Source code for saltext.vmware.states.nsxt_policy_segment

State module for NSX-T segment
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from saltext.nsxt.modules import nsxt_policy_segment

except ImportError:

def __virtual__():
        return False, "'nsxt_policy_segment' binary not found on system"
    return "nsxt_policy_segment"

[docs]def present( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, state=None, tags=None, description=None, address_bindings=None, admin_state=None, advanced_config=None, bridge_profiles=None, connectivity_path=None, dhcp_config_path=None, extra_configs=None, l2_extension=None, tier0_display_name=None, tier0_id=None, tier1_display_name=None, tier1_id=None, domain_name=None, transport_zone_display_name=None, transport_zone_id=None, enforcementpoint_id=None, site_id=None, vlan_ids=None, subnets=None, segment_ports=None, ): """ Creates or Updates(if present with same display_name) segment and its sub-resources with the given specifications. Note: To delete any subresource of segment state parameter as absent CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_policy_segment.present hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... .. code-block:: yaml nsxt_policy_segment.present: - name: Create segment hostname: <hostname> username: <username> password: <password> cert: <certificate> verify_ssl: <False/True> display_name: test-seg-4 state: present domain_name: dn1 transport_zone_display_name: "1-transportzone-730" replication_mode: "SOURCE" advanced_config: - address_pool_display_name: small-2-pool connectivity: "OFF" hybrid: False local_egress: True admin_state: UP connectivity_path: "/infra/tier-1s/d082bc25-a9b2-4d13-afe5-d3cecad4b854" subnets: - gateway_address: "" segment_ports: - display_name: test-sp-1 state: present tags: - scope: "scope-1" tag: "tag-2" extra_configs: - config_pair: key: key value: value ignored_address_bindings: - ip_address: "" - display_name: test-sp-2 state: present - display_name: test-sp-3 state: present hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against display_name: description: Display name.If resource ID is not specified, display_name will be used as ID. type: str state: choices: - present - absent description: State can be either 'present' or 'absent'.'present' is used to create or update resource.'absent' is used to delete resource. tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user. required: False description: description: Segment description. address_bindings: description: Address bindings for the Segment required: False type: list elements: dict suboptions: ip_address: description: IP Address for port binding type: str mac_address: description: Mac address for port binding type: str vlan_id: description: VLAN ID for port binding type: int admin_state: description: Represents Desired state of the Segment required: False type: str choices: - UP - DOWN default: UP advanced_config: description: Advanced configuration for Segment. required: False type: dict suboptions: address_pool_id: description: IP address pool ID type: str address_pool_name: description: IP address pool display name type: str connectivity: description: Connectivity configuration to manually connect (ON) or disconnect (OFF) a logical entity from network topology. Only valid for Tier1 Segment type: str hybrid: description: - Flag to identify a hybrid logical switch - When set to true, all the ports created on this segment will behave in a hybrid fashion. The hybrid port indicates to NSX that the VM intends to operate in underlay mode, but retains the ability to forward egress traffic to the NSX overlay network. This property is only applicable for segment created with transport zone type OVERLAY_STANDARD. This property cannot be modified after segment is created. type: bool local_egress: description: - Flag to enable local egress - This property is used to enable proximity routing with local egress. When set to true, logical router interface (downlink) connecting Segment to Tier0/Tier1 gateway is configured with prefix-length 32. type: bool local_egress_routing_policies: description: An ordered list of routing policies to forward traffic to the next hop. type: list elements: dict suboptions: nexthop_address: required: true description: Next hop address for proximity routing type: str prefix_list_paths: required: true description: - Policy path to prefix lists, max 1 element - The destination address of traffic matching a prefix-list is forwarded to the nexthop_address. Traffic matching a prefix list with Action DENY will be dropped. Individual prefix-lists specified could have different actions. type: list elements: str multicast: description: - Enable multicast on the downlink - Enable multicast for a segment. Only applicable for segments connected to Tier0 gateway. type: bool uplink_teaming_policy_name: description: - Uplink Teaming Policy Name - The name of the switching uplink teaming policy for the Segment. This name corresponds to one of the switching uplink teaming policy names listed in TransportZone associated with the