Source code for saltext.vmware.states.nsxt_policy_tier0

State module for NSX-T tier0 gateway
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    from saltext.vmware.modules import nsxt_policy_tier0

except ImportError:
    HAS_POLICY_TIER0 = False

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_POLICY_TIER0:
        return False, "'nsxt_policy_tier0' binary not found on system"
    return "nsxt_policy_tier0"

[docs]def present( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, arp_limit=None, bfd_peers=None, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, description=None, default_rule_logging=None, dhcp_config_id=None, disable_firewall=None, failover_mode=None, force_whitelisting=None, ha_mode=None, id=None, internal_transit_subnets=None, intersite_config=None, ipv6_ndra_profile_id=None, ipv6_dad_profile_id=None, locale_services=None, rd_admin_field=None, state=None, static_routes=None, tags=None, transit_subnets=None, verify_ssl=True, vrf_config=None, ): """ Creates or Updates(if present with same display_name) tier 0 gateway and its sub-resources with the given specifications. Note: To delete any subresource of tier 0 provide state parameter as absent CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_policy_tier0.present hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... .. code-block:: yaml nsxt_policy_tier0.present: - name: Create tier 0 gateway hostname: <hostname> username: <username> password: <password> cert: <certificate> verify_ssl: <False/True> display_name: <tier 0 gateway name> ha_mode: "ACTIVE_ACTIVE" internal_transit_subnets: [""] transit_subnets: [""] failover_mode: PREEMPTIVE rd_admin_field: "" dhcp_config_id: "DHCP-Relay" arp_limit: 5000 force_whitelisting: False default_rule_logging: False vrf_config: display_name: my-vrf tier0_display_name: node-t0 tags: - scope: scope-tag-1 tag: value-tag-1 route_distinguisher: 'ASN:4000' evpn_transit_vni: 6000 static_routes: - display_name: sr-1 description: Created_by_API enabled_on_secondary: true network: next_hops: - admin_distance: 4 ip_address: bfd_peers: - display_name: srbfdp-1 peer_address: bfd_profile_id: default locale_services: - display_name: "test-t0ls" route_redistribution_config: redistribution_rules: - name: abc route_redistribution_types: ["TIER0_STATIC", "TIER0_NAT"] edge_cluster_info: edge_cluster_id: "7ef91a10-c780-4f48-a279-a5662db4ffa3" preferred_edge_nodes_info: - edge_cluster_id: "7ef91a10-c780-4f48-a279-a5662db4ffa3" edge_node_id: "e10c42dc-db27-11e9-8cd0-000c291af7ee" bgp: local_as_num: '1211' inter_sr_ibgp: False mode: "GR_AND_HELPER" timer: restart_timer: 12 route_aggregations: - prefix: "" - prefix: "" summary_only: False neighbors: - display_name: neigh1 address: "" remote_as_num: "12" interfaces: - id: "test-t0-t0ls-iface" display_name: "test-t0-t0ls-iface" subnets: - ip_addresses: [""] prefix_len: 24 segment_id: "test-seg-4" edge_node_info: edge_cluster_id: "7ef91a10-c780-4f48-a279-a5662db4ffa3" edge_node_id: "e10c42dc-db27-11e9-8cd0-000c291af7ee" mtu: 1500 urpf_mode: "NONE" multicast: enabled: True ipv6_ndra_profile_display_name: test hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against display_name: description: - Display name. - If resource ID is not specified, display_name will be used as ID. required: false type: str tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user. type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. required: true type: str tag: description: Tag value. required: true type: str id: description: Tier-0 ID required: false type: str description: description: Tier-0 description type: str state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted default_rule_logging: description: Enable logging for whitelisted rule. Indicates if logging should be enabled for the default whitelisting rule. default: false ha_mode: description: High-availability Mode for Tier-0 choices: - 'ACTIVE_STANDBY' - 'ACTIVE_ACTIVE' default: 'ACTIVE_ACTIVE' type: str disable_firewall: description: Disable or enable gateway fiewall. default: False type: bool failover_mode: description: Determines the behavior when a Tier-0 instance in ACTIVE-STANDBY high-availability mode restarts after a failure. If set to PREEMPTIVE, the preferred node will take over, even if it causes another failure. If set to NON_PREEMPTIVE, then the instance that restarted will remain secondary. This property must not be populated unless the ha_mode property is set to ACTIVE_STANDBY. choices: - 'NON_PREEMPTIVE' - 'PREEMPTIVE' default: 'NON_PREEMPTIVE' type: str force_whitelisting: description: Flag to add whitelisting FW rule during realization. default: False type: bool internal_transit_subnets: description: Internal transit subnets in CIDR format. Specify subnets that are used to