Module for fetching artifacts from Artifactory
(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None, classifier=None, username=None, password=None, use_literal_group_id=False)¶Gets the latest release of the artifact
URL of artifactory instance
Release repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-releases
Group Id of the artifact
Artifact Id of the artifact
Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-version.packaging)
Artifact classifier name (ex: sources,javadoc,etc). Optional parameter.
Artifactory username. Optional parameter.
Artifactory password. Optional parameter.
(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None, classifier=None, username=None, password=None, use_literal_group_id=False)¶Gets latest snapshot of the given artifact
URL of artifactory instance
Snapshot repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-snapshots
Group Id of the artifact
Artifact Id of the artifact
Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-snapshot_version.packaging)
Artifact classifier name (ex: sources,javadoc,etc). Optional parameter.
Artifactory username. Optional parameter.
Artifactory password. Optional parameter.
(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, version, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None, classifier=None, username=None, password=None, use_literal_group_id=False)¶Gets the specified release of the artifact
URL of artifactory instance
Release repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-releases
Group Id of the artifact
Artifact Id of the artifact
Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
Version of the artifact
Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-version.packaging)
Artifact classifier name (ex: sources,javadoc,etc). Optional parameter.
Artifactory username. Optional parameter.
Artifactory password. Optional parameter.
(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, version, snapshot_version=None, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None, classifier=None, username=None, password=None, use_literal_group_id=False)¶Gets snapshot of the desired version of the artifact
URL of artifactory instance
Snapshot repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-snapshots
Group Id of the artifact
Artifact Id of the artifact
Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
Version of the artifact
Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-snapshot_version.packaging)
Artifact classifier name (ex: sources,javadoc,etc). Optional parameter.
Artifactory username. Optional parameter.
Artifactory password. Optional parameter.