

New in version 3006.0.

Implements keyvalue serializer which can be used for serializing or deserializing any file which defines keys and values separated by a common set of characters, such environment files, which are in "KEY=value" format.


param line_ending

String representation of LF or CRLF to be used for serialization to a file. Defaults to \r\n on Windows and \n on other operating systems.

param quoting

Boolean flag to determine if values should be quoted (True) during serialization or dequoted (False) during deserialization. Defaults to None (no action).

param separator

String representing the character(s) used when concatenating or reading key/value pairs. Defaults to =.

A dataset such as:

foo: bar
wang: chung


- [foo, bar]
- [wang, chung]

can be represented as:

exception salt.serializers.keyvalue.DeserializationError(message, line_num=None, buf='', marker='    <======================', trace=None)

Raised when stream of string failed to be deserialized

exception salt.serializers.keyvalue.SerializationError(message='')

Raised when stream of string failed to be serialized


Remove extra quotes around a string.

salt.serializers.keyvalue.deserialize(stream_or_string, **options)

Deserialize any string or stream like object into a Python data structure.

  • stream_or_string -- stream or string to deserialize.

  • options -- options given to the function


Wraps a text around quotes.

{% set my_text = 'my_text' %}
{{ my_text | quote }}

will be rendered as:

salt.serializers.keyvalue.serialize(obj, **options)

Serialize Python data to environment file.

  • obj -- the data structure to serialize

  • options -- options given to the function