Source code for saltext.vmware.states.vmc_nat_rules

VMC nat rules state module

Add new nat rule, update existing nat rule and delete existing nat rule from an SDDC.

Example usage :

.. code-block:: yaml

        - hostname:
        - refresh_key: 7jPSGSZpCa8e5Ouks4UY5cZyOtynAhF
        - authorization_host:
        - org_id: 10e1092f-51d0-473a-80f8-137652c39fd0
        - sddc_id: b43da080-2626-f64c-88e8-7f31d9d2c306
        - domain_id: mgw
        - nat_rule: vCenter_Inbound_Rule_2
        - verify_ssl: False
        - cert: /path/to/client/certificate
        - source_network: ""
        - translated_network: ""

.. warning::

    It is recommended to pass the VMC authentication details using Pillars rather than specifying as plain text in SLS

import logging

from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_constants
from saltext.vmware.utils import vmc_state

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def present( name, hostname, refresh_key, authorization_host, org_id, sddc_id, tier1, nat, nat_rule, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, action=None, destination_network=None, source_network=None, translated_network=None, translated_ports=vmc_constants.VMC_NONE, scope=None, service=None, enabled=None, firewall_match=None, logging=None, description=None, tags=vmc_constants.VMC_NONE, sequence_number=None, display_name=None, ): """ Ensure a given nat rule exists for given SDDC hostname The host name of NSX-T manager refresh_key API Token of the user which is used to get the Access Token required for VMC operations authorization_host Hostname of the VMC cloud console org_id The Id of organization to which the SDDC belongs to sddc_id The Id of SDDC for which the nat rules should be added domain_id The domain_id for which the nat rules should belongs to. Possible values: mgw, cgw nat_rule Id of the nat rule to be added to SDDC verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. action specify type of nat rule it can have value REFLEXIVE, DNAT REFLEXIVE nat rule require source_network translated_network service should be empty translated_ports should be None DNAT Rule require service destination_network translated_network translated_ports source_network can be None or input network. destination_network Represents the destination network This supports single IP address or comma separated list of single IP addresses or CIDR. This does not support IP range or IP sets. scope Array of policy paths of labels, ProviderInterface, NetworkInterface service Represents the service on which the NAT rule will be applied source_network Represents the source network address This supports single IP address or comma separated list of single IP addresses or CIDR. This does not support IP range or IP sets. translated_network Represents the translated network address This supports single IP address or comma separated list of single IP addresses or CIDR. This does not support IP range or IP sets. translated_ports Port number or port range Please note, if there is service configured in this NAT rule, the translated_port will be realized on NSX Manager as the destination_port. If there is no sevice configured, the port will be ignored. enabled (Optional) Policy nat rule enabled flag The flag, which suggests whether the NAT rule is enabled or disabled. The default is True. firewall_match (Optional) Represents the firewall match flag It indicates how the firewall matches the address after NATing if firewall stage is not skipped. possible values: MATCH_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS, MATCH_INTERNAL_ADDRESS Default: "MATCH_INTERNAL_ADDRESS" logging (Optional) Policy nat rule logging flag default: False description (Optional) Description of of nat rule tags (Optional) Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user. Maximum 30 tags can be associated: .. code-block:: tags: - tag: <tag-key-1> scope: <tag-value-1> - tag: <tag-key-2> scope: <tag-value-2> sequence_number (Optional) Sequence number of the nat rule The sequence_number decides the rule_priority of a NAT rule. default: 0 type: int display_name Identifier to use when displaying entity in logs or GUI. This is applicable for only update scenario. For create scenario, display_name would be same as rule_id. Example Values: .. code-block:: action: REFLEXIVE translated_network: translated_ports: null destination_network: '' source_network: sequence_number: 0 service: '' logging: false enabled: false scope: - /infra/labels/cgw-public tags: - tag: tag1 scope: scope1 description: '' firewall_match: MATCH_INTERNAL_ADDRESS """ input_dict = { "action": action, "description": description, "destination_network": destination_network, "scope": scope, "service": service, "source_network": source_network, "tags": tags, "translated_network": translated_network, "translated_ports": translated_ports, "enabled": enabled, "firewall_match": firewall_match, "logging": logging, "sequence_number": sequence_number, "display_name": display_name, } input_dict = {k: v for k, v in input_dict.items() if v != vmc_constants.VMC_NONE} get_nat_rule_response = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.get_by_id"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, ) if "error" in get_nat_rule_response: if "could not be found" in get_nat_rule_response["error"]: get_nat_rule_response = None else: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=get_nat_rule_response["error"], result=False ) if __opts__.get("test"):"present is called with test option") return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="State present will {} nat rule {}".format( "update" if get_nat_rule_response else "create", nat_rule ), ) if get_nat_rule_response: updatable_keys = input_dict.keys() is_update_required = vmc_state._check_for_updates( get_nat_rule_response, input_dict, updatable_keys, ["translated_ports", "tags"] ) if is_update_required: updated_nat_rule = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.update"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, action=action, destination_network=destination_network, source_network=source_network, translated_network=translated_network, translated_ports=translated_ports, scope=scope, service=service, enabled=enabled, firewall_match=firewall_match, logging=logging, description=description, tags=tags, sequence_number=sequence_number, display_name=display_name, ) if "error" in updated_nat_rule: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=updated_nat_rule["error"], result=False ) updated_nat_rule = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.get_by_id"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, ) if "error" in updated_nat_rule: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=updated_nat_rule["error"], result=False ) return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="Updated nat rule {}".format(nat_rule), old_state=get_nat_rule_response, new_state=updated_nat_rule, result=True, ) else:"All fields are same as existing nat rule %s", nat_rule) return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="Nat rule exists already, no action to perform", result=True ) else:"No nat rule found with Id %s", nat_rule) created_nat_rule = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.create"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, action=action, destination_network=destination_network, source_network=source_network, translated_network=translated_network, translated_ports=translated_ports, scope=scope, service=service, enabled=enabled, firewall_match=firewall_match, logging=logging, description=description, tags=tags, sequence_number=sequence_number, ) if "error" in created_nat_rule: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=created_nat_rule["error"], result=False ) return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="Created nat rule {}".format(nat_rule), new_state=created_nat_rule, result=True, )
[docs]def absent( name, hostname, refresh_key, authorization_host, org_id, sddc_id, tier1, nat, nat_rule, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, ): """ Ensure a given nat rule does not exist on given SDDC hostname The host name of NSX-T manager refresh_key API Token of the user which is used to get the Access Token required for VMC operations authorization_host Hostname of the VMC cloud console org_id The Id of organization to which the SDDC belongs to sddc_id The Id of SDDC from which the nat rule should be deleted domain_id The domain_id for which the nat rules should belongs to. Possible values: mgw, cgw nat_rule Id of the nat rule to be deleted from SDDC verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to VMC Cloud Console. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. """"Checking if nat rule with Id %s is present", nat_rule) get_nat_rule_response = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.get_by_id"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, ) if "error" in get_nat_rule_response: if "could not be found" in get_nat_rule_response["error"]: get_nat_rule_response = None else: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=get_nat_rule_response["error"], result=False ) if __opts__.get("test"):"absent is called with test option") if get_nat_rule_response: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="State absent will delete nat rule with Id {}".format(nat_rule) ) else: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="State absent will do nothing as no nat rule found with Id {}".format( nat_rule ), ) if get_nat_rule_response:"Security found with Id %s", nat_rule) deleted_nat_rule = __salt__["vmc_nat_rules.delete"]( hostname=hostname, refresh_key=refresh_key, authorization_host=authorization_host, org_id=org_id, sddc_id=sddc_id, tier1=tier1, nat=nat, nat_rule=nat_rule, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, ) if "error" in deleted_nat_rule: return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment=deleted_nat_rule["error"], result=False ) return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="Deleted nat rule {}".format(nat_rule), old_state=get_nat_rule_response, result=True, ) else:"No nat rule found with Id %s", nat_rule) return vmc_state._create_state_response( name=name, comment="No nat rule found with Id {}".format(nat_rule), result=True )