Support for Gentoolkit
Clean obsolete portage sources
Only keep minimum for reinstallation
Protect all versions of installed packages. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
Don't delete distfiles bigger than <size>. <size> is a size specification: "10M" is "ten megabytes", "200K" is "two hundreds kilobytes", etc. Units are: G, M, K and B.
Don't delete distfiles files modified since <time> <time> is an amount of time: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
Protect fetch-restricted files. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
Path to exclusion file. Default is /etc/eclean/distfiles.exclude This is the same default eclean-dist uses. Use None if this file exists and you want to ignore.
Returns a dict containing the cleaned, saved, and deprecated dists:
{'cleaned': {<dist file>: <size>},
'deprecated': {<package>: <dist file>},
'saved': {<package>: <dist file>},
'total_cleaned': <size>}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.eclean_dist destructive=True
Clean obsolete binary packages
Only keep minimum for reinstallation
Protect all versions of installed packages. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
Don't delete distfiles files modified since <time> <time> is an amount of time: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
Path to exclusion file. Default is /etc/eclean/packages.exclude This is the same default eclean-pkg uses. Use None if this file exists and you want to ignore.
Returns a dict containing the cleaned binary packages:
{'cleaned': {<dist file>: <size>},
'total_cleaned': <size>}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.eclean_pkg destructive=True
List the status of Gentoo Linux Security Advisories
can contain an arbitrary number of GLSA ids, filenames containing GLSAs or the special identifiers 'all' and 'affected'
Returns a dict containing glsa ids with a description, status, and CVEs:
{<glsa_id>: {'description': <glsa_description>,
'status': <glsa status>,
'CVEs': [<list of CVEs>]}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.glsa_check_list 'affected'