Source code for saltext.vmware.utils.connect

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import json
import logging
import os
import ssl

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from requests.exceptions import SSLError

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    from pyVim import connect
    from pyVim.connect import GetSi, SmartConnect, Disconnect, GetStub, SoapStubAdapter
    from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl, VmomiSupport

    HAS_PYVMOMI = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PYVMOMI = False

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_username_password(esxi_host, opts=None, pillar=None):
    password = (
        pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("esxi_host", {}).get(esxi_host, {}).get("password")
        or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("esxi_host", {}).get(esxi_host, {}).get("password")
        or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_PASSWORD")
        or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("password")
        or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("password")
    user = (
        pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("esxi_host", {}).get(esxi_host, {}).get("user")
        or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("esxi_host", {}).get(esxi_host, {}).get("user")
        or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_USER")
        or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("user")
        or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("user")
    return user, password

[docs]def get_service_instance(opts=None, pillar=None, esxi_host=None): """ Connect to VMware service instance opts (optional) Any additional options. pillar (optional) If specified, allows for a dictionary of pillar data to be made available to pillar and ext_pillar rendering. These pillar variables will also override any variables of the same name in pillar or ext_pillar. esxi_host (optional) If specified, retrieves the configured username and password for this host. Pillar Example: .. code-block:: vmware_config: host: password: **** user: vmware_config: host: password: **** user: esxi_host: user: admin password: *** user: admin password: *** """ ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context() opts = opts or {} pillar = pillar or {} host = ( esxi_host or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_HOST") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("host") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("host") ) user, password = get_username_password(esxi_host=host, opts=opts, pillar=pillar) config = { "host": host, "password": password, "user": user, } service_instance = connect.SmartConnect( host=config["host"], user=config["user"], pwd=config["password"], sslContext=ctx, ) return service_instance
[docs]def request(url, method, body=None, token=None, opts=None, pillar=None): """ Make a request to VMware rest api url url address for request. method Method for api request. body Body of the api request. token (optional) Api session token for api access, will create new token if not passed. opts (optional) Any additional options. pillar (optional) If specified, allows for a dictionary of pillar data to be made available to pillar and ext_pillar rendering. These pillar variables will also override any variables of the same name in pillar or ext_pillar. """ host = ( os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_REST_API_HOST") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_host") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_host") or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_HOST") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("host") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("host") ) cert = ( os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_REST_API_CERT") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_cert") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_cert") ) if not cert: cert = False if token is None: user = ( os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_REST_API_USER") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_user") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_user") or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_USER") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("user") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("user") ) password = ( os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_REST_API_PASSWORD") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_password") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("rest_api_password") or os.environ.get("VMWARE_CONFIG_PASSWORD") or opts.get("vmware_config", {}).get("password") or pillar.get("vmware_config", {}).get("password") ) token = _get_session(host, user, password, cert) headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "content-Type": "application/json", "vmware-api-session-id": token, } session = requests.Session() response = session.request( method=method, url=f"https://{host}{url}", headers=headers, verify=cert, params=None, data=json.dumps(body), ) return {"response": response, "token": token}
def _get_session(host, user, password, cert): """ Create REST API session host Host for api request. user User to create session token for subsequent requests. password Password to create session token for subsequent requests. cert certificate for ssl verification. """ headers = {"Accept": "application/json", "content-Type": "application/json"} session = requests.Session() if not cert: cert = False try: response = session.request( method="POST", url=f"https://{host}/rest/com/vmware/cis/session", headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(user, password), verify=cert, params=None, data=json.dumps(None), ) response.raise_for_status() json_response = response.json() return json_response["value"] except HTTPError as e: log.error(e) result = {"error": "Error occurred while calling vCenter API."} # if response contains json, extract error message from it if e.response.text: log.error(f"Response from vCenter {e.response.text}") try: error_json = e.response.json() if error_json["error_message"]: result["error"] = e.response.json()["error_message"] except ValueError: log.error( "Couldn't parse the response as json. Returning response text as error message" ) result["error"] = e.response.text return result except SSLError as se: log.error(se) result = {"error": "SSL Error occurred while calling vCenter API."} return result except RequestException as re: log.error(re) result = {"error": "Error occurred while calling vCenter API."} return result