Functions to interact with the pillar compiler on the master
Clears the cached values when using pillar_cache
New in version 3003.
CLI Example:
Clears the pillar cache for a specific minion:
salt-run pillar.clear_pillar_cache 'minion'
Returns the compiled pillar either of a specific minion
or just the global available pillars. This function assumes
that no minion has the id *
Function also accepts pillarenv as attribute in order to limit to a specific pillar branch of git
CLI Example:
shows minion specific pillar:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar ''
shows global pillar:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar
shows global pillar for 'dev' pillar environment: (note that not specifying pillarenv will merge all pillar environments using the master config option pillar_source_merging_strategy.)
salt-run pillar.show_pillar 'pillarenv=dev'
shows global pillar for 'dev' pillar environment and specific pillarenv = dev:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar 'saltenv=dev' 'pillarenv=dev'
API Example:
import salt.config
import salt.runner
opts = salt.config.master_config('/etc/salt/master')
runner = salt.runner.RunnerClient(opts)
pillar = runner.cmd('pillar.show_pillar', [])
Shows the cached values in pillar_cache
New in version 3003.
CLI Example:
Shows the pillar cache for a specific minion:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar_cache 'minion'
Returns the compiled top data for pillar for a specific minion. If no minion is specified, we use the first minion we find.
CLI Example:
salt-run pillar.show_top