assign addresses to logical links connecting service routers and distributed routers. Only IPv4 addresses are supported. When not specified, subnet 24 is assigned by default in ACTIVE_ACTIVE HA mode or in ACTIVE_STANDBY mode. default: False type: list intersite_config: description: Inter site routing configuration when the gateway is streched. type: dict suboptions: fallback_sites: description: Fallback site to be used as new primary site on current primary site failure. Disaster recovery must be initiated via API/UI. Fallback site configuration is supported only for T0 gateway. T1 gateway will follow T0 gateway's primary site during disaster recovery type: list intersite_transit_subnet: description: - Transit subnet in CIDR format - IPv4 subnet for inter-site transit segment connecting service routers across sites for stretched gateway. For IPv6 link local subnet is auto configured type: str default: "" last_admin_active_epoch: description: - Epoch of last time admin changing active LocaleServices - Epoch(in seconds) is auto updated based on system current timestamp when primary locale service is updated. It is used for resolving conflict during site failover. If system clock not in sync then User can optionally override this. New value must be higher than the current value. type: int primary_site_path: description: - Primary egress site for gateway. - Primary egress site for gateway. T0/T1 gateway in Active/Standby mode supports stateful services on primary site. In this mode primary site must be set if gateway is stretched to more than one site. For T0 gateway in Active/Active primary site is optional field. If set then secondary site prefers routes learned from primary over locally learned routes. This field is not applicable for T1 gateway with no services type: str ipv6_ndra_profile_id: description: IPv6 NDRA profile configuration on Tier0. Either or both NDRA and/or DAD profiles can be configured. Related attribute ipv6_dad_profile_id. type: str ipv6_dad_profile_id: description: IPv6 DRA profile configuration on Tier0. Either or both NDRA and/or DAD profiles can be configured. Related attribute ipv6_ndra_profile_id. rd_admin_field: description: - Route distinguisher administrator address - If you are using EVPN service, then route distinguisher administrator address should be defined if you need auto generation of route distinguisher on your VRF configuration type: str transit_subnets: description: Transit subnets in CIDR format. Specify transit subnets that are used to assign addresses to logical links connecting tier-0 and tier-1s. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. When not specified, subnet is configured by default. type: list dhcp_config_id: description: DHCP configuration for Segments connected to Tier-0. DHCP service is configured in relay mode. type: str vrf_config: type: dict description: VRF config, required for VRF Tier0 suboptions: evpn_transit_vni: description: - L3 VNI associated with the VRF for overlay traffic. - VNI must be unique and belong to configured VNI pool. type: int route_distinguisher: description: Route distinguisher. 'ASN:<>' or 'IPAddress:<>'. type: str route_targets: description: Route targets type: list element: dict suboptions: export_route_targets: description: Export route targets. 'ASN:' or 'IPAddress:<>' type: list element: str import_route_targets: description: Import route targets. 'ASN:' or 'IPAddress:<>' type: list element: str tier0_id: description: Default tier0 id. Cannot be modified after realization. Either this or tier0_id must be specified type: str static_routes: type: list element: dict description: This is a list of Static Routes that need to be created, updated, or deleted suboptions: id: description: Tier-0 Static Route ID. required: false type: str display_name: description: - Tier-0 Static Route display name. - Either this or id must be specified. If both are specified, id takes precedence. required: false type: str description: description: - Tier-0 Static Route description. type: str state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted network: description: Network address in CIDR format required: true type: str next_hops: description: Next hop routes for network type: list elements: dict suboptions: admin_distance: description: Cost associated with next hop route type: int default: 1 ip_address: description: Next hop gateway IP address type: str scope: description: - Interface path associated with current route - For example, specify a policy path referencing the IPSec VPN Session type: list tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. required: true type: str tag: description: Tag value. required: true type: str bfd_peers: type: list element: dict description: This is a list of BFD Peers that need