Managing VMC SDDC with Salt#

Things to know about running VMC modules & states#

To create CSP API token which is referred to as refresh_key across all the VMC modules and states:

Please refer Generate API Token.

To get the org_id:
  1. Login to VMware Cloud Services, select your user profile in the top-right corner, and click View Organization.

  2. In the Organization page, pick the Long Organization ID.

To create an SDDC in the Organization:

Execute the create function from vmc_sddc module. This function will return the ID of the created SDDC.

For example,

salt '*' vmc_sddc.create refresh_key=7TUPdyffgs org_id=10e1092e-51d0-473a-80f8-137652fd0b39 provider=AWS num_hosts=1 sddc_name='test-sddc' region='us-west-2' verify_ssl=False  --output=json | python -m json.tool | grep '"id"'


"id": "332e384f-43b1-4c7d-b125-450d5c25a332"
Alternatively, to get the sddc_id from the UI:

Navigate to the support tab of an SDDC on UI.

To find the nsx-reverse-proxy-host which is referred to as hostname in some of the VMC modules and states:

Execute vmc_sddc.get_by_id and get the nsx_reverse_proxy_url from the output.

For example,

salt * vmc_sddc.get_by_id refresh_key=7TUPdyffgs org_id=10e1092e-51d0-473a-80f8-137652fd0b39 sddc_id=2f225622-17ba-4bae-b0ec-b995123a5330 verify_ssl=False  --output=json | python -m json.tool | grep '"nsx_reverse_proxy_url"'


"nsx_reverse_proxy_url": ""

here represents the nsx-reverse-proxy-host

To find the hostname, username and password for vCenter associated with the SDDC:

Execute vmc_sddc.get_vcenter_detail function. Sample output for vmc_sddc.get_vcenter_detail:

"vcenter_detail": {
    "vcenter_url": "",
    "username": "user@example.local",
    "password": "Password123"
To find the VirtualMachine Identifier which is referred to as vm_id in some of the VMC modules:

Login to vCenter Console using the above credentials, and click on any of the virtual machines available in VC. We can see the url like,


Here vm-1003 represents the vm_id.

Alternatively, to get the vm_id , execute vmc_sddc.get_vms function which returns a list of virtual machines associated with the SDDC. Sample output for vmc_sddc.get_vms:

        "memory_size_MiB": 4096,
        "vm": "vm-1001",
        "name": "New Virtual Machine",
        "power_state": "POWERED_OFF",
        "cpu_count": 2
        "memory_size_MiB": 8192,
        "vm": "vm-20",
        "name": "NSX-Edge-1",
        "power_state": "POWERED_ON",
        "cpu_count": 4

Here vm-1001 and vm-20 represents the vm_id of corresponding virtual machines.

Using script to create vmc_config.json#

Below command will return the required information to create vmc_config.json which is required to run Integration tests for VMC

python tools/ --help

Modules and States for controlling VMC SDDC:#