Source code for saltext.vmware.states.nsxt_transport_zone

NSX-T Transport_Zone state module
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "nsxt_transport_zone"

    from saltext.vmware.modules import nsxt_transport_zone

except ImportError:

def __virtual__():
        return False, "'nsxt_transport_zone' binary not found on system"
    return "nsxt_transport_zone"

def _needs_update(transport_zone_dict, **transport_zone_param):
    updatable_params = {

    for param in updatable_params:
        param_val_in_existing_transport_zone = transport_zone_dict.get(param)
        param_val_in_inputs_for_update = transport_zone_param.get(param)

        if not param_val_in_existing_transport_zone and param_val_in_inputs_for_update:
            return True
        if param_val_in_existing_transport_zone and not param_val_in_inputs_for_update:
            return True
        if (
            and param_val_in_inputs_for_update
            and param_val_in_existing_transport_zone != param_val_in_inputs_for_update
            return True

[docs]def present( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, host_switch_name, transport_type, is_default=None, description=None, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, host_switch_id=None, host_switch_mode=None, uplink_teaming_policy_names=None, tags=None, ): """ Registers transport zone in NSX-T Manager or updates the transport zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_zone.present hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... name name of the operation to perform hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager host-switch-name Host switch name for the transport zone transport-type Transport type for the transport zone is_default (Optional) Flag to indicate if the transport zone is the default one. Only one transport zone can be the default one for a given transport zone type. APIs that need transport zone can choose to use the default transport zone if a transport zone is not given display_name Display name for the transport zone description (Optional) Description for the transport zone verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against certificate common name. host_switch_id (Optional) The host switch id generated by the system. host_switch_mode (Optional) Operational mode of the transport zone. STANDARD mode applies to all the hypervisors. ENS mode stands for Enhanced Networking Stack. This feature is only available for ESX hypervisor. It is not available on KVM, EDGE and Public Cloud Gateway etc. When a Transport Zone mode is set to ENS, only Transport Nodes of type ESX can participate in such a Transport Zone. host_switch_name (Optional) Name of the host switch on all transport nodes in this transport zone that will be used to run NSX network traffic. If this name is unset or empty then the default host switch name will be used. uplink_teaming_policy_names (Optional) Names of the switching uplink teaming policies that are supported by this transport zone. tags (Optional) Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""} get_transport_zone = __salt__["nsxt_transport_zone.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, display_name=display_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, ) transport_zone_dict, transport_zone_id = None, None is_update = False if "error" in get_transport_zone: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get the transport zones : {}".format( get_transport_zone["error"] ) return ret transport_zone_response_by_display_name = get_transport_zone["results"] transport_zone_dict = ( transport_zone_response_by_display_name[0] if len(transport_zone_response_by_display_name) > 0 else None ) if len(transport_zone_response_by_display_name) > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "More than one transport zone exist with same display name : {}".format( display_name ) return ret if transport_zone_dict is not None: is_update = _needs_update( transport_zone_dict, host_switch_name=host_switch_name, transport_type=transport_type, description=description, host_switch_id=host_switch_id, host_switch_mode=host_switch_mode, uplink_teaming_policy_names=uplink_teaming_policy_names, tags=tags, is_default=is_default, ) transport_zone_id = transport_zone_dict["id"] revision = transport_zone_dict["_revision"] if __opts__["test"]: if transport_zone_dict is None: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Transport zone will be created in NSX-T Manager" else: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Transport zone would be updated" return ret if not is_update: if transport_zone_id: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Transport zone with display_name %s already exists", display_name return ret else:"Start of the create of the transport zone") create_transport_zone = __salt__["nsxt_transport_zone.create"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, display_name=display_name, host_switch_name=host_switch_name, transport_type=transport_type, description=description, host_switch_id=host_switch_id, host_switch_mode=host_switch_mode, uplink_teaming_policy_names=uplink_teaming_policy_names, tags=tags, is_default=is_default, ) if "error" in create_transport_zone: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Fail to create transport_zone : {}".format( create_transport_zone["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Transport Zone created successfully" ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["new"] = create_transport_zone return ret else:"Start of the update of the transport zone") update_transport_zone = __salt__["nsxt_transport_zone.update"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, transport_zone_id=transport_zone_id, revision=revision, host_switch_name=host_switch_name, transport_type=transport_type, description=description, host_switch_id=host_switch_id, host_switch_mode=host_switch_mode, uplink_teaming_policy_names=uplink_teaming_policy_names, tags=tags, is_default=is_default, display_name=display_name, ) if "error" in update_transport_zone: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Fail to update transport_zone : {}".format( update_transport_zone["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Transport Zone updated successfully" ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = transport_zone_dict ret["changes"]["new"] = update_transport_zone return ret
[docs]def absent( name, hostname, username, password, display_name, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, ): """ Deletes transport zone in NSX-T Manager if present. Requires display_name of the transport zone which user want to delete and also the tranpsort type of the transport zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_zone.absent hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... name Name of the operation to perform hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager display_name display_name of the transport zone to be deleted transport_type transport_type of the transport zone to be deleted verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against certificate common name. """"Start of the delete of the transport zone") ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""} transport_zone_dict = None get_transport_zone = __salt__["nsxt_transport_zone.get_by_display_name"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, display_name=display_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, ) if "error" in get_transport_zone: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to get the transport zones : {}".format( get_transport_zone["error"] ) return ret transport_zone_response_by_display_name = get_transport_zone["results"] transport_zone_dict = ( transport_zone_response_by_display_name[0] if len(transport_zone_response_by_display_name) > 0 else None ) if len(transport_zone_response_by_display_name) > 1: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "More than one transport zone exist with same display name : {}".format( display_name ) return ret if len(transport_zone_response_by_display_name) == 0: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "No transport zone exist with same display name : {}".format(display_name) return ret if transport_zone_dict is not None: id = transport_zone_dict["id"] delete_transport_zone = __salt__["nsxt_transport_zone.delete"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, transport_zone_id=id, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, ) if "error" in delete_transport_zone: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to delete the transport-zone : {}".format( delete_transport_zone["error"] ) return ret ret["comment"] = "Transport zone deleted successfully" ret["changes"]["old"] = transport_zone_dict ret["changes"]["new"] = {} ret["result"] = True return ret