The EC2 cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ec2.conf
# EC2 API credentials: Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
# Alternatively, to use IAM Instance Role credentials available via
# EC2 metadata set both id and key to 'use-instance-role-credentials'
key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
# If 'role_arn' is specified the above credentials are used to
# to assume to the role. By default, role_arn is set to None.
role_arn: arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/SomeRoleName
# The ssh keyname to use
keyname: default
# The amazon security group
securitygroup: ssh_open
# The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname
private_key: /root/default.pem
# Be default, service_url is set to If you are using this
# driver for something other than Amazon EC2, change it here:
# The endpoint that is ultimately used is usually formed using the region
# and the service_url. If you would like to override that entirely, you
# can explicitly define the endpoint:
# SSH Gateways can be used with this provider. Gateways can be used
# when a salt-master is not on the same private network as the instance
# that is being deployed.
# Defaults to None
# Required
# Defaults to port 22
# Optional
ssh_gateway_port: 22
# Defaults to root
# Optional
ssh_gateway_username: root
# Default to nc -q0 %h %p
# Optional
ssh_gateway_command: "-W %h:%p"
# One authentication method is required. If both
# are specified, Private key wins.
# Private key defaults to None
ssh_gateway_private_key: /path/to/key.pem
# Password defaults to None
ssh_gateway_password: ExamplePasswordHere
driver: ec2
# Pass userdata to the instance to be created
userdata_file: /etc/salt/my-userdata-file
# Instance termination protection setting
# Default is disabled
termination_protection: False
Attach a volume to an instance
Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
List all available locations
Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with relevant data. Latest version can be found at:
Return the block device mapping:
[{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral0'},
{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdc', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral1'}]
Copy a snapshot
Create a single VM from a data dict
Create and attach volumes to created node
Create an SSH keypair
Create a snapshot.
The ID of the Volume from which to create a snapshot.
The optional description of the snapshot.
CLI Exampe:
salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826
salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826 \
description="My Snapshot Description"
Create a volume.
The availability zone used to create the volume. Required. String.
The size of the volume, in GiBs. Defaults to 10
. Integer.
The snapshot-id from which to create the volume. Integer.
The volume type. This can be gp2
for General Purpose SSD, io1
for Provisioned IOPS SSD, st1
for Throughput Optimized HDD,
for Cold HDD, or standard
for Magnetic volumes. String.
The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume, with a maximum ratio of 50 IOPS/GiB. Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. Integer.
This option will only be set if type
is also specified as io1
Specifies whether the volume will be encrypted. Boolean.
If snapshot
is also given in the list of kwargs, then this value is ignored
since volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are also automatically
The tags to apply to the volume during creation. Dictionary.
The create_volume
function must be called with -f
or --function
Whether or not to wait for the volume to be available. Boolean. Defaults to
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b
salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b tags='{"tag1": "val1", "tag2", "val2"}'
Delete tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=mytag,
salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=tag1,tag2,tag3
salt-cloud -a del_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tags=tag1,tag2,tag3
Delete an SSH keypair
Delete a snapshot
Delete a volume
Delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy mymachine
Describe a snapshot (or snapshots)
One or more snapshot IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",".
Return the snapshots owned by the specified owner. Valid values include: self, amazon, <AWS Account ID>. Multiple values must be separated by ",".
One or more AWS accounts IDs that can create volumes from the snapshot. Multiple aws account IDs must be separated by ",".
TODO: Add all of the filters.
Describe a volume (or volumes)
One or more volume IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",".
TODO: Add all of the filters.
Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
Detach a volume from an instance
Enable/disable detailed monitoring on a node
Disable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine
Enable/disable detailed monitoring on a node
Enable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine
Return the availability zone to use
Return the first configured instance.
Show the console output from the instance.
By default, returns decoded data, not the Base64-encoded data that is actually returned from the EC2 API.
Warn if dependencies aren't met.