to be created, updated, or deleted suboptions: id: description: Tier-0 BFD Peer ID. required: false type: str display_name: description: - Tier-0 BFD Peer display name. - Either this or id must be specified. If both are specified, id takes precedence. required: false type: str description: description: - Tier-0 BFD Peer description. config type: str state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted bfd_profile_id: description: - The associated BFD Profile ID - Either this or bfd_profile_display_name must be specified - BFD Profile is not supported for IPv6 networks. type: str enabled: description: Flag to enable BFD peer. type: boolean peer_address: description: IP Address of static route next hop peer. Only IPv4 addresses are supported Only a single BFD config per peer address is allowed. type: str source_addresses: description: List of source IP addresses. Array of Tier0 external interface IP addresses. BFD peering is established from all these source addresses to the neighbor specified in peer_address. Only IPv4 addresses are supported.(Minimum-0, Maximum-8 values are allowed) type: list elements: IPv4 addresse strings scope: description: Array of policy paths of locale services. Represents the array of policy paths of locale services where this BFD peer should get relalized on. The locale service service and this BFD peer must belong to the same router. Default scope is empty. type: list elements: policy path string of locale services tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. required: true type: str tag: description: Tag value. required: true type: str locale_services: type: list element: dict description: This is a list of Locale Services that need to be created,updated, or deleted suboptions: id: description: Tier-0 Locale Service ID. required: false type: str display_name: description: - Tier-0 Locale Service display name. - Either this or id must be specified. If both are specified, id takes precedence required: false type: str description: description: - Tier-0 Locale Service description. type: str state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. required: true type: str tag: description: Tag value. required: true type: str edge_cluster_info: description: Used to create path to edge cluster. Auto-assigned if associated enforcement-point has only one edge cluster. type: dict suboptions: site_id: description: site_id where edge cluster is located default: default type: str enforcementpoint_id: description: enforcementpoint_id where edge cluster is located default: default type: str edge_cluster_id: description: ID of the edge cluster type: str preferred_edge_nodes_info: description: Used to create paths to edge nodes. Specified edge is used as preferred edge cluster member when failover mode is set to PREEMPTIVE, not applicable otherwise. type: list suboptions: site_id: description: site_id where edge node is located default: default type: str enforcementpoint_id: description: enforcementpoint_id where edge node is located default: default type: str edge_cluster_id: description: edge_cluster_id where edge node is located type: str edge_node_id: description: ID of the edge node type: str route_redistribution_config: description: Configure all route redistribution properties like enable/disable redistributon, redistribution rule and so on. type: dict suboptions: bgp_enabled: description: Flag to enable route redistribution. type: bool default: false redistribution_rules: description: List of redistribution rules. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: Rule name type: str route_map_path: description: Route map to be associated with the redistribution rule type: str route_redistribution_types: description: Tier-0 route redistribution types choices: - TIER0_STATIC - Redistribute user added static routes. - TIER0_CONNECTED - Redistribute all subnets configured on Interfaces and routes related to TIER0_ROUTER_LINK, TIER0_SEGMENT, TIER0_DNS_FORWARDER_IP, TIER0_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP, TIER0_NAT types. - TIER1_STATIC - Redistribute all subnets and static routes advertised by Tier-1s. - TIER0_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE - Redistribute external interface subnets on Tier-0. - TIER0_LOOPBACK_INTERFACE - Redistribute loopback interface subnets on Tier-0. - TIER0_SEGMENT - Redistribute subnets configured on Segments connected to Tier-0. - TIER0_ROUTER_LINK - Redistribute router link port subnets on Tier-0. - TIER0_SERVICE_INTERFACE - Redistribute Tier0 service interface subnets. - TIER0_DNS_FORWARDER_IP - Redistribute DNS forwarder subnets. - TIER0_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP - Redistribute IPSec subnets. - TIER0_NAT - Redistribute NAT IPs owned by Tier-0. - TIER0_EVPN_TEP_IP - Redistribute EVPN local endpoint subnets on Tier-0. - TIER1_NAT - Redistribute NAT IPs advertised by Tier-1 instances. - TIER1_LB_VIP - Redistribute LB VIP IPs advertised by Tier-1 instances. - TIER1_LB_SNAT - Redistribute LB SNAT IPs advertised by Tier-1 instances. - TIER1_DNS_FORWARDER_IP - Redistribute DNS forwarder subnets on Tier-1 instances. - TIER1_CONNECTED - Redistribute all subnets configured on Segments and Service Interfaces. - TIER1_SERVICE_INTERFACE - Redistribute Tier1 service interface subnets. - TIER1_SEGMENT - Redistribute subnets configured on Segments connected to Tier1. - TIER1_IPSEC_LOCAL_ENDPOINT - Redistribute IPSec VPN local-endpoint subnets advertised by TIER1. type: list ha_vip_configs: type: list elements: dict description: - Array of HA VIP Config. - This configuration can be defined only for Active-Standby Tier0 gateway to provide redundancy. For mulitple external interfaces, multiple HA VIP configs must be defined and each config will pair exactly two external interfaces. The VIP will move and will always be owned by the Active node. When this property is configured, configuration of dynamic-routing is not allowed. suboptions: enabled: description: Flag to enable this HA VIP config. default: true type: bool external_interface_paths: description: - Policy paths to Tier0 external interfaces for providing redundancy - Policy paths to Tier0 external interfaces which are to be paired to provide redundancy. Floating IP will be owned by one of these interfaces depending upon which edge node is Active. type: list vip_subnets: description: - VIP floating IP address subnets - Array of IP address subnets which will be used as floating IP addresses. type: list suboptions: ip_addresses: description: IP addresses assigned to interface type: list required: true prefix_len: description: Subnet prefix length type: int required: true bgp: description: Specify the BGP spec in this section type: dict state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present, If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted. suboptions: ecmp: description: Flag to enable ECMP. type: bool required: False default: True enabled: description: Flag to enable BGP configuration. Disabling will stop feature and BGP peering. type: bool default: True graceful_restart_config: description: Configuration field to hold BGP Restart mode and timer. type: dict required: False suboptions: mode: description: - BGP Graceful Restart Configuration Mode - If mode is DISABLE, then graceful restart and helper modes are disabled. - If mode is GR_AND_HELPER, then both graceful restart and helper modes are enabled. - If mode is HELPER_ONLY, then helper mode is enabled. HELPER_ONLY mode is the ability for a BGP speaker to indicate its ability to preserve forwarding state during BGP restart. - GRACEFUL_RESTART mode is the ability of a BGP speaker to advertise its restart to its peers. type: str required: False default: 'HELPER_ONLY' choices: - DISABLE - GR_AND_HELPER - HELPER_ONLY timer: description: BGP Graceful Restart Timer type: dict required: False suboptions: restart_timer: description: - BGP Graceful Restart Timer - Maximum time taken (in seconds) for a BGP session to be established after a restart. This can be used to speed up routing convergence by its peer in case the BGP speaker does not come back up after a restart. If the session is not re-established within this timer, the receiving speaker will delete all the stale routes from that peer. Min 1 and Max 3600 type: int default: 180 stale_route_timer: description: - BGP Stale Route Timer - Maximum time (in seconds) before stale routes are removed from the RIB (Routing Information Base) when BGP restarts. Min 1 and Max 3600 type: int default: 600 inter_sr_ibgp: description: Flag to enable inter SR IBGP configuration. When not specified, inter SR IBGP is automatically enabled if Tier-0 is created in ACTIVE_ACTIVE ha_mode. type: bool required: False local_as_num: description: - BGP AS number in ASPLAIN/ASDOT Format. - Specify BGP AS number for Tier-0 to advertize to BGP peers. AS number can be specified in ASPLAIN (e.g., "65546") or ASDOT (e.g., "1.10") format. Empty string disables BGP feature. type: str required: True multipath_relax: description: Flag to enable BGP multipath relax option. type: bool default: True route_aggregations: description: List of routes to be aggregated type: dict required: False suboptions: prefix: description: CIDR of aggregate address type: str required: True summary_only: description: - Send only summarized route. - Summarization reduces number of routes advertised by representing multiple related routes with prefix property type: bool default: True neighbors: description: Specify the BGP neighbors in this section