Bo Maryniuk <>
File-based CSV database. This database is in-memory operating relatively small plain text csv files.
Close the database.
Create a table from the object. NOTE: This method doesn't stores anything.
obj --
Delete object from the database.
obj --
matches --
mt --
lt --
eq --
Flush table.
table --
Get objects from the table.
table_name --
matches -- Regexp.
mt -- More than.
lt -- Less than.
eq -- Equals.
Return if the database is closed.
List all the databases on the given path.
Load existing tables and their descriptions.
Create a new database and opens it.
Open database from the path with the name or latest. If there are no yet databases, create a new implicitly.
Purge the database.
dbid --
Store an object in the table.
obj -- An object to store
distinct -- Store object only if there is none identical of such. If at least one field is different, store it.
Update object(s) in the database.
obj --
matches --
mt --
lt --
eq --
Serializable object for the table.