Source code for saltext.vmware.modules.nsxt_transport_node

Salt execution Module to manage VMware NSX-T transport-nodes
import logging

from saltext.vmware.utils import common
from saltext.vmware.utils import nsxt_request

TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL = "https://{hostname}/api/v1/transport-nodes"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__virtual_name__ = "nsxt_transport_node"
create_params_transport_node = [

[docs]def get( hostname, username, password, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, cursor=None, included_fields=None, page_size=None, sort_ascending=None, sort_by=None, ): """ Lists all the Transport Nodes present in the NSX-T Manager CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_node.get hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against cursor (Optional) Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) included_fields (Optional) Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result page_size (Optional) Maximum number of results to return in this page sort_by (Optional) Field by which records are sorted sort_ascending (Optional) Boolean value to sort result in ascending order """"Fetching Transport Nodes") url = TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL.format(hostname=hostname) params = common._filter_kwargs( allowed_kwargs=["cursor", "included_fields", "page_size", "sort_ascending", "sort_by"], cursor=cursor, included_fields=included_fields, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, sort_ascending=sort_ascending, ) return nsxt_request.call_api( method="get", url=url, username=username, password=password, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, params=params, )
[docs]def get_transport_node_state( hostname, username, password, transport_node_id, cert_common_name=None, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, ): """ This method is used to fetch the state of the created node if the ID is generated CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_node.get_transport_node_state hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against """"Fetching the transport node state") url = (TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL + "/{transport_node_id}/state").format( hostname=hostname, transport_node_id=transport_node_id ) return nsxt_request.call_api( method="get", url=url, username=username, password=password, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, )
[docs]def create( hostname, username, password, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, display_name=None, description=None, verify_ssl=None, transport_zone_endpoints=None, host_switch_spec=None, node_deployment_info=None, tags=None, resource_type=None, is_overridden=None, maintenance_mode=None, ): """ Creates an Transport Node with given specifications CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_node.create hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl (Optional) Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against display_name Name of the transport node resource to be created Default is set to ID if not provided description (Optional) Description of transport nodes host_switch_spec: (Optional) description: This property is used to either create standard host switches or to inform NSX about preconfigured host switches that already exist on the transport node. Pass an array of either StandardHostSwitchSpec objects or PreconfiguredHostSwitchSpec objects. It is an error to pass an array containing different types of HostSwitchSpec objects.' host_switches: This property is deprecated in favor of 'host_switch_spec'. Property 'host_switches' can only be used for NSX managed transport nodes. 'host_switch_spec' can be used for both NSX managed or manually preconfigured host switches. resource_type: Selects the type of the transport zone profile node_deployment_info: (Optional) Allocation_list: Array of logical router ids to which this edge node is allocated. deployment_config: description: When this configuration is specified, edge fabric node of deployment_type VIRTUAL_MACHINE will be deployed and registered with MP. form_factor: node_user_settings: audit_password: "Password for the node audit user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." audit_username: "The default username is \"audit\". To configure username, you must provide this property together with <b>audit_password</b>." cli_password: "Password for the node cli user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." cli_username: "To configure username, you must provide this property together with <b>cli_password</b>." root_password: "Password for the node root user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." vm_deployment_config: allow_ssh_root_login: 'If true, the root user will be allowed to log into the VM. Allowing root SSH logins is not recommended for security reasons.' compute: "The cluster node VM will be deployed on the specified cluster or resourcepool for specified VC server. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id." data_networks: "List of distributed portgroup or VLAN logical identifiers or names to which the datapath serving vnics of edge node vm will be connected. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes names else id." default_gateway_addresses: 'The default gateway for the VM to be deployed must be specified if all the other VMs it communicates with are not in the same subnet. Do not specify this field and management_port_subnets to use DHCP. Note: only single IPv4 default gateway address is supported and it must belong to management network. IMPORTANT: VMs deployed using DHCP are currently not supported, so this parameter should be specified.' dns_servers: 'List of DNS servers. If DHCP is used, the default DNS servers associated with the DHCP server will be used instead. Required if using static IP.' enable_ssh: 'If true, the SSH service will automatically be started on the VM. Enabling SSH service is not recommended for security reasons.' host: "Name of the host where edge VM is to be deployed if vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes host name else host id." hostname: Desired host name/FQDN for the VM to be deployed management_network: description: 'Distributed portgroup identifier to which the management vnic of cluster node VM will be connected. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id.' management_port_subnets: description: 'IP Address and subnet configuration for the management port. Do not specify this field and default_gateway_addresses to use DHCP. Note: only one IPv4 address is supported for the management port. IMPORTANT: VMs deployed using DHCP are currently not supported, so this parameter should be specified.' ntp_servers: description: 'List of NTP servers. To use hostnames, a DNS server must be defined. If not using DHCP, a DNS server should be specified under dns_servers.' placement_type: description: "Specifies the config for the platform through which to deploy the VM" search_domains: description: 'List of domain names that are used to complete unqualified host names.' storage: description: Moref or name of the datastore in VC. If it is to be taken from 'Agent VM Settings', then it should be empty If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id. vc_name: description: 'The VC-specific names will be resolved on this VC, so all other identifiers specified in the config must belong to this vCenter server.' vc_username: description: 'Username of VC' vc_password: description: 'VC Password' reservation_info: description: 'Resource reservation for memory and CPU resources' cpu_reservation: description: 'Guaranteed minimum allocation of CPU resources' reservation_in_mhz: description: 'GCPU resevation in mhz' reservation_in_shares: description: 'CPU reservation in shares' memory_reservation: description: 'Guaranteed minimum allocation of memory resources' reservation_percentage: description: 'Memory reservation percentage' resource_allocation: description: 'Resource reservation settings' cpu_count: description: 'CPU count' memory_allocation_in_mb: description: 'Memory allocation in MB' deployment_type: description: Specifies whether the service VM should be deployed on each host such that it provides partner service locally on the host, or whether the service VMs can be deployed as a cluster. If deployment_type is CLUSTERED, then the clustered_deployment_count should be provided. discovered_ip_addresses: description: Discovered IP Addresses of the fabric node, version 4 or 6 discovered_node_id: description: Id of discovered node which was converted to create this node external_id: description: Current external id of this virtual machine in the system. fqdn: description: Domain name the entity binds to host_credential: description: Login credentials for the host password: description: Password for the user (optionally specified on PUT, unspecified on GET) thumbprint: description: Hexadecimal SHA256 hash of the vIDM server's X.509 certificate username: description: Username value of the log ip_addresses: description: Interface IP addresses managed_by_server: description: The id of the vCenter server managing the ESXi type HostNode os_type: description: OS type of the discovered node os_version: description: OS version of the discovered node resource_type: description: Selects the type of the transport zone profile remote_tunnel_endpoint: description: Configuration for a remote tunnel endpoin host_switch_name: description: The host switch name to be used for the remote tunnel endpoint named_teaming_policy: description: The named teaming policy to be used by the remote tunnel endpoint rtep_vlan: description: VLAN id for remote tunnel endpoint VlanID: description: Virtual Local Area Network Identifier ip_assignment_spec: description: Specification for IPs to be used with host switch remote tunnel endpoints resource_type: description: Resource type ip_pool_id: description: IP pool id ip_list: description: List of IPs for transport node host switch virtual tunnel endpoints ip_mac_list: description: List of IPs and MACs for transport node host switch virtual tunnel endpoints default_gateway: description: Default gateway IPAddress: description: IPv4 or IPv6 address subnet_mask: description: Subnet mask IPAddress: description: IPv4 IPv6 address tags: (Optional) description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user transport_zone_endpoints: (Optional) description: Transport zone endpoints. Sample Body which can be be used as a create payload: hostname: <nsxt-hostname> username: <nsxt-username> password: <nsxt-password> verify-ssl: False/True resource_type: "TransportNode" display_name: "NSX Configured TN" description: "NSX configured Test Transport Node" host_switch_spec: resource_type: "StandardHostSwitchSpec" host_switches: host_switch_id: "hostswitchId" host_switch_profile_ids: [Array of key value pair] host_switch_type: "typeOfHostSwitch" pnics:[] ip_assignment_spec: resource_type: "StaticIpPoolSpec" ip_pool_id: "IPPool-IPV4-1" transport_zone_endpoints: - transport_zone_name: "TZ1" node_deployment_info: resource_type: "HostNode" display_name: "Host_1" ip_addresses: [""] os_type: "ESXI" os_version: "6.5.0" host_credential: username: "root" password: "ca$hc0w" thumbprint: "e7fd7dd84267da10f991812ca62b2bedea3a4a62965396a04728da1e7f8e1cb9" """"Creating Transport Nodes") url = TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL.format(hostname=hostname) req_data = common._filter_kwargs( allowed_kwargs=create_params_transport_node, display_name=display_name, description=description, transport_zone_endpoints=transport_zone_endpoints, host_switch_spec=host_switch_spec, node_deployment_info=node_deployment_info, tags=tags, resource_type=resource_type, maintenance_mode=maintenance_mode, is_overridden=is_overridden, ) return nsxt_request.call_api( method="post", url=url, username=username, password=password, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, data=req_data, )
[docs]def update( hostname, username, password, transport_node_id, node_deployment_revision, revision, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, display_name=None, description=None, verify_ssl=None, transport_zone_endpoints=None, host_switch_spec=None, node_deployment_info=None, tags=None, resource_type=None, maintenance_mode=None, is_overridden=None, ): """ Updates an Transport Node with given specifications CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_node.create hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against transport-node-id Id of the transport node which needs to be updated revision revision number of the transport node node_deployment_revision revision number of the node deployment number which was part of the body description Description of transport nodes host_switch_spec: description: This property is used to either create standard host switches or to inform NSX about preconfigured host switches that already exist on the transport node. Pass an array of either StandardHostSwitchSpec objects or PreconfiguredHostSwitchSpec objects. It is an error to pass an array containing different types of HostSwitchSpec objects.' host_switches: This property is deprecated in favor of 'host_switch_spec'. Property 'host_switches' can only be used for NSX managed transport nodes. 'host_switch_spec' can be used for both NSX managed or manually preconfigured host switches. resource_type: Selects the type of the transport zone profile maintenance_mode: description: The property is read-only, used for querying result. User could update transport node maintenance mode by UpdateTransportNodeMaintenanceMode call. node_deployment_info: Allocation_list: Array of logical router ids to which this edge node is allocated. deployment_config: description: 'When this configuration is specified, edge fabric node of deployment_type VIRTUAL_MACHINE will be deployed and registered with MP.' form_factor: node_user_settings: audit_password: description: "Password for the node audit user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." audit_username: description: "The default username is \"audit\". To configure username, you must provide this property together with <b>audit_password</b>." cli_password: description: "Password for the node cli user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." cli_username: description: "To configure username, you must provide this property together with <b>cli_password</b>." description: "Username and password settings for the node. Note - these settings will be honored only during node deployment. Post deployment, CLI must be used for changing the user settings, changes to these parameters will not have any effect." root_password: description: "Password for the node root user. For deployment, this property is required. After deployment, this property is ignored, and the node cli must be used to change the password. The password specified must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (except quotes)." vm_deployment_config: allow_ssh_root_login: description: 'If true, the root user will be allowed to log into the VM. Allowing root SSH logins is not recommended for security reasons.' compute: description: 'The cluster node VM will be deployed on the specified cluster or resourcepool for specified VC server. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id.' data_networks: description: "List of distributed portgroup or VLAN logical identifiers or names to which the datapath serving vnics of edge node vm will be connected. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes names else id." default_gateway_addresses: description: 'The default gateway for the VM to be deployed must be specified if all the other VMs it communicates with are not in the same subnet. Do not specify this field and management_port_subnets to use DHCP. Note: only single IPv4 default gateway address is supported and it must belong to management network. IMPORTANT: VMs deployed using DHCP are currently not supported, so this parameter should be specified.' description: VM Deployment Configuration dns_servers: description: 'List of DNS servers If DHCP is used, the default DNS servers associated with the DHCP server will be used instead. Required if using static IP.' enable_ssh: description: 'If true, the SSH service will automatically be started on the VM. Enabling SSH service is not recommended for security reasons.' host: description: "Name of the host where edge VM is to be deployed if vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes host name else host id." hostname: description: Desired host name/FQDN for the VM to be deployed management_network: description: 'Distributed portgroup identifier to which the management vnic of cluster node VM will be connected. If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id.' management_port_subnets: description: 'IP Address and subnet configuration for the management port. Do not specify this field and default_gateway_addresses to use DHCP. Note: only one IPv4 address is supported for the management port. IMPORTANT: VMs deployed using DHCP are currently not supported, so this parameter should be specified.' ntp_servers: description: 'List of NTP servers. To use hostnames, a DNS server must be defined. If not using DHCP, a DNS server should be specified under dns_servers.' placement_type: description: "Specifies the config for the platform through which to deploy the VM" search_domains: description: 'List of domain names that are used to complete unqualified host names.' storage: description: Moref or name of the datastore in VC. If it is to be taken from 'Agent VM Settings', then it should be empty If vc_username and vc_password are present then this field takes name else id. vc_name: description: 'The VC-specific names will be resolved on this VC, so all other identifiers specified in the config must belong to this vCenter server.' vc_username: description: 'Username of VC' vc_password: description: 'VC Password' reservation_info: description: 'Resource reservation for memory and CPU resources' cpu_reservation: description: 'Guaranteed minimum allocation of CPU resources' reservation_in_mhz: description: 'GCPU resevation in mhz' reservation_in_shares: description: 'CPU reservation in shares' memory_reservation: description: 'Guaranteed minimum allocation of memory resources' reservation_percentage: description: 'Memory reservation percentage' resource_allocation: description: 'Resource reservation settings' cpu_count: description: 'CPU count' memory_allocation_in_mb: description: 'Memory allocation in MB' deployment_type: description: Specifies whether the service VM should be deployed on each host such that it provides partner service locally on the host, or whether the service VMs can be deployed as a cluster. If deployment_type is CLUSTERED, then the clustered_deployment_count should be provided. discovered_ip_addresses: description: Discovered IP Addresses of the fabric node, version 4 or 6 discovered_node_id: description: Id of discovered node which was converted to create this node external_id: description: Current external id of this virtual machine in the system. fqdn: description: Domain name the entity binds to host_credential: description: Login credentials for the host password: description: Password for the user (optionally specified on PUT, unspecified on GET) thumbprint: description: Hexadecimal SHA256 hash of the vIDM server's X.509 certificate username: description: Username value of the log ip_addresses: description: Interface IP addresses managed_by_server: description: The id of the vCenter server managing the ESXi type HostNode os_type: description: OS type of the discovered node os_version: description: OS version of the discovered node resource_type: description: Selects the type of the transport zone profile remote_tunnel_endpoint: description: Configuration for a remote tunnel endpoin host_switch_name: description: The host switch name to be used for the remote tunnel endpoint named_teaming_policy: description: The named teaming policy to be used by the remote tunnel endpoint rtep_vlan: description: VLAN id for remote tunnel endpoint VlanID: description: Virtual Local Area Network Identifier ip_assignment_spec: description: Specification for IPs to be used with host switch remote tunnel endpoints resource_type: description: Resource type ip_pool_id: description: IP pool id ip_list: description: List of IPs for transport node host switch virtual tunnel endpoints ip_mac_list: