Glance module for interacting with OpenStack Glance
New in version 2018.3.0.
Example configuration
cloud: default
username: admin
password: password123
user_domain_name: mydomain
project_name: myproject
project_domain_name: myproject
identity_api_version: 3
Compare two dicts returning only keys that exist in the first dict and are different in the second one
Return an openstack_cloud
Return an operator_cloud
Create an image
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.image_create name=cirros file=cirros.raw disk_format=raw
salt '*' glanceng.image_create name=cirros file=cirros.raw disk_format=raw hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi hw_disk_bus=scsi
Delete an image
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.image_delete name=image1
salt '*' glanceng.image_delete name=0e4febc2a5ab4f2c8f374b054162506d
Get a single image
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.image_get name=image1
salt '*' glanceng.image_get name=0e4febc2a5ab4f2c8f374b054162506d
List images
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.image_list
salt '*' glanceng.image_list
Search for images
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.image_search name=image1
salt '*' glanceng.image_search
Call functions to create Shade cloud objects in __context__ to take advantage of Shade's in-memory caching across several states
Update properties for an image
CLI Example:
salt '*' glanceng.update_image_properties name=image1 hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi hw_disk_bus=scsi
salt '*' glanceng.update_image_properties name=0e4febc2a5ab4f2c8f374b054162506d min_ram=1024