Source code for saltext.vmware.utils.esxi

import hashlib
import logging
import socket
import ssl

import salt.exceptions
import saltext.vmware.utils.cluster as utils_cluster
import saltext.vmware.utils.common as utils_common
import saltext.vmware.utils.datacenter as utils_datacenter

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl

    HAS_PYVMOMI = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PYVMOMI = False

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_hosts( service_instance, datacenter_name=None, host_names=None, cluster_name=None, get_all_hosts=False, ): """ Returns a list of vim.HostSystem objects representing ESXi hosts in a vcenter filtered by their names and/or datacenter, cluster membership. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain the hosts. datacenter_name The datacenter name. Default is None. host_names The host_names to be retrieved. Default is None. cluster_name The cluster name - used to restrict the hosts retrieved. Only used if the datacenter is set. This argument is optional. get_all_hosts Specifies whether to retrieve all hosts in the container. Default value is False. """ properties = ["name"] if cluster_name and not datacenter_name: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "Must specify the datacenter when specifying the cluster" ) if not host_names: host_names = [] if not datacenter_name: # Assume the root folder is the starting point start_point = utils_common.get_root_folder(service_instance) else: start_point = utils_datacenter.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter_name) if cluster_name: # Retrieval to test if cluster exists. Cluster existence only makes # sense if the datacenter has been specified properties.append("parent") # Search for the objects hosts = utils_common.get_mors_with_properties( service_instance, vim.HostSystem, container_ref=start_point, property_list=properties, ) log.trace("Retrieved hosts: %s", [h["name"] for h in hosts]) filtered_hosts = [] for h in hosts: # Complex conditions checking if a host should be added to the # filtered list (either due to its name and/or cluster membership) if cluster_name: if not isinstance(h["parent"], vim.ClusterComputeResource): continue parent_name = utils_common.get_managed_object_name(h["parent"]) if parent_name != cluster_name: continue if get_all_hosts: filtered_hosts.append(h["object"]) continue if h["name"] in host_names: filtered_hosts.append(h["object"]) return filtered_hosts
# TODO Support host caches on multiple datastores
[docs]def configure_host_cache(host_ref, datastore_ref, swap_size_MiB, host_cache_manager=None): """ Configures the host cahe of the specified host host_ref The vim.HostSystem object representing the host that contains the requested disks. datastore_ref The vim.Datastore opject representing the datastore the host cache will be configured on. swap_size_MiB The size in Mibibytes of the swap. host_cache_manager The vim.HostCacheConfigurationManager object representing the cache configuration manager on the specified host. Default is None. If None, it will be retrieved in the method """ hostname = utils_common.get_managed_object_name(host_ref) if not host_cache_manager: props = utils_common.get_properties_of_managed_object( host_ref, ["configManager.cacheConfigurationManager"] ) if not props.get("configManager.cacheConfigurationManager"): raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Host '{}' has no host cache".format(hostname) ) host_cache_manager = props["configManager.cacheConfigurationManager"] log.trace( "Configuring the host cache on host '%s', datastore '%s', " "swap size=%s MiB", hostname,, swap_size_MiB, ) spec = vim.HostCacheConfigurationSpec(datastore=datastore_ref, swapSize=swap_size_MiB) log.trace("host_cache_spec=%s", spec) try: task = host_cache_manager.ConfigureHostCache_Task(spec) except vim.fault.NoPermission as exc: log.exception(exc) raise salt.exceptions.VMwareApiError( "Not enough permissions. Required privilege: " "{}".format(exc.privilegeId) ) except vim.fault.VimFault as exc: log.exception(exc) raise salt.exceptions.VMwareApiError(exc.msg) except vmodl.RuntimeFault as exc: log.exception(exc) raise salt.exceptions.VMwareRuntimeError(exc.msg) utils_common.wait_for_task(task, hostname, "HostCacheConfigurationTask") log.trace("Configured host cache on host '%s'", hostname) return True
[docs]def list_hosts(service_instance): """ Returns a list of hosts associated with a given service instance. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain hosts. """ return utils_common.list_objects(service_instance, vim.HostSystem)
