This runner is used only for test purposes and serves no production purpose
Output the given args and kwargs
Kwargs will be filtered for 'private' keynames.
CLI Example:
salt-run test.arg foo bar=baz
New in version 2018.3.0.
Return the configuration options of the master.
CLI Example:
salt-run test.get_opts
Return common metasyntactic variables for the given locality
CLI Example:
salt-run test.metasyntactic locality=uk
Output the given args and kwargs
CLI Example:
salt-run test.arg foo __bar=baz
Sleep t seconds, then return True
CLI Example:
salt-run test.sleep s_time=5
Print 'foo' and return 'bar'
CLI Example:
salt-run test.stdout_print
Fire a stream of 100 test events, then return True
CLI Example: