pass is an encrypted on-disk password store.
New in version 2017.7.0.
Note: <user>
needs to be replaced with the user salt-master will be
running as.
Have private gpg loaded into user
's gpg keyring
- name: gpg --import <location_of_private_gpg_key>
- unless: gpg --list-keys '<gpg_name>'
Said private key's public key should have been used when encrypting pass entries that are of interest for pillar data.
Fetch and keep local pass git repo up-to-date
- force_reset: True
- name: <git_repo>
- target: /<user>/.password-store
- identity: <location_of_ssh_private_key>
- require:
- cmd: load_private_gpg_key
Install pass binary
Salt master configuration options
# If the prefix is *not* set (default behavior), all template variables are
# considered for fetching secrets from Pass. Those that cannot be resolved
# to a secret are passed through.
# If the prefix is set, only the template variables with matching prefix are
# considered for fetching the secrets, other variables are passed through.
# For ease of use it is recommended to set the following options as well:
# renderer: 'jinja|yaml|pass'
# pass_strict_fetch: true
pass_variable_prefix: 'pass:'
# If set to 'true', error out when unable to fetch a secret for a template variable.
pass_strict_fetch: true
# Set GNUPGHOME env for Pass.
# Defaults to: ~/.gnupg
pass_gnupghome: <path>
# Set PASSWORD_STORE_DIR env for Pass.
# Defaults to: ~/.password-store
pass_dir: <path>
Fetch secret from pass based on pass_path