Execution of Ansible modules from within states |
Extract an archive |
Configuration disposable regularly scheduled tasks for at. |
Management of the Salt beacons |
Manage Windows Packages using Chocolatey . |
Using states instead of maps to deploy clouds |
Execution of arbitrary commands |
Management of cron, the Unix command scheduler |
Disk monitoring state |
Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process. |
Manage etcd Keys |
Send events through Salt's event system during state runs |
Operations on regular files, special files, directories, and symlinks |
State to check firewall configurations |
Management of firewalld |
States to manage git repositories and git configuration |
Manage GPG keychains |
Manage grains on the minion |
Management of user groups |
To be used with processors in module highstate_doc. |
Management of addresses and names in hosts file |
HTTP monitoring states |
Idem Support |
Manage ini files |
Management of ipsets |
Management of iptables |
Management of keyboard layouts |
Loading and unloading of kernel modules |
Linux File Access Control Lists |
Management of languages/locales |
Module for managing logrotate. |
Loop state |
Management of Linux logical volumes |
Allows you to manage assistive access on macOS minions with 10.9+ |
Installing of certificates to the keychain |
Allows you to manage extended attributes on files or directories |
Writing/reading defaults from a macOS minion |
Installing of mac pkg files |
Management of Gentoo make.conf |
Managing software RAID with mdadm |
Execution of Salt modules from within states |
Mounting of filesystems |
Network ACL |
Network Config |
Network NTP |
Network SNMP |
Network Users |
Configuration of network interfaces |
Management of nftables |
Management of NTP servers |
Installation of Python Packages Using pip |
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get |
The pkgbuild state is the front of Salt package building backend. |
Manage package remote repo using FreeBSD pkgng |
Management of APT/DNF/YUM/Zypper package repos |
Management of PostgreSQL clusters |
Management of PostgreSQL databases |
Management of PostgreSQL extensions |
Management of PostgreSQL groups (roles) |
Initialization of PostgreSQL data directory |
Management of PostgreSQL languages |
Management of PostgreSQL Privileges |
Management of PostgreSQL schemas |
Management of PostgreSQL tablespace |
Management of PostgreSQL users (roles) |
Process Management |
Allows you to manage proxy settings on minions |
Managing python installations with pyenv |
Management of POSIX Quotas |
Manage RabbitMQ Clusters |
Manage RabbitMQ Plugins |
Manage RabbitMQ Policies |
Manage RabbitMQ Upstreams |
Manage RabbitMQ Users |
Manage RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts |
Manage the Windows registry |
Salt proxy state |
Control the Salt command interface |
Saltutil State |
Management of the Salt scheduler |
Management of SELinux rules |
Starting or restarting of services and daemons |
Control of entries in SSH authorized_key files |
Control of SSH known_hosts entries |
Stateconf System |
Minion status monitoring |
Configuration of the kernel using sysctl |
Configuration of the kernel using sysfs |
State module for syslog_ng |
Test States |
Management of timezones |
Enforce state for SSL/TLS |
Monitor Web Server with Uptime |
Management of user accounts. |
Setup of Python virtualenv sandboxes. |
Manage Microsoft Store apps on Windows. |
Installing of certificates to the Windows Certificate Manager |
Windows Object Access Control Lists |
Installing of Windows features using DISM |
Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems |
State for configuring Windows Firewall |
Microsoft IIS site management |
Manage Windows Local Group Policy |
LGPO - Registry.pol |
Installation and activation of windows licenses |
Configuration of network interfaces on Windows hosts |
Manage the Windows System PATH |
Microsoft certificate management via the Pki PowerShell module. |
This module allows you to control the power settings of a windows minion via powercfg. |
Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module. |
State module for creating shortcuts on Windows. |
Module for managing IIS SMTP server configuration on Windows servers. |
Module for managing SNMP service settings on Windows servers. |
Management of Windows system information |
State module for adding and removing scheduled tasks using the Windows Task Scheduler. |
Installation of Windows Updates using the Windows Update Agent |
Microsoft Updates (KB) Management |
Manage Windows Package Repository |
Manage X509 Certificates |
Manage X.509 certificates |