Source code for saltext.vmware.modules.vmc_vm_disks

Salt execution module for VMC vm disks
Provides methods to Create, Read, Update and Delete virtual disks from the VM.
import logging
import os

from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_constants
from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_request
from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_templates
from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_vcenter_request

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "vmc_vm_disks"
__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

def __virtual__():
    return __virtualname__

[docs]def list_(hostname, username, password, vm_id, verify_ssl=True, cert=None): """ Retrieves the available virtual disks for given VM. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vmc_vm_disks.list ... hostname Hostname of the vCenter console username username required to login to vCenter console password password required to login to vCenter console vm_id Virtual machine identifier for which the available hard disks should be retrieved. verify_ssl (optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. """"Retrieving the available virtual disks for VM %s", vm_id) api_url_base = vmc_request.set_base_url(hostname) api_url = "{base_url}api/vcenter/vm/{vm_id}/hardware/disk" api_url = api_url.format(base_url=api_url_base, vm_id=vm_id) headers = vmc_vcenter_request.get_headers(hostname, username, password) return vmc_vcenter_request.call_api( method=vmc_constants.GET_REQUEST_METHOD, url=api_url, headers=headers, description="vmc_vm_disks.list", verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, )
[docs]def get(hostname, username, password, vm_id, disk_id, verify_ssl=True, cert=None): """ Retrieves details of given virtual disk for given VM. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vmc_vm_disks.get ... hostname Hostname of the vCenter console username username required to login to vCenter console password password required to login to vCenter console vm_id Virtual machine identifier for which the disk details should be retrieved. disk_id Virtual disk identifier for which the details should be retrieved from given VM verify_ssl (optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. """"Retrieving details of virtual disk %s for VM %s", disk_id, vm_id) api_url_base = vmc_request.set_base_url(hostname) api_url = "{base_url}api/vcenter/vm/{vm_id}/hardware/disk/{disk_id}" api_url = api_url.format(base_url=api_url_base, vm_id=vm_id, disk_id=disk_id) headers = vmc_vcenter_request.get_headers(hostname, username, password) return vmc_vcenter_request.call_api( method=vmc_constants.GET_REQUEST_METHOD, url=api_url, headers=headers, description="vmc_vm_disks.get", verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, )
[docs]def delete(hostname, username, password, vm_id, disk_id, verify_ssl=True, cert=None): """ Deletes given virtual disk from given VM. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vmc_vm_disks.delete ... hostname Hostname of the vCenter console username username required to login to vCenter console password password required to login to vCenter console vm_id Virtual machine identifier for which the disk should be removed. disk_id Virtual disk identifier which has to be removed from given VM verify_ssl (optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. """"Deleting virtual disk %s from VM %s", disk_id, vm_id) api_url_base = vmc_request.set_base_url(hostname) api_url = "{base_url}api/vcenter/vm/{vm_id}/hardware/disk/{disk_id}" api_url = api_url.format(base_url=api_url_base, vm_id=vm_id, disk_id=disk_id) headers = vmc_vcenter_request.get_headers(hostname, username, password) return vmc_vcenter_request.call_api( method=vmc_constants.DELETE_REQUEST_METHOD, url=api_url, headers=headers, description="vmc_vm_disks.delete", responsebody_applicable=False, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, )
[docs]def update( hostname, username, password, vm_id, disk_id, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, backing_type=None, vmdk_file=None, ): """ Updates the configuration of a given virtual disk of given VM. An update operation can be used to detach the existing VMDK file and attach another VMDK file to the virtual machine. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vmc_vm_disks.update ... hostname Hostname of the vCenter console username username required to login to vCenter console password password required to login to vCenter console vm_id Virtual machine identifier for which the disk should be added. disk_id Virtual disk identifier which has to be updated for given VM verify_ssl (optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. backing_type (mandatory) Backing type for the virtual disk. Possible values are: VMDK_FILE vmdk_file (mandatory) Path of the VMDK file backing the virtual disk. """"Updating configuration for virtual disk %s of VM %s", disk_id, vm_id) validation_result = [] if backing_type is None: validation_result.append("backing_type") if vmdk_file is None: validation_result.append("vmdk_file") if validation_result: error_msg = "Mandatory params {} are missing from user input".format(validation_result) log.error(error_msg) return {vmc_constants.ERROR: error_msg} api_url_base = vmc_request.set_base_url(hostname) api_url = "{base_url}api/vcenter/vm/{vm_id}/hardware/disk/{disk_id}" api_url = api_url.format(base_url=api_url_base, vm_id=vm_id, disk_id=disk_id) headers = vmc_vcenter_request.get_headers(hostname, username, password) payload = {"backing": {"type": backing_type, "vmdk_file": vmdk_file}} return vmc_vcenter_request.call_api( method=vmc_constants.PATCH_REQUEST_METHOD, url=api_url, headers=headers, description="vmc_vm_disks.update", responsebody_applicable=False, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, data=payload, )