that need to be created, updated, or deleted type: list element: dict state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted suboptions: allow_as_in: description: Flag to enable allowas_in option for BGP neighbor. type: bool default: False bfd: description: - BFD configuration for failure detection - BFD is enabled with default values when not configured type: dict required: False suboptions: enabled: description: Flag to enable BFD cofiguration. type: bool required: False interval: description: Time interval between heartbeat packets in milliseconds. Min 300 and Max 60000. type: int default: 1000 multiple: description: - Declare dead multiple. - Number of times heartbeat packet is missed before BFD declares the neighbor is down. Min 2 and Max 16. type: int default: 3 graceful_restart_mode: description: - BGP Graceful Restart Configuration Mode - If mode is DISABLE, then graceful restart and helper modes are disabled. - If mode is GR_AND_HELPER, then both graceful restart and helper modes are enabled. - If mode is HELPER_ONLY, then helper mode is enabled. HELPER_ONLY mode is the ability for a BGP speaker to indicate its ability to preserve forwarding state during BGP restart. - GRACEFUL_RESTART mode is the ability of a BGP speaker to advertise its restart to its peers. type: str choices: - DISABLE - GR_AND_HELPER - HELPER_ONLY hold_down_time: description: Wait time in seconds before declaring peer dead. Min 1 and Max 65535. type: int default: 180 keep_alive_time: description: Interval between keep alive messages sent to peer. Min 1 and Max 65535. type: int default: 60 maximum_hop_limit: description: Maximum number of hops allowed to reach BGP neighbor. Min 1 and Max 255. type: int default: 1 address: description: Neighbor IP Address type: str required: True password: description: Password for BGP Neighbor authentication. Empty string ("") clears existing password. type: str required: False remote_as_num: description: 4 Byte ASN of the neighbor in ASPLAIN Format. type: str required: True route_filtering: description: Enable address families and route filtering in each direction. type: list elements: dict required: False suboptions: address_family: type: str required: False choices: - 'IPV4' - 'IPV6' - 'VPN' enabled: description: Flag to enable address family. type: bool default: True in_route_filters: description: - Prefix-list or route map path for IN direction - Specify path of prefix-list or route map to filter routes for IN direction. type: list required: False out_route_filters: description: - Prefix-list or route map path for OUT direction - Specify path of prefix-list or route map to filter routes for OUT direction. When not specified, a built-in prefix-list named 'prefixlist-out-default' is automatically applied. type: list required: False source_addresses: description: - Source IP Addresses for BGP peering - Source addresses should belong to Tier0 external or loopback interface IP Addresses. BGP peering is formed from all these addresses. This property is mandatory when maximum_hop_limit is greater than 1. type: list required: False interfaces: type: list element: dict description: Specify the interfaces associated with the Gateway in this section that need to be created, updated, or deleted state: description: present or absent keyword is used as an indetifier, default value is present. If a user has provided absent that resource/sub-resource will be deleted suboptions: id: description: Tier-0 Interface ID type: str display_name: description: - Tier-0 Interface display name - Either this or id must be specified. If both are specified, id takes precedence. required: false type: str description: description: Tier-0 Interface description type: str state: description: - State can be either 'present' or 'absent'. 'present' is used to create or update resource. 'absent' is used to delete resource. - Required if I(segp_id != null) choices: - present - absent tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user. type: dict suboptions: scope: description: Tag scope. required: true type: str tag: description: Tag value. required: true type: str access_vlan_id: description: Vlan id type: int ipv6_ndra_profile_display_name: description: Same as ipv6_ndra_profile_id. Either one should be specified. type: str ipv6_ndra_profile_id: description: Configuration IPv6 NDRA profile. Only one NDRA profile can be configured. type: str mtu: description: - MTU size - Maximum transmission unit (MTU) specifies the size of the largest packet that a network protocol can transmit. type: int multicast: description: Multicast PIM configuration type: dict suboptions: enabled: description: enable/disable PIM configuration type: bool default: False urpf_mode: description: Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding mode type: str choices: - NONE - STRICT segment_id: description: Specify Segment to which this interface is connected to. Required if id is specified. type: str segment_display_name: description: - Same as segment_id - Either this or segment_id must be specified. If both are specified, segment_id takes precedence. type: str type: description: Interface type choices: - "EXTERNAL" - "LOOPBACK" - "SERVICE" type: str edge_node_info: description: - Info to create policy path to edge node to handle externalconnectivity. - Required if interface type is EXTERNAL and I(id != null) type: dict suboptions: site_id: description: site_id where edge node is located default: default type: str enforcementpoint_id: description: enforcementpoint_id where edge node is located. default: default type: str edge_cluster_id: description: edge_cluster_id where edge node is located type: str edge_node_id: description: ID of the edge node type: str subnets: description: - IP address and subnet specification for interface - Specify IP address and network prefix for interface. - Required if I(id != null). required: False type: list """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} if state and str(state).lower() == "absent": ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Use absent method to delete tier0 resource. " "Only tier0 sub-resources are allowed to be deleted here." ) return ret tier_0_result = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, ) if "error" in tier_0_result: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get tier-0 gateways from NSX-T Manager : {}".format( tier_0_result["error"] ) return ret result_count = len(tier_0_result.get("results")) if result_count > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Found multiple results(result_count={count}) for Tier-0 gateway with " "display_name {display_name}".format(count=result_count, display_name=display_name) ) return ret if __opts__["test"]: if result_count == 0: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Tier-0 gateway will be created in NSX-T Manager" else: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Tier-0 gateway would be updated in NSX-T Manager" return ret if result_count == 0: # create flow "Creating new tier0 gateway as no results were found in NSX-T with display_name %s", display_name, ) create_execution_logs = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.create_or_update"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, id=id, arp_limit=arp_limit, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, tags=tags, description=description, default_rule_logging=default_rule_logging, ha_mode=ha_mode, disable_firewall=disable_firewall, failover_mode=failover_mode, force_whitelisting=force_whitelisting, internal_transit_subnets=internal_transit_subnets, intersite_config=intersite_config, ipv6_ndra_profile_id=ipv6_ndra_profile_id, ipv6_dad_profile_id=ipv6_dad_profile_id, rd_admin_field=rd_admin_field, transit_subnets=transit_subnets, dhcp_config_id=dhcp_config_id, vrf_config=vrf_config, static_routes=static_routes, bfd_peers=bfd_peers, locale_services=locale_services, )"Execution logs for creating tier 0 : {}".format(create_execution_logs)) if "error" in create_execution_logs[len(create_execution_logs) - 1]: ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Failed while creating tier0 gateway and sub-resources: {}\n Execution logs: {}".format( create_execution_logs[len(create_execution_logs) - 1]["error"], create_execution_logs, ) return ret tier0_execution_log = next( ( execution_log for execution_log in create_execution_logs if execution_log.get("resourceType") == "tier0" ), None, ) tier_0_id = tier0_execution_log.get("results").get("id") tier0_hierarchy = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, tier0_id=tier_0_id, ) if "error" in tier0_hierarchy: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed while querying tier0 gateway and its sub-resources: {}".format( tier0_hierarchy["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Created Tier-0 gateway {display_name} successfully".format( display_name=display_name ) ret["changes"]["new"] = tier0_hierarchy return ret else:"Updating existing tier0 gateway with display_name %s", display_name) tier_0_id = tier_0_result["results"][0]["id"] tier0_hierarchy_before_update = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, tier0_id=tier_0_id, ) if "error" in tier0_hierarchy_before_update: ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Failed while querying tier0 gateway and its sub-resources.: {}".format( tier0_hierarchy_before_update["error"] ) return ret update_execution_logs = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.create_or_update"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, id=id, arp_limit=arp_limit, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, tags=tags, description=description, default_rule_logging=default_rule_logging, ha_mode=ha_mode, disable_firewall=disable_firewall, failover_mode=failover_mode, force_whitelisting=force_whitelisting, internal_transit_subnets=internal_transit_subnets, intersite_config=intersite_config, ipv6_ndra_profile_id=ipv6_ndra_profile_id, ipv6_dad_profile_id=ipv6_dad_profile_id, rd_admin_field=rd_admin_field, transit_subnets=transit_subnets, dhcp_config_id=dhcp_config_id, vrf_config=vrf_config, static_routes=static_routes, bfd_peers=bfd_peers, locale_services=locale_services, )"Execution logs for updating tier 0 : {}".format(update_execution_logs)) # update execution logs can come empty if there is nothing to update if ( update_execution_logs and "error" in update_execution_logs[len(update_execution_logs) - 1] ): ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Failed while creating tier0 gateway and sub-resources: {}\n Execution logs: {}".format( update_execution_logs[len(update_execution_logs) - 1]["error"], update_execution_logs, ) return ret tier0_hierarchy_after_update = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, tier0_id=tier_0_id, ) if "error" in tier0_hierarchy_after_update: ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Failure while querying tier0 gateway and its sub-resources: {}".format( tier0_hierarchy_after_update["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Updated Tier-0 gateway {display_name} successfully".format( display_name=display_name ) ret["changes"]["new"] = tier0_hierarchy_after_update ret["changes"]["old"] = tier0_hierarchy_before_update return ret
[docs]def absent( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, ): """ Deletes tier0 gateway with the given display_name and all its sub-resources CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_policy_tier0.absent hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... delete_tier0: nsxt_policy_tier0.absent: - name: <Name of the operation> hostname: <hostname> username: <username> password: <password> display_name: <display name of tier0 gateway> cert: <certificate> verify_ssl: <False/True> name Name of the operation to perform hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager display_name Display name of the tier0 gateway to delete cert Path to the SSL certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert Path to the SSL certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against certificate common name. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} tier_0_result = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, ) if "error" in tier_0_result: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get tier0 gateways from NSX-T Manager : {}".format( tier_0_result["error"] ) return ret result_count = len(tier_0_result.get("results")) if result_count > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Found multiple results(result_count={count}) for tier0 gateway with " "display_name {display_name}".format(count=result_count, display_name=display_name) ) return ret if __opts__["test"]: if result_count == 0: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "No tier0 gateway with display_name: {} found in NSX-T Manager".format( display_name ) else: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Tier0 gateway with display_name: {} will be deleted".format( display_name ) return ret if result_count == 0: ret["comment"] = "No Tier0 gateway with display_name: {} found in NSX-T Manager".format( display_name ) return ret else: tier0_to_delete = tier_0_result.get("results")[0] tier0_hierarchy = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.get_hierarchy"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, tier0_id=tier0_to_delete["id"], ) if "error" in tier0_hierarchy: ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Failure while querying tier0 gateway and its sub-resources: {}".format( tier0_hierarchy["error"] ) return ret delete_execution_logs = __salt__["nsxt_policy_tier0.delete"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, tier0_id=tier0_to_delete["id"], verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, )"Execution logs for deleting tier 0 : {}".format(delete_execution_logs)) if "error" in delete_execution_logs[len(delete_execution_logs) - 1]: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to delete tier0 gateway : {}\n Execution logs: {}".format( delete_execution_logs[len(delete_execution_logs) - 1]["error"], delete_execution_logs, ) return ret else: ret[ "comment" ] = "Tier0 gateway with display_name: {} and its sub-resources deleted successfully".format( display_name ) ret["changes"]["old"] = tier0_hierarchy ret["changes"]["new"] = {} return ret