Manage HP ILO
hponcfg (SmartStart Scripting Toolkit Linux Edition)
Reset a users password
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.change_password damianMyerscough
Change a username
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.change_username damian diana
Configure Network Interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.configure_network [IP ADDRESS] [NETMASK] [GATEWAY]
Configure SNMP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.configure_snmp [COMMUNITY STRING] [SNMP PORT] [SNMP TRAP PORT]
Create user
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.create_user damian secretagent VIRTUAL_MEDIA_PRIV
If no permissions are specify the user will only have a read-only account.
Supported privelges:
ADMIN_PRIV Enables the user to administer user accounts.
REMOTE_CONS_PRIV Enables the user to access the Remote Console functionality.
RESET_SERVER_PRIV Enables the user to remotely manipulate the server power setting.
VIRTUAL_MEDIA_PRIV Enables the user permission to access the virtual media functionality.
CONFIG_ILO_PRIV Enables the user to configure iLO settings.
Delete a users SSH key from the ILO
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.delete_user_sshkey damian
Delete a user
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.delete_user damian
Disable DHCP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.disable_dhcp
Disable the SSH daemon
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.disable_ssh
Enable DHCP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.enable_dhcp
Enable the SSH daemon
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.enable_ssh
Returns local user information, excluding the password
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.get_user damian
Show global settings
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.global_settings
List all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.list_users
List all users in detail
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.list_users_info
Grab the current network settings
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Configure the port HTTP should listen on
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_http_port 8080
Configure the port HTTPS should listen on
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_https_port 4334
Configure SSH public keys for specific users
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_ssh_key "ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBA... damian"
The SSH public key needs to be DSA and the last argument in the key needs to be the username (case-senstive) of the ILO username.
Enable SSH on a user defined port
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_ssh_port 2222