Source code for saltext.vmware.states.tag

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging

import saltext.vmware.utils.common as utils_common
import saltext.vmware.utils.connect as connect
import saltext.vmware.utils.vm as utils_vm
from saltext.vmware.modules.tag import update

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from pyVmomi import vim

    HAS_PYVMOMI = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PYVMOMI = False

__virtualname__ = "vmware_tag"
__proxyenabled__ = ["vmware_tag"]

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_PYVMOMI:
        return False, "Unable to import pyVmomi module."
    return __virtualname__

[docs]def present(name, description=None, category_id=None): """ Create or update a tag instance. name Name of tag. description Description of tag. category_id (string) Category ID of type: com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag. Only optional when updating """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} res = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag", "GET", opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__ ) response = res["response"].json() token = res["token"] found = None for tag in response["value"]: url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag}" tag_ref = connect.request(url, "GET", token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) tag_ref = tag_ref["response"].json() if tag_ref["value"]["name"] == name: found = tag_ref["value"] break if found: if description == found["description"]: ret["comment"] = "tag exists" return ret else: ret["changes"]["new"] = {} ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["old"]["description"] = found["description"] ret["changes"]["new"]["description"] = description if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} tag will be updated" return ret id = found["id"] spec = {"update_spec": {"description": description}} url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{id}" updated = connect.request( url, "PATCH", body=spec, token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__ ) if updated["response"].status_code == 200: ret["comment"] = "updated" return ret ret["status_code"] = updated["response"].status_code ret["reason"] = updated["response"].reason ret["comment"] = "failed to update" ret["result"] = False return ret else: if category_id: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} tag will be created" return ret data = { "create_spec": { "category_id": category_id, "description": description, "name": name, } } create = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag", "POST", body=data, token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__, ) response = create["response"].json() ret["changes"]["tag_id"] = response["value"] ret["comment"] = "created" return ret else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "category_id required to create a tag" return ret
[docs]def absent(name): """ Delete tag. name Name of tag. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} res = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag", "GET", opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__ ) response = res["response"].json() token = res["token"] found = None for tag in response["value"]: url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag}" tag_ref = connect.request(url, "GET", token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) tag_ref = tag_ref["response"].json() if tag_ref["value"]["name"] == name: found = tag_ref["value"] break if found: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} tag will be deleted" return ret id = found["id"] url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{id}" delete = connect.request(url, "DELETE", token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) if delete["response"].status_code == 200: ret["comment"] = "deleted" return ret ret["status_code"] = delete["response"].status_code ret["reason"] = delete["response"].reason ret["comment"] = "failed to delete" ret["result"] = False return ret else: ret["comment"] = "Tag does not exist" return ret
[docs]def present_category(name, associable_types, cardinality, description=""): """ Create or update a category. name The display name of the category. associable_types (list) Object types to which this category’s tags can be attached. cardinality The CategoryModel.Cardinality enumerated type defines the number of tags in a category that can be assigned to an object. SINGLE, MULTIPLE description (optional) The description of the category. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} res = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category", "GET", opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__ ) response = res["response"].json() token = res["token"] found = None for cat in response["value"]: url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{cat}" cat_ref = connect.request(url, "GET", token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) cat_ref = cat_ref["response"].json() if cat_ref["value"]["name"] == name: found = cat_ref["value"] break if found: if ( associable_types == found["associable_types"] and cardinality == found["cardinality"] and description == found["description"] ): ret["comment"] = "category exists" return ret else: ret["changes"]["new"] = {} ret["changes"]["old"] = {} if associable_types != found["associable_types"]: ret["changes"]["old"]["associable_types"] = found["associable_types"] ret["changes"]["new"]["associable_types"] = associable_types if cardinality != found["cardinality"]: ret["changes"]["old"]["cardinality"] = found["cardinality"] ret["changes"]["new"]["cardinality"] = cardinality if description != found["description"]: ret["changes"]["old"]["description"] = found["description"] ret["changes"]["new"]["description"] = description if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} category will be updated" return ret id = found["id"] spec = {"update_spec": {}} if associable_types: spec["update_spec"]["associable_types"] = associable_types if cardinality: spec["update_spec"]["cardinality"] = cardinality if description: spec["update_spec"]["description"] = description url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{id}" updated = connect.request(url, "PATCH", body=spec, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) if updated["response"].status_code == 200: ret["comment"] = "updated" return ret ret["status_code"] = updated["response"].status_code ret["reason"] = updated["response"].reason ret["comment"] = "failed to update" ret["result"] = False return ret else: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} category will be created" return ret data = { "create_spec": { "associable_types": associable_types, "cardinality": cardinality, "description": description, "name": name, } } create = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category", "POST", body=data, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__, ) response = create["response"].json() ret["changes"]["category_id"] = response["value"] ret["comment"] = "created" return ret
[docs]def absent_category(name): """ Delete category. name Name of category. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} res = connect.request( "/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category", "GET", opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__ ) response = res["response"].json() token = res["token"] found = None for cat in response["value"]: url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{cat}" cat_ref = connect.request(url, "GET", token=token, opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) cat_ref = cat_ref["response"].json() if cat_ref["value"]["name"] == name: found = cat_ref["value"] break if found: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{name} category will be deleted" return ret id = found["id"] url = f"/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{id}" delete = connect.request(url, "DELETE", opts=__opts__, pillar=__pillar__) if delete["response"].status_code == 200: ret["comment"] = "deleted" return ret ret["status_code"] = delete["response"].status_code ret["reason"] = delete["response"].reason ret["comment"] = "failed to delete" ret["result"] = False return ret else: ret["comment"] = "Category does not exist" return ret