Debian Package builder system
New in version 2015.8.0.
This system allows for all of the components to build debs safely in chrooted environments. This also provides a function to generate debian repositories
This module implements the pkgbuild interface
(runas, tgt, dest_dir, spec, sources, deps, env, template, saltenv='base', log_dir='/var/log/salt/pkgbuild')¶Given the package destination directory, the tarball containing debian files (e.g. control) and package sources, use pbuilder to safely build the platform package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgbuild.make_src_pkg deb-8-x86_64 /var/www/html
This example command should build the libnacl package for Debian using pbuilder and place it in /var/www/html/ on the minion
(repodir, keyid=None, env=None, use_passphrase=False, gnupghome='/etc/salt/gpgkeys', runas='root', timeout=15.0)¶Make a package repository and optionally sign it and packages present
Given the repodir (directory to create repository in), create a Debian repository and optionally sign it and packages present. This state is best used with onchanges linked to your package building states.
The directory to find packages that will be in the repository.
Changed in version 2016.3.0.
Optional Key ID to use in signing packages and repository. This consists of the last 8 hex digits of the GPG key ID.
Utilizes Public and Private keys associated with keyid which have
been loaded into the minion's Pillar data. Leverages gpg-agent and
gpg-preset-passphrase for caching keys, etc.
These pillar values are assumed to be filenames which are present
in gnupghome
. The pillar keys shown below have to match exactly.
For example, contents from a Pillar data file with named Public and Private keys as follows:
gpg_pkg_priv_keyname: gpg_pkg_key.pem
Changed in version 2016.3.0.
A dictionary of environment variables to be utilized in creating the repository.
New in version 2016.3.0.
Use a passphrase with the signing key presented in keyid
Passphrase is received from Pillar data which could be passed on the
command line with pillar
parameter. For example:
pillar='{ "gpg_passphrase" : "my_passphrase" }'
New in version 2016.3.0.
Location where GPG related files are stored, used with keyid
New in version 2016.3.0.
User to create the repository as, and optionally sign packages.
Ensure the user has correct permissions to any files and directories which are to be utilized.
New in version 2016.3.4.
Timeout in seconds to wait for the prompt for inputting the passphrase.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgbuild.make_repo /var/www/html
(dest_dir, spec, sources, env=None, saltenv='base', runas='root')¶Create a platform specific source package from the given platform spec/control file and sources
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgbuild.make_src_pkg /var/www/html/
This example command should build the libnacl SOURCE package and place it in /var/www/html/ on the minion
Absolute path for directory to write source package
Absolute path to spec file or equivalent
Absolute path to source files to build source package from
A list or dictionary of environment variables to be set prior to execution. Example:
- env:
- DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: 'nocheck'
The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes,
no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as
boolean True
and False
values, and must be enclosed in
quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML
idiosyncrasies can be found here.
saltenv: base
Salt environment variables
New in version 2019.2.1.
User to create the files and directories
Ensure the user has correct permissions to any files and directories which are to be utilized.