Segment. When this property is not specified, the segment will not have a teaming policy associated with it and the host switch's default teaming policy will be used by MP. type: str bridge_profiles: description: Bridge Profile Configuration required: False type: list elements: dict suboptions: bridge_profile_path: description: - Policy path to L2 Bridge profile - Same bridge profile can be configured on different segments. Each bridge profile on a segment must unique. type: str uplink_teaming_policy_name: description: - Uplink Teaming Policy Name - The name of the switching uplink teaming policy for the bridge endpoint. This name corresponds to one of the switching uplink teaming policy names listed in the transport zone. When this property is not specified, the teaming policy is assigned by MP. type: str vlan_ids: description: VLAN specification for bridge endpoint. Either VLAN ID or VLAN ranges can be specified. Not both. type: str vlan_transport_zone_path: description: - Policy path to VLAN Transport Zone - VLAN transport zone should belong to the enforcment-point as the transport zone specified in the segment. type: str connectivity_path: description: Policy path to the connecting Tier-0 or Tier-1. Valid only for segments created under Infra required: False type: str dhcp_config_path: description: - Policy path to DHCP configuration - Policy path to DHCP server or relay configuration to use for all IPv4 & IPv6 subnets configured on this segment. required: False type: str extra_configs: description: - Extra configs on Segment - This property could be used for vendor specific configuration in key value string pairs, the setting in extra_configs will be automatically inheritted by segment ports in the Segment. type: list required: False elements: dict suboptions: config_pair: description: Key value pair in string for the configuration type: dict required: true suboptions: key: description: Key type: str required: true value: description: Value type: str required: true l2_extension: description: Configuration for extending Segment through L2 VPN required: False type: dict suboptions: l2vpn_paths: description: Policy paths corresponding to the associated L2 VPN sessions type: list elements: str local_egress: description: Local Egress type: dict suboptions: optimized_ips: description: Gateway IP for Local Egress. Local egress is enabled only when this list is not empty type: list elements: str tunnel_id: description: Tunnel ID type: int mac_pool_id: description: Allocation mac pool associated with the Segment type: str metadata_proxy_paths: description: Metadata Proxy Configuration Paths type: list elements: str tier0_display_name: description: Same as tier_0_id. Either one can be specified. If both are specified, tier_0_id takes precedence. required: False type: str tier0_id: description: The Uplink of the Policy Segment.Mutually exclusive with tier_1_id. type: str tier1_display_name: description: Same as tier_1_id. Either one can be specified. If both are specified, tier_1_id takes precedence. type: str tier1_id: description: The Uplink of the Policy Segment.Mutually exclusive with tier_0_id but takes precedence. type: str domain_name: description: Domain name associated with the Policy Segment. type: str transport_zone_display_name: description: Same as transport_zone_id. Either one can be specified. If both are specified, transport_zone_id takes precedence. type: str transport_zone_id: description: The TZ associated with the Policy Segment. type: str enforcementpoint_id: description: The EnforcementPoint ID where the TZ is located. Required if transport_zone_id is specified. default: default type: str site_id: description: The site ID where the EnforcementPoint is located. Required if transport_zone_id is specified. default: default type: str vlan_ids: description: VLAN ids for a VLAN backed Segment. Can be a VLAN id or a range of VLAN ids specified with '-' in between. type: list subnets: description: Subnets that belong to this Policy Segment. type: dict suboptions: dhcp_ranges: description: DHCP address ranges for dynamic IP allocation. DHCP address ranges are used for dynamic IP allocation. Supports address range and CIDR formats. First valid host address from the first value is assigned to DHCP server IP address. Existing values cannot be deleted or modified, but additional DHCP ranges can be added. Formats, e.g., type: list gateway_address: description: Gateway IP address. Gateway IP address in CIDR format for both IPv4 and IPv6. type: str segment_ports: type: list description: Add the Segment Ports to be create, updated, or deleted in this section element: dict suboptions: address_bindings: description: Static address binding used for the port. type: list elements: dict suboptions: ip_address: description: IP Address for port binding. type: str mac_address: description: Mac address for port binding. type: str vlan_id: description: VLAN ID for port binding. type: str attachment: description: VIF attachment. type: dict suboptions: allocate_addresses: description: Indicate how IP will be allocated for the port. type: str choices: - IP_POOL - MAC_POOL - BOTH - NONE app_id: description: ID used to identify/look up a child attachment behind a parent attachment. type: str context_id: description: Parent VIF ID if type is CHILD, Transport node ID if type is INDEPENDENT. type: str id: description: VIF UUID on NSX Manager. type: str traffic_tag: description: - VLAN ID - Not valid when type is INDEPENDENT, mainly used to identify traffic from different ports in container use case type: int type: description: Type of port attachment. type: str choices: - PARENT - CHILD - INDEPENDENT display_name: description: - Segment Port display name. - Either this or id must be specified. If both are specified, id takes precedence. type: str description: description: - Segment description. type: str extra_configs: description: - Extra configs on segment port - This property could be used for vendor specific configuration in key value string pairs. Segment port setting will override segment setting if the same key was set on both segment and segment port. type: list element: dict suboptions: config_pair: description: Key value pair in string for the configuration type: dict required: true suboptions: key: description: Key type: str value: description: Value type: str id: description: The id of the Policy Segment Port. type: str ignored_address_bindings: description: - Address bindings to be ignored by IP Discovery module IP Discovery module uses various mechanisms to discover address bindings being used on each segment port. If a user would like to ignore any specific discovered address bindings or prevent the discovery of a particular set of discovered bindings, then those address bindings can be provided here. Currently IP range in CIDR format is not supported. type: dict suboptions: ip_address: description: IP Address for port binding. type: str mac_address: description: Mac address for port binding. type: str vlan_id: description: VLAN ID for port binding. type: str state: choices: - present - absent description: - State can be either 'present' or 'absent'. 'present' is used to create or update resource. 'absent' is used to delete resource - Required if I(id != null) tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user. type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. type: str tag: description: Tag value. type: str """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} if state and str(state).lower() == "absent": ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Use absent method to delete segment resource. " "Only segment port is allowed to be deleted here." ) return ret segment_response = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, ) if "error" in segment_response: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get segment from NSX-T Manager : {}".format( segment_response["error"] ) return ret result_count = len(segment_response["results"]) if result_count > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "More than one segment exist with same display name : {}".format( display_name ) return ret segment_dict = segment_response["results"][0] if result_count > 0 else None if __opts__["test"]: if result_count == 0: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Segment will be created in NSX-T Manager" else: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Segment would be updated in NSX-T Manager" return ret if result_count == 0: # Create of segment will trigger in this flow"Creating new segment in NSX-T with display_name %s", display_name) execution_logs_create = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.create_or_update"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, tags=tags, description=description, address_bindings=address_bindings, admin_state=admin_state, advanced_config=advanced_config, bridge_profiles=bridge_profiles, connectivity_path=connectivity_path, dhcp_config_path=dhcp_config_path, extra_configs=extra_configs, l2_extension=l2_extension, tier0_display_name=tier0_display_name, tier0_id=tier0_id, tier1_display_name=tier1_display_name, tier1_id=tier1_id, domain_name=domain_name, transport_zone_display_name=transport_zone_display_name, transport_zone_id=transport_zone_id, enforcementpoint_id=enforcementpoint_id, site_id=site_id, vlan_ids=vlan_ids, subnets=subnets, segment_ports=segment_ports, )"Execution logs for segment create : {}".format(execution_logs_create)) if "error" in execution_logs_create[len(execution_logs_create) - 1]: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while doing create segment or its sub resource: {}".format( execution_logs_create ) return ret segment_execution_log = next( ( execution_log for execution_log in execution_logs_create if execution_log.get("resourceType") == "segments" ), None, ) segment_id = segment_execution_log.get("results").get("id") segment_hierarchy = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, segment_id=segment_id, ) if "error" in segment_hierarchy: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while querying segment and its sub-resources: {}".format( segment_hierarchy["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Created segment {display_name} successfully".format( display_name=display_name ) ret["changes"]["new"] = segment_hierarchy return ret else: # Update of segment will be triggered segment_id = segment_dict.get("id")"Updating existing segment with display_name %s", display_name) segment_hierarchy_response = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, segment_id=segment_id, ) if "error" in segment_hierarchy_response: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while querying segment and its sub-resources: {}".format( segment_hierarchy_response["error"] ) return ret execution_logs_update = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.create_or_update"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, tags=tags, description=description, address_bindings=address_bindings, admin_state=admin_state, advanced_config=advanced_config, bridge_profiles=bridge_profiles, connectivity_path=connectivity_path, dhcp_config_path=dhcp_config_path, extra_configs=extra_configs, l2_extension=l2_extension, tier0_display_name=tier0_display_name, tier0_id=tier0_id, tier1_display_name=tier1_display_name, tier1_id=tier1_id, domain_name=domain_name, transport_zone_display_name=transport_zone_display_name, transport_zone_id=transport_zone_id, enforcementpoint_id=enforcementpoint_id, site_id=site_id, vlan_ids=vlan_ids, subnets=subnets, segment_ports=segment_ports, )"Execution logs for updating segment : {}".format(execution_logs_update)) if "error" in execution_logs_update[len(execution_logs_update) - 1]: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while updating segment and sub-resources: {}".format( execution_logs_update ) return ret segment_hierarchy_response_after_update = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, segment_id=segment_id, ) if "error" in segment_hierarchy_response_after_update: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while querying segment and its sub-resources: {}".format( segment_hierarchy_response_after_update["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Updated segment {display_name} successfully".format( display_name=display_name ) ret["changes"]["new"] = segment_hierarchy_response_after_update ret["changes"]["old"] = segment_hierarchy_response return ret
[docs]def absent( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, ): """ Deletes segment with the given display_name and all its sub-resources CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_policy_segment.absent hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... delete_segment: nsxt_policy_segment.absent: - name: <Name of the operation> hostname: <hostname> username: <username> password: <password> display_name: <display name of segment> cert: <certificate> verify_ssl: <False/True> name Name of the operation to perform hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager display_name Display name of the segment to delete verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against certificate common name. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} segment_response = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, ) segment_dict, segment_id = None, None if "error" in segment_response: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get the segment response : {}".format(segment_response["error"]) return ret segment_response_by_display_name = segment_response["results"] if len(segment_response_by_display_name) > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "More than one segment exist with same display name : {}".format( display_name ) return ret segment_dict = ( segment_response_by_display_name[0] if len(segment_response_by_display_name) > 0 else None ) if segment_dict is not None: segment_id = segment_dict["id"] if segment_id is None: ret["comment"] = "No segment exist with display name %s" % display_name return ret if __opts__.get("test"):"absent is called with test option") if segment_dict is not None: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Segment will be deleted in NSX-T Manager" else: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "State absent will do nothing , since segment is not existing" return ret segment_hierarchy = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, segment_id=segment_id, ) if "error" in segment_hierarchy: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failure while querying segment and its sub-resources: {}".format( segment_hierarchy["error"] ) return ret execution_logs_delete = __salt__["nsxt_policy_segment.delete"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, segment_id=segment_id, )"Execution logs for deleting segment : {}".format(execution_logs_delete)) if "error" in execution_logs_delete[len(execution_logs_delete) - 1]: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to delete segment : {}".format(execution_logs_delete) return ret else: ret[ "comment" ] = "Segment with display_name: {} and its sub-resources deleted successfully".format( display_name ) ret["changes"]["old"] = segment_hierarchy ret["changes"]["new"] = {} return ret