Virtual machine image management tools
(path, id_=None, config=None, approve_key=True, install=True, prep_install=False, pub_key=None, priv_key=None, mount_point=None)¶Seed a location (disk image, directory, or block device) with the minion config, approve the minion's key, and/or install salt-minion.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' seed.apply path id [config=config_data] \
[gen_key=(true|false)] [approve_key=(true|false)] \
Full path to the directory, device, or disk image on the target minion's file system.
Minion id with which to seed the path.
Minion configuration options. By default, the 'master' option is set to the target host's 'master'.
Request a pre-approval of the generated minion key. Requires that the salt-master be configured to either auto-accept all keys or expect a signing request from the target host. Default: true.
Install salt-minion, if absent. Default: true.
Prepare the bootstrap script, but don't run it. Default: false
(config=None, tmp=None, id_=None, approve_key=True, pub_key=None, priv_key=None)¶Generate keys and config and put them in a tmp directory.
absolute path or file content of an optional preseeded salt key
absolute path or file content of an optional preseeded salt key
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' seed.mkconfig [config=config_data] [tmp=tmp_dir] \
[id_=minion_id] [approve_key=(true|false)]
(mpt)¶Update and get the random script to a random place
CLI Example:
salt '*' seed.prep_bootstrap /tmp