description: List of IPs and MACs for transport node host switch virtual tunnel endpoints default_gateway: description: Default gateway IPAddress: description: IPv4 or IPv6 address subnet_mask: description: Subnet mask IPAddress: description: IPv4 IPv6 address tags: description: Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user transport_zone_endpoints: description: Transport zone endpoints. Sample Body which can be be used as a update payload: hostname: <nsxt-hostname> username: <nsxt-username> password: "<nsxt-password> validate_certs: False resource_type: "TransportNode" display_name: "NSX Configured TN" description: "NSX configured Test Transport Node" host_switch_spec: resource_type: "StandardHostSwitchSpec" required: False host_switches: - host_switch_profiles: - name: "uplinkProfile1" type: "UplinkHostSwitchProfile" host_switch_name: "hostswitch1" pnics: - device_name: "vmnic1" uplink_name: "uplink-1" ip_assignment_spec: resource_type: "StaticIpPoolSpec" ip_pool_name: "IPPool-IPV4-1" transport_zone_endpoints: - transport_zone_name: "TZ1" node_deployment_info: resource_type: "HostNode" display_name: "Host_1" ip_addresses: [""] os_type: "ESXI" os_version: "6.5.0" host_credential: username: "root" password: "ca$hc0w" thumbprint: "e7fd7dd84267da10f991812ca62b2bedea3a4a62965396a04728da1e7f8e1cb9" """"Updating Transport Nodes") url = (TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL + "/{transport_node_id}").format( hostname=hostname, transport_node_id=transport_node_id ) update_body = common._filter_kwargs( allowed_kwargs=create_params_transport_node, default_dict={}, display_name=display_name, description=description, transport_zone_endpoints=transport_zone_endpoints, host_switch_spec=host_switch_spec, node_deployment_info=node_deployment_info, tags=tags, resource_type=resource_type, is_overridden=is_overridden, maintenance_mode=maintenance_mode, ) update_body["_revision"] = revision if node_deployment_info and node_deployment_revision is None: return { "error": "Failed to update Transport Node. Either node deployment info is not provided or node deployment revision could not be fetched" } else: update_body["node_deployment_info"]["_revision"] = node_deployment_revision update_body["node_deployment_info"]["external_id"] = transport_node_id update_body["node_id"] = transport_node_id return nsxt_request.call_api( method="put", url=url, username=username, password=password, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, data=update_body, )
[docs]def delete( hostname, username, password, transport_node_id, cert_common_name=None, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, ): """ Deletes a transport node with given id CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_nodes.delete hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager transport_node_id Existing transport node id verify_ssl Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against """"Deleting Transport Node for %s", transport_node_id) url = (TRANSPORT_NODE_BASE_URL + "/{transport_node_id}").format( hostname=hostname, transport_node_id=transport_node_id ) delete_response = nsxt_request.call_api( method="delete", url=url, username=username, password=password, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, ) return delete_response or {"message": "Deleted transport node successfully"}
[docs]def get_by_display_name( hostname, username, password, display_name, verify_ssl=True, cert=None, cert_common_name=None, ): """ Lists the Transport Nodes based on display name in the NSX-T Manager CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion nsxt_transport_node.get_transport_node_by_display_name hostname=nsxt-manager.local username=admin ... hostname The host name of NSX-T manager username Username to connect to NSX-T manager password Password to connect to NSX-T manager verify_ssl Option to enable/disable SSL verification. Enabled by default. If set to False, the certificate validation is skipped. cert (Optional) Path to the SSL client certificate file to connect to NSX-T manager. The certificate can be retrieved from browser. cert_common_name (Optional) By default, the hostname parameter and the common name in certificate is compared for host name verification. If the client certificate common name and hostname do not match (in case of self-signed certificates), specify the certificate common name as part of this parameter. This value is then used to compare against cursor (Optional) Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) included_fields (Optional) Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result page_size (Optional) Maximum number of results to return in this page sort_by (Optional) Field by which records are sorted sort_ascending (Optional) Boolean value to sort result in ascending order """"Finding transport node with display name: %s", display_name) transport_nodes = common._read_paginated( func=get, display_name=display_name, hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cert=cert, cert_common_name=cert_common_name, ) if "error" in transport_nodes: return transport_nodes return {"results": transport_nodes}