Manage Dell DRAC
Change users password
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.change_password [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [UID - optional]
salt dell drac.change_password diana secret
Create user accounts
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.create_user [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [PRIVILEGES]
salt dell drac.create_user diana secret login,test_alerts,clear_logs
login : Login to iDRAC
drac : Configure iDRAC
user_management : Configure Users
clear_logs : Clear Logs
server_control_commands : Execute Server Control Commands
console_redirection : Access Console Redirection
virtual_media : Access Virtual Media
test_alerts : Test Alerts
debug_commands : Execute Debug Commands
Delete a user
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.delete_user [USERNAME] [UID - optional]
salt dell drac.delete_user diana 4
Enable/Disable email alerts
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.email_alerts True
salt dell drac.email_alerts False
List all DRAC users
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.list_users
Configure the nameservers on the DRAC
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.nameservers [NAMESERVERS]
salt dell drac.nameservers
Return Network Configuration
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.network_info
Performs a reset (reboot) operation on the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_hardreset
Powers down the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_poweroff
Powers up the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_poweron
Configure server to PXE perform a one off PXE boot
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_pxe
Issues a power-cycle operation on the managed server. This action is similar to pressing the power button on the system's front panel to power down and then power up the system.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_reboot
Configure Network
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_network [DRAC IP] [NETMASK] [GATEWAY]
salt dell drac.set_network
Configure users permissions
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_permissions [USERNAME] [PRIVILEGES] [USER INDEX - optional]
salt dell drac.set_permissions diana login,test_alerts,clear_logs 4
login : Login to iDRAC
drac : Configure iDRAC
user_management : Configure Users
clear_logs : Clear Logs
server_control_commands : Execute Server Control Commands
console_redirection : Access Console Redirection
virtual_media : Access Virtual Media
test_alerts : Test Alerts
debug_commands : Execute Debug Commands
Configure SNMP community string
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_snmp [COMMUNITY]
salt dell drac.set_snmp public
Configure syslog remote logging, by default syslog will automatically be enabled if a server is specified. However, if you want to disable syslog you will need to specify a server followed by False
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.syslog [SYSLOG IP] [ENABLE/DISABLE]
salt dell drac.syslog False
Return System information
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.system_info