[docs]def create( hostname, username, password, vm_id, bus_adapter_type, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, vmdk=None, capacity=None, storage_policy_id=None, scsi=None, sata=None, ide=None, ): """ Creates virtual disk for given VM. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vmc_vm_disks.create ... hostname Hostname of the vCenter console username username required to login to vCenter console password password required to login to vCenter console vm_id Virtual machine identifier for which the disk should be added. bus_adapter_type Type of host bus adapter to which the disk should be attached. Possible values are: IDE, SATA, SCSI verify_ssl (optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. vmdk (optional) If empty, ``None``, or a string create a new VMDK. If empty or ``None``, creates new VMDK with a name (derived from the name of the virtual machine) chosen by the server. If vmdk ends with ``.vmdk``, it must refer to an existing VMDK. Otherwise, ``vmdk`` will be the stem of the new VMDK. Example ``vmdk="test-vm-1"`` will result in ``[WorkloadDatastore] 8dff8760-b6da-24d2-475b-0200a629f7fc/test-vm-1.vmdk``. capacity (Optional) The capacity for the disk, in bytes. If unset, defaults to a guest-specific capacity. Prohibited if the ``vmdk`` ends with ``.vmdk`` storage_policy_id (Optional) The identifier for the storage policy to be used when creating the vmdk file. Prohibited if the ``vmdk`` ends with ``.vmdk`` scsi (optional) Address for attaching the device to a virtual SCSI adapter. If unset, the server will choose an available address; if none is available, the request will fail. It is a json object which can contain 'bus' and 'unit' keys. 'bus': (Integer As Int64) (mandatory) Bus number of the adapter to which the device should be attached. 'unit': (Integer As Int64) (optional) Unit number of the device. If unset, the server will choose an available unit number on the specified adapter. If there are no available connections on the adapter, the request will be rejected. For ex: .. code:: "scsi": { "bus": 0, "unit": 1 } sata (optional) Address for attaching the device to a virtual SATA adapter. If unset, the server will choose an available address; if none is available, the request will fail. It is a json object which can contain 'bus' and 'unit' keys. 'bus': (Integer As Int64) (mandatory) Bus number of the adapter to which the device should be attached. 'unit': (Integer As Int64) (optional) Unit number of the device. If unset, the server will choose an available unit number on the specified adapter. If there are no available connections on the adapter, the request will be rejected. For ex: .. code:: "sata": { "bus": 0, "unit": 1 } ide (optional) Address for attaching the device to a virtual IDE adapter. If unset, the server will choose an available address; if none is available, the request will fail. It is a json object which can contain 'master' and 'primary' keys. 'master': (Boolean) (Optional) Flag specifying whether the device should be the master or slave device on the IDE adapter. If unset, the server will choose an available connection type. If no IDE connections are available, the request will be rejected. 'primary': (Boolean) (Optional) Flag specifying whether the device should be attached to the primary or secondary IDE adapter of the virtual machine. If unset, the server will choose a adapter with an available connection. If no IDE connections are available, the request will be rejected. For ex: .. code:: "ide": { "master": false, "primary": false } """"Creating virtual disk on virtual %s adapter for VM %s", bus_adapter_type, vm_id) backing = None new_vmdk = None if vmdk and vmdk.endswith(".vmdk"): if capacity is not None or storage_policy_id is not None: error_msg = "If vmdk={!r} ends in '.vmdk' then capacity and storage_policy_id cannot be specified".format( vmdk ) log.error(error_msg) return {vmc_constants.ERROR: error_msg} backing = {"type": "VMDK_FILE", "vmdk_file": vmdk} else: new_vmdk = {} if vmdk: new_vmdk["name"] = vmdk if capacity: new_vmdk["capacity"] = int(capacity) if storage_policy_id: new_vmdk["storage_policy"] = {"policy": storage_policy_id} api_url_base = vmc_request.set_base_url(hostname) api_url = "{base_url}api/vcenter/vm/{vm_id}/hardware/disk" api_url = api_url.format(base_url=api_url_base, vm_id=vm_id) headers = vmc_vcenter_request.get_headers(hostname, username, password) allowed_dict = { "backing": backing, "ide": ide, "new_vmdk": new_vmdk, "sata": sata, "scsi": scsi, } req_data = vmc_request._filter_kwargs(allowed_kwargs=allowed_dict.keys(), **allowed_dict) payload = vmc_request.create_payload_for_request(vmc_templates.create_vm_disks, req_data) payload["type"] = bus_adapter_type return vmc_vcenter_request.call_api( method=vmc_constants.POST_REQUEST_METHOD, url=api_url, headers=headers, description="vmc_vm_disks.create", verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, data=payload, )