.. _troubleshooting:
Generally speaking, troubleshooting anything requires finesse, but here are
some common patterns for you to keep in mind. For more tips, see this Salt `Troubleshooting
`__ guide.
Checking process status
The Salt master, minion, and proxies are run as system processes in the
``systemd`` service, and managed by ``systemctl``.
Check the status to see if the process is running or if it has encountered an error:
.. code-block:: shell
systemctl status salt-minion
Alternately, bypass ``systemd`` and run the process in the foreground.
For example, with log level debugging:
.. code-block:: shell
salt-master -l debug
.. code-block:: shell
salt-minion -l debug
Viewing log files
The log file locations for the master, minion, and proxy processes are configured
via the configuration files. Their default location is ``/var/log/salt``.
It may be helpful to view the log files with ``tail``:
.. code-block:: shell
tail -f /var/log/salt/master
.. code-block:: shell
tail -f /var/log/salt/minion
.. code-block:: shell
tail -f /var/log/salt/proxy
Log levels
The following log levels are available in Salt:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Level
- Numeric Value
- Description
* - quiet
- 1000
- Nothing logged
* - critical
- 50
- Critical errors
* - error
- 40
- Errors
* - warning
- 30
- Warnings
* - info
- 20
- Normal log information
* - profile
- 15
- Profiling information on salt performance
* - debug
- 10
- Information useful for debugging
* - trace
- 5
- Even more debugging information
* - all
- 0
- Everything
You can change the log level via the configuration file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: /etc/salt/minion.d/logs.conf
log_file: /var/log/salt/minion # default
log_level: debug
You must restart the process for the configuration changes to take effect:
.. code-block:: shell
systemctl restart salt-minion
Viewing Salt events
Salt achieves remote execution by having the master publish “events”, while the
minions listening to this event bus execute the commands in which they are targeted.
The master's event bus can be viewed in real time with ``salt-run``:
.. code-block:: shell
salt-run state.event pretty=True
Opening ports
Salt master and minions require two open ports for communication.
By default, port ``4505`` is for publishing or subscribing to the master’s event bus,
and port ``4506`` is for returning data. These can be configured via the
master / minion configuration files:
In the master configuration file:
.. code-block:: yaml
publish_port: 4505
ret_port: 4506
In the minion configuration file:
.. code-block:: yaml
publish_port: 4505
master_port: 4506
.. Tip::
Make sure your firewall is not blocking these ports, if applicable.
Salt keys
``salt-key`` is a valuable utility for managing key acceptance.
However, it may be beneficial to understand how Salt stores this
information in the file system.
The accepted and rejected minion keys are stored on the master’s file system
In this directory you will find the master’s public and private key and several
other directories for storing the incoming minion key according to its state.
Once the keys are accepted, they will be stored in
```` is the id of the minion in question.
On the minion, the keys are stored in ``/etc/salt/pki/minion/``.
Here you will find the minion’s private and public keys as well as the public key
for it’s master (in a file named ``minion_master.pub``)
.. Tip::
If the master or minion’s key has changed, Salt will have to accept the new key.
If a previous key had been accepted (on the master / minion) this file may
need to be deleted (manually or with ``salt-key``),
and the master / minion processes restarted.
Troubleshooting states
The following steps typically occur when a state is executed:
#. Render template (such as Jinja)
#. Compile YAML to “high-data”
#. Compile “high data” to “low data”
#. Execute each low chunk until complete
To diagnose problems, try performing single steps along this execution.
For example, we can render the Jinja with the following:
.. code-block:: shell
salt slsutil.renderer default_renderer=jinja
Jinja and YAML (in order) are rendered by default.
.. code-block:: shell
salt slsutil.renderer
The above commands are for rendering the file from a Jinja / YAML perspective.
The rendered SLS is similar since the state system will render Jinja / YAML.
However, this command includes keys added during the state system render phase:
.. code-block:: shell
salt state.show_sls
This can be a useful command especially when passing pillars from the command line:
.. code-block:: shell
salt state.show_sls pillar='{"foo": "bar"}'
Salt states can be executed in test mode, by setting the flag :code:`test=True`:
.. code-block:: shell
salt state.apply test=True
Here the state is rendered and evaluated as much as possible,
yet changes are not applied to the remote device.
Adding logging to custom modules
After creating a custom module, add logging in the normal python way:
.. code-block:: python
:caption: /srv/salt/_modules/my_custom_module.py
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def hello():
log.debug("hello is running...")
return "hello"
In the above example, set the log level to ``debug`` or lower.
Debugging reactor states
The best way to debug Reactor States is to use multiple views into the
Salt master and then fire some specific events:
* Monitor the Salt master log file: ``/var/log/salt/master``.
This will help to debug Jinja / YAML errors in the Reactor SLS file.
* Monitor the Event Bus: ``salt-run state.event pretty=True``.
Watch for the triggering event as well as the Reactor events.
* Fire events manually to trigger the Reactor.
Problems with sync/cache
Salt stores all modules and other files in the minions cache, typically
located under ``/var/cache/salt``. If custom modules aren’t behaving
the way you think they should, it's possible that the cache is not up to date.
All custom modules must be synced to the minions:
.. code-block:: shell
salt \* saltutil.sync_all
But if a file is deleted, you must also clear the cache and re-sync:
.. code-block:: shell
salt \* saltutil.clear_cache
salt \* saltutil.sync_all
When in doubt, it may be helpful to restart the minion process:
.. code-block:: shell
systemctl restart salt-minion
Troubleshoot rendering
Render json file
Loads json data from an absolute path:
.. code-block:: shell
salt \* jinja.import_JSON /srv/salt/foo.json
Render YAML file
Loads YAML data from an absolute path:
.. code-block:: shell
salt \* jinja.import_yaml /srv/salt/foo.yaml
Render a map file
Assuming the map is loaded in your formula SLS as follows:
.. code-block:: sls
{% from "foo/map.jinja" import bar with context %}
Then the following syntax can be used to render the map variable ``bar``:
.. code-block:: shell
$ salt \* jinja.load_map /srv/salt/foo/map.jinja bar