Returns the ImageId to use
CLI parameter
VM parameter
Cloud profile setting
Return password data for a Windows instance.
By default only the encrypted password data will be returned. However, if a key_file is passed in, then a decrypted password will also be returned.
Note that the key_file references the private key that was used to generate the keypair associated with this instance. This private key will _not_ be transmitted to Amazon; it is only used internally inside of Salt Cloud to decrypt data _after_ it has been received from Amazon.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine
salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine key_file=/root/ec2key.pem
Note: PKCS1_v1_5 was added in PyCrypto 2.5
Returns the PlacementGroup to use
Extract the provider name from vm
Returns the spot instance configuration for the provided vm
Return the ssh_gateway configuration.
Returns the SubnetId to use
Retrieve tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a get_tags mymachine
salt-cloud -a get_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32
Returns the Tenancy to use.
Can be "dedicated" or "default". Cannot be present for spot instances.
Return the IAM profile.
The IAM instance profile to associate with the instances. This is either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile or the name of the role.
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Example: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:instance-profile/s3access
Example: s3access
Import an SSH public key.
New in version 2015.8.3.
Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy mymachine
Return the keyname
List all availability zones in the current region
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider. Only a list of VM names, and their state, is returned. This is the minimum amount of information needed to check for existing VMs.
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
Return an optimized list of providers.
We want to reduce the duplication of querying the same region.
If a provider is using the same credentials for the same region the same data will be returned for each provider, thus causing un-wanted duplicate data and API calls to EC2.
Query an instance upon creation from the EC2 API
Queue a set of instances to be provisioned later. Expects a list.
Currently this only queries node data, and then places it in the cloud cache (if configured). If the salt-cloud-reactor is being used, these instances will be automatically provisioned using that.
For more information about the salt-cloud-reactor, see:
Reboot a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a reboot mymachine
Create an ami from a snapshot
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f register_image my-ec2-config ami_name=my_ami description="my description"
root_device_name=/dev/xvda snapshot_id=snap-xxxxxxxx
Properly rename a node. Pass in the new name as "new name".
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a rename mymachine newname=yourmachine
Put together all of the information necessary to request an instance on EC2, and then fire off the request the instance.
Returns data about the instance
Return the script deployment object
Return the security group
Returns the SecurityGroupId
Set tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a set_tags mymachine tag1=somestuff tag2='Other stuff'
salt-cloud -a set_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tag=somestuff
Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy mymachine
Show the details from EC2 regarding cloudwatch detailed monitoring.
Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI
Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI.
Can be called as an action (which requires a name):
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
...or as a function (which requires either a name or instance_id):
salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 name=myinstance
salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 instance_id=i-d34db33f
Show the details of an SSH keypair
Show pricing for a particular profile. This is only an estimate, based on unofficial pricing sources.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -f show_pricing my-ec2-config profile=my-profile
If pricing sources have not been cached, they will be downloaded. Once they have been cached, they will not be updated automatically. To manually update all prices, use the following command:
salt-cloud -f update_pricing <provider>
New in version 2015.8.0.
Show the details from EC2 concerning an instance's termination protection state
Wrapper around describe_volumes. Here just to keep functionality. Might be depreciated later.
Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
Associates the specified SSM document with the specified instance
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a ssm_create_association ec2-instance-name ssm_document=ssm-document-name
Describes the associations for the specified SSM document or instance.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a ssm_describe_association ec2-instance-name ssm_document=ssm-document-name
Start a node
Stop a node
Download most recent pricing information from AWS and convert to a local JSON file.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -f update_pricing my-ec2-config
salt-cloud -f update_pricing my-ec2-config type=linux
New in version 2015.8.0.
Wrapper around create_volume. Here just to ensure the compatibility with the cloud module.
Wrapper around describe_volumes. Here just to ensure the compatibility with the cloud module.
Wait for an instance upon creation from the EC2 API, to become available