minutes is a reasonable default.
# If the value is set to zero, this check is disabled.
#grains_refresh_every: 1

# Cache grains on the minion. Default is False.
#grains_cache: False

# Grains cache expiration, in seconds. If the cache file is older than this
# number of seconds then the grains cache will be dumped and fully re-populated
# with fresh data. Defaults to 5 minutes. Will have no effect if 'grains_cache'
# is not enabled.
# grains_cache_expiration: 300

# Windows platforms lack posix IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter-
# process communications. Set ipc_mode to 'tcp' on such systems
#ipc_mode: ipc

# Overwrite the default tcp ports used by the minion when in tcp mode
#tcp_pub_port: 4510
#tcp_pull_port: 4511

# Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of
# memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the
# minion event bus. The value is expressed in bytes.
#max_event_size: 1048576

# To detect failed master(s) and fire events on connect/disconnect, set
# master_alive_interval to the number of seconds to poll the masters for
# connection events.
#master_alive_interval: 30

# The minion can include configuration from other files. To enable this,
# pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or
# absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory
# the main minion configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use
# of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this
# option then the minion will log a warning message.
# Include a config file from some other path:
# include: /etc/salt/extra_config
# Include config from several files and directories:
#  - /etc/salt/extra_config
#  - /etc/roles/webserver
#####   Minion module management     #####
# Disable specific modules. This allows the admin to limit the level of
# access the master has to the minion.
#disable_modules: [cmd,test]
#disable_returners: []
# Modules can be loaded from arbitrary paths. This enables the easy deployment
# of third party modules. Modules for returners and minions can be loaded.
# Specify a list of extra directories to search for minion modules and
# returners. These paths must be fully qualified!
#module_dirs: []
#returner_dirs: []
#states_dirs: []
#render_dirs: []
#utils_dirs: []
# A module provider can be statically overwritten or extended for the minion
# via the providers option, in this case the default module will be
# overwritten by the specified module. In this example the pkg module will
# be provided by the yumpkg5 module instead of the system default.
#  pkg: yumpkg5
# Enable Cython modules searching and loading. (Default: False)
#cython_enable: False
# Specify a max size (in bytes) for modules on import. This feature is currently
# only supported on *nix operating systems and requires psutil.
# modules_max_memory: -1

#####    State Management Settings    #####
# The default renderer to use in SLS files. This is configured as a
# pipe-delimited expression. For example, jinja|yaml will first run jinja
# templating on the SLS file, and then load the result as YAML. This syntax is
# documented in further depth at the following URL:
# NOTE: The "shebang" prefix (e.g. "#!jinja|yaml") described in the
# documentation linked above is for use in an SLS file to override the default
# renderer, it should not be used when configuring the renderer here.
#renderer: jinja|yaml
# The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first
# failure detected in the state execution. Defaults to False.
#failhard: False
# Reload the modules prior to a highstate run.
#autoload_dynamic_modules: True
# clean_dynamic_modules keeps the dynamic modules on the minion in sync with
# the dynamic modules on the master, this means that if a dynamic module is
# not on the master it will be deleted from the minion. By default, this is
# enabled and can be disabled by changing this value to False.
#clean_dynamic_modules: True
# Normally, the minion is not isolated to any single environment on the master
# when running states, but the environment can be isolated on the minion side
# by statically setting it. Remember that the recommended way to manage
# environments is to isolate via the top file.
#environment: None
# If using the local file directory, then the state top file name needs to be
# defined, by default this is top.sls.
#state_top: top.sls
# Run states when the minion daemon starts. To enable, set startup_states to:
# 'highstate' -- Execute state.highstate
# 'sls' -- Read in the sls_list option and execute the named sls files
# 'top' -- Read top_file option and execute based on that file on the Master
#startup_states: ''
# List of states to run when the minion starts up if startup_states is 'sls':
#  - edit.vim
#  - hyper
# Top file to execute if startup_states is 'top':
#top_file: ''

# Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by
# setting to True. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically
# aggregate just those types.
# state_aggregate:
#   - pkg
#state_aggregate: False

#####     File Directory Settings    #####
# The Salt Minion can redirect all file server operations to a local directory,
# this allows for the same state tree that is on the master to be used if
# copied completely onto the minion. This is a literal copy of the settings on
# the master but used to reference a local directory on the minion.

# Set the file client. The client defaults to looking on the master server for
# files, but can be directed to look at the local file directory setting
# defined below by setting it to "local". Setting a local file_client runs the
# minion in masterless mode.
#file_client: remote

# The file directory works on environments passed to the minion, each environment
# can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file
# roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be
# reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
# Example:
# file_roots:
#   base:
#     - /srv/salt/
#   dev:
#     - /srv/salt/dev/services
#     - /srv/salt/dev/states
#   prod:
#     - /srv/salt/prod/services
#     - /srv/salt/prod/states
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt

# The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file in
# the local fileserver. The default is sha256 but sha224, sha384 and sha512
# are also supported.
# WARNING: While md5 and sha1 are also supported, do not use it due to the high chance
# of possible collisions and thus security breach.
# WARNING: While md5 is also supported, do not use it due to the high chance
# of possible collisions and thus security breach.
# Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all
# Salt caches should be cleared.
#hash_type: sha256

# The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If
# this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to
# also be configured on the minion:
#  base:
#    - /srv/pillar
######        Security settings       #####
# Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off
# authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for
# the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode
# you do so at your own risk!
#open_mode: False

