Onedir Packaging

Relenv onedir packaging

Starting in 3006, only onedir packaging will be available. The 3006 onedir packages are built with the relenv tool.

Docker Containers

The Salt Project uses docker containers to build our deb and rpm packages. If you are building your own packages you can use the same containers we build with in the Github piplines. These containers are documented here.

How to build onedir only

  1. Install relenv:

    pip install relenv
  2. Fetch toolchain (Only required for linux OSs)

    relenv toolchain fetch
  3. Fetch Native Python Build:

    relenv fetch --python=<python-version>
  4. Create relenv environment:

    relenv create --python=<python-version> <relenv-package-path>
  5. Add Salt into onedir.

    <relenv-package-path>/bin/pip install /path/to/salt

How to build rpm packages

  1. Ensure you are in the current Salt cloned git repo:

    cd <path-to-salt-repo>
  2. Install the dependencies:

    yum -y install python3 python3-pip openssl git rpmdevtools rpmlint systemd-units libxcrypt-compat git gnupg2 jq createrepo rpm-sign rustc cargo epel-release
    yum -y install patchelf
    pip install awscli
    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/tools.txt
  3. (Optional) To build a specific Salt version, you will need to install tools and changelog dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/changelog.txt
  4. (Optional) To build a specific Salt version, run tools and set Salt version:

    tools changelog update-rpm <salt-version>
  5. Build the RPM:

    Only the arch argument is required, the rest are optional.

    tools pkg build rpm --relenv-version <relenv-version> --python-version <python-version> --arch <arch>

How to build deb packages

  1. Ensure you are in the current Salt cloned git repo.:

    cd <path-to-salt-repo>
  2. Install the dependencies:

    apt install -y apt-utils gnupg jq awscli python3 python3-venv python3-pip build-essential devscripts debhelper bash-completion git patchelf rustc
    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/tools.txt
  3. (Optional) To build a specific Salt version, you will need to install changelog dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/changelog.txt
  4. (Optional) To build a specific Salt version, run tools and set Salt version:

    tools changelog update-deb <salt-version>
  5. Build the deb package:

    Only the arch argument is required, the rest are optional.

    tools pkg build deb --relenv-version <relenv-version> --python-version <python-version> --arch <arch>

How to build MacOS packages

  1. Ensure you are in the current Salt cloned git repo.:

    cd <path-to-salt-repo>
  2. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/tools.txt
  3. Build the MacOS package:

    Only the salt-version argument is required, the rest are optional. Do note that you will not be able to sign the packages when building them.

    tools pkg build macos --salt-version <salt-version>

How to build Windows packages

  1. Ensure you are in the current Salt cloned git repo.:

    cd <path-to-salt-repo>
  2. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements/static/ci/py{python_version}/tools.txt
  3. Build the MacOS package:

    Only the arch and salt-version arguments are required, the rest are optional. Do note that you will not be able to sign the packages when building them.

    tools pkg build windows --salt-version <salt-version> --arch <arch>

How to access python binary

The python library is available in the install directory of the onedir package. For example on linux the default location would be /opt/saltstack/salt/bin/python3.

Testing the packages

If you want to test your built packages, or any other collection of salt packages post 3006.0, follow this guide