[docs]def disconnect_host(host, service_instance): """ Disconnects host from vCenter instance Returns connection state of host host Name of ESXi instance in vCenter. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain host. """ host = utils_common.get_mor_by_property(service_instance, vim.HostSystem, host) if host.summary.runtime.connectionState == "disconnected": return host.summary.runtime.connectionState task = host.DisconnectHost_Task() host = utils_common.wait_for_task(task, host, "disconnect host task") return host.summary.runtime.connectionState
[docs]def reconnect_host(host, service_instance): """ Reconnects host from vCenter instance Returns connection state of host host Name of ESXi instance in vCenter. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain host. """ host = utils_common.get_mor_by_property(service_instance, vim.HostSystem, host) if host.summary.runtime.connectionState == "connected": return host.summary.runtime.connectionState task = host.ReconnectHost_Task() ret_host = utils_common.wait_for_task(task, host, "reconnect host task") return ret_host.summary.runtime.connectionState
[docs]def move_host(host, cluster_name, service_instance): """ Move host to a different cluster. Returns connection state of host host Name of ESXi instance in vCenter. cluster_name Name of cluster to move host to. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain host. """ host_ref = utils_common.get_mor_by_property(service_instance, vim.HostSystem, host) cluster_ref = utils_common.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.ClusterComputeResource, cluster_name ) host_dc = utils_common.get_parent_of_type(host_ref, vim.Datacenter) host_cluster = utils_common.get_parent_of_type(host_ref, vim.ClusterComputeResource) cluster_dc = utils_common.get_parent_of_type(cluster_ref, vim.Datacenter) if host_dc != cluster_dc: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareApiError("Cluster has to be in the same datacenter") task = cluster_ref.MoveInto_Task([host_ref]) utils_common.wait_for_task(task, cluster_name, "move host task") return f"moved {host} from {} to {}"
[docs]def remove_host(host, service_instance): """ Removes host from vCenter instance. Returns connection state of host host Name of ESXi instance in vCenter. service_instance The Service Instance Object from which to obtain host. """ host_ref = utils_common.get_mor_by_property(service_instance, vim.HostSystem, host) task = host_ref.Destroy_Task() utils_common.wait_for_task(task, host, "destroy host task") return f"removed host {host}"
def _format_ssl_thumbprint(number): """ Formats ssl cert number number Number to be formatted into ssl thumbprint """ string = str(number) return ":".join(a + b for a, b in zip(string[::2], string[1::2])) def _get_host_thumbprint(ip, verify_host_cert=True): """ Returns host's ssl thumbprint. ip IP address of host. """ ctx = ssl.SSLContext() if verify_host_cert: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) with socket.create_connection((ip, 443)) as _socket: _socket.settimeout(1) with ctx.wrap_socket(_socket, server_hostname=ip) as wrappedSocket: cert = wrappedSocket.getpeercert(True) sha1 = hashlib.sha1(cert).hexdigest() response = _format_ssl_thumbprint(sha1) return response
[docs]def add_host( host, root_user, password, cluster_name, datacenter_name, verify_host_cert, connect, service_instance, ): """ Adds host from vCenter instance Returns connection state of host host IP address or hostname of ESXI instance. root_user Username with root privilege to ESXi instance. password Password to root user. cluster_name Name of cluster ESXi host is being added to. datacenter Datacenter that contains cluster that ESXi instance is being added to. verify_host_cert Validates the host's SSL certificate is signed by a CA, and that the hostname in the certificate matches the host. connect Specifies whether host should be connected after being added. service_instance The Service Instance Object to place host on. """ dc_ref = utils_common.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter_name) cluster_ref = utils_cluster.get_cluster(dc_ref, cluster_name) connect_spec = connect_spec.sslThumbprint = _get_host_thumbprint(host, verify_host_cert) connect_spec.hostName = host connect_spec.userName = root_user connect_spec.password = password task = cluster_ref.AddHost_Task(connect_spec, connect) host_ref = utils_common.wait_for_task(task, host, "add host task") return host_ref.summary.runtime.connectionState
def get_host(host, service_instance): return utils_common.get_mor_by_property(service_instance, vim.HostSystem, host)