RESTCONF State module for Proxy minions
Jamie (Bear) Murphy <>
This state module was designed to manage RESTCONF states. This module relies on the RESTCONF proxy module to interface with the devices.
Ensure a specific value exists at a given path
(str) The name for this rule
(str) The RESTCONF path to set / get config
(str) rest method to use eg GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
(dict) The new value at the given path
(str) Alternative path incase the path doesnt exist on first pass
(str) Method to use on alternative path when setting config, default: PATCH
(dict) The new value at the given init path. This is only needed if you need to supply a different style of data to an init path.
- name: random_name_here
- path: restconf/data/Cisco-IOS-XE-native:native/interface/GigabitEthernet=1%2F0%2F3
- config:
description: interfaceDescription
name: "1/0/3"