Module for managing quotas on POSIX-like systems.
Report whether the quota system for this device is on or off
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.get_mode
Turns off the quota system
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Turns on the quota system
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.on
Report on quotas for a specific volume
CLI Example:
salt '*' /media/data
Calls out to setquota, for a specific user or group
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.set /media/data user=larry block-soft-limit=1048576
salt '*' quota.set /media/data group=painters file-hard-limit=1000
Runs the quotastats command, and returns the parsed output
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.stats
Runs the warnquota command, to send warning emails to users who are over their quota limit.
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.warn