Version 3003.1 is a bug fix release for 3003.
Fixed race condition in batch logic. Added listen option to LocalClient to prevent event subscriber from purging cached events during batch iteration. (#56273)
Fixed dependencies for Amazon Linux 2 on since Amazon Linux 2 now provides some of the python libraries in their repos. (#59982)
IPCMessageSubscriber objects expose their connect method as a coroutine so they can be wrapped by SyncWrapper. (#60049)
Import salt.utils.azurearm instead of using __utils__ from loader in azure cloud. This fixes an issue where __utils__ would become unavailable when we are using the ThreadPool in azurearm. (#59744)
Use contextvars library from site-packages if it is intalled. Fixes salt ssh for targets with python <=3.6 (#59942)
Add back support to load old entrypoints by iterating instead of type checking (#59961)
Pass the value of the __grains__
NamedContext to salt.pillar.get_pillar, instead of the NamedContext object itself. (#59975)
Fix pillar serialization in jinja templates (#60083)