virst compatibility module for managing VMs on SmartOS
Return a list off MAC addresses from the named VM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_macs <domain>
Initialize a new VM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.init image_uuid='...' alias='...' [...]
Return a list of uuids for active virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_active_vms
Return a list of virtual machine names on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_domains
Return a list of uuids for inactive virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_inactive_vms
Reboot a domain via ACPI request
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reboot <domain>
Change the amount of memory allocated to VM. <memory> is to be specified in MB.
Note for KVM : this would require a restart of the VM.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setmem <domain> 512
Send a soft shutdown signal to the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.shutdown <domain>
Start a defined domain
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.start <domain>
Hard power down the virtual machine, this is equivalent to powering off the hardware.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.destroy <domain>
Return a dict with information about the specified VM on this CN
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_info <domain>
Return VM virtualization type : OS or KVM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_virt_type <domain>