# Enable permissive access to the salt keys.  This allows you to run the
# master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to
# your pki_dir.  To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group
# you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure.
#permissive_pki_access: False

# The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way
# state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed.
# The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False
# all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed.
#state_verbose: True

# The state_output setting controls which results will be output full multi line
# full, terse - each state will be full/terse
# mixed - only states with errors will be full
# changes - states with changes and errors will be full
# full_id, mixed_id, changes_id and terse_id are also allowed;
# when set, the state ID will be used as name in the output
#state_output: full

# The state_output_diff setting changes whether or not the output from
# successful states is returned. Useful when even the terse output of these
# states is cluttering the logs. Set it to True to ignore them.
#state_output_diff: False

# The state_output_profile setting changes whether profile information
# will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_profile: True

# The state_output_pct setting changes whether success and failure information
# as a percent of total actions will be shown for each state run.
#state_output_pct: False

# The state_compress_ids setting aggregates information about states which have
# multiple "names" under the same state ID in the highstate output.
#state_compress_ids: False

# Fingerprint of the master public key to validate the identity of your Salt master
# before the initial key exchange. The master fingerprint can be found by running
# "salt-key -F master" on the Salt master.
#master_finger: ''

######         Thread settings        #####
# Disable multiprocessing support, by default when a minion receives a
# publication a new process is spawned and the command is executed therein.
#multiprocessing: True

#####         Logging settings       #####
# The location of the minion log file
# The minion log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network
# location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.:
# ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI
# format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>
#log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
#log_file: file:///dev/log
#log_file: udp://loghost:10514
#log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
#key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key

# The level of messages to send to the console.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data:
# ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug']
# Default: 'warning'
#log_level: warning

# The level of messages to send to the log file.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level.
# Default: 'warning'

# The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formatting
# can be seen here:
#log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
#log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can
# be seen here:
# Console log colors are specified by these additional formatters:
# %(colorlevel)s
# %(colorname)s
# %(colorprocess)s
# %(colormsg)s
# Since it is desirable to include the surrounding brackets, '[' and ']', in
# the coloring of the messages, these color formatters also include padding as
# well.  Color LogRecord attributes are only available for console logging.
#log_fmt_console: '%(colorlevel)s %(colormsg)s'
#log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
#log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'

# This can be used to control logging levels more specificically.  This
# example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets
# 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level:
#   log_granular_levels:
#     'salt': 'warning'
#     'salt.modules': 'debug'
#log_granular_levels: {}

# To diagnose issues with minions disconnecting or missing returns, ZeroMQ
# supports the use of monitor sockets # to log connection events. This
# feature requires ZeroMQ 4.0 or higher.
# To enable ZeroMQ monitor sockets, set 'zmq_monitor' to 'True' and log at a
# debug level or higher.
# A sample log event is as follows:
# [DEBUG   ] ZeroMQ event: {'endpoint': 'tcp://', 'event': 512,
# 'value': 27, 'description': 'EVENT_DISCONNECTED'}
# All events logged will include the string 'ZeroMQ event'. A connection event
# should be logged on the as the minion starts up and initially connects to the
# master. If not, check for debug log level and that the necessary version of
# ZeroMQ is installed.
#zmq_monitor: False

######      Module configuration      #####
# Salt allows for modules to be passed arbitrary configuration data, any data
# passed here in valid yaml format will be passed on to the salt minion modules
# for use. It is STRONGLY recommended that a naming convention be used in which
# the module name is followed by a . and then the value. Also, all top level
# data must be applied via the yaml dict construct, some examples:
# You can specify that all modules should run in test mode:
#test: True
# A simple value for the test module: foo
# A list for the test module: [baz,quo]
# A dict for the test module:
#test.baz: {spam: sausage, cheese: bread}
######      Update settings          ######
# Using the features in Esky, a salt minion can both run as a frozen app and
# be updated on the fly. These options control how the update process
# (saltutil.update()) behaves.
# The url for finding and downloading updates. Disabled by default.
#update_url: False
# The list of services to restart after a successful update. Empty by default.
#update_restart_services: []

######      Keepalive settings        ######
# ZeroMQ now includes support for configuring SO_KEEPALIVE if supported by
# the OS. If connections between the minion and the master pass through
# a state tracking device such as a firewall or VPN gateway, there is
# the risk that it could tear down the connection the master and minion
# without informing either party that their connection has been taken away.
# Enabling TCP Keepalives prevents this from happening.

# Overall state of TCP Keepalives, enable (1 or True), disable (0 or False)
# or leave to the OS defaults (-1), on Linux, typically disabled. Default True, enabled.
#tcp_keepalive: True

# How long before the first keepalive should be sent in seconds. Default 300
# to send the first keepalive after 5 minutes, OS default (-1) is typically 7200 seconds
# on Linux see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time.
#tcp_keepalive_idle: 300

# How many lost probes are needed to consider the connection lost. Default -1
# to use OS defaults, typically 9 on Linux, see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes.
#tcp_keepalive_cnt: -1

# How often, in seconds, to send keepalives after the first one. Default -1 to
# use OS defaults, typically 75 seconds on Linux, see
# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl.
#tcp_keepalive_intvl: -1

######   Windows Software settings    ######
# Location of the repository cache file on the master:
#win_repo_cachefile: 'salt://win/repo/winrepo.p'

######      Returner  settings        ######
# Which returner(s) will be used for minion's result:
#return: mysql