.. _install-macos: ===== macOS ===== This page provides download files and instructions for installing Salt on macOS. macOS downloads =============== .. include:: ../_includes/macos-downloads.rst .. include:: ../_includes/intro-install-by-os.rst Install Salt on macOS ===================== #. Download the Salt installation file for macOS. See `macOS downloads`_ for a list of the latest downloads. .. Warning:: `OS X Gatekeeper settings `_ may prevent installation of the Salt package. If a warning appears during installation, open **System Preferences > Security & Privacy** and click **Open Anyway**. #. Run the file to install Salt. #. After installation, configure the Salt minion ID, and the Salt master location, replacing the placeholder text with custom information: .. code-block:: bash sudo salt-config -i yourminionname -m yoursaltmaster .. Tip:: See :ref:`configure-master-minion` for more configuration options. #. Start the minion service. The commands to start and stop services are different for macOS than other operating systems. To start the minion service: .. code-block:: bash sudo launchctl start com.saltstack.salt.minion To stop the minion service: .. code-block:: bash sudo launchctl stop com.saltstack.salt.minion After installing Salt on macOS, you need to complete the following post-installation steps: * :ref:`accept-keys` * :ref:`verify-install` Browse the repo =============== .. card:: Browse the repo for macOS packages :link: https://packages.broadcom.com/artifactory/saltproject-generic/macos :width: 50% :bdg-primary:`macOS`