Module to provide redis functionality to Salt
New in version 2014.7.0.
This module requires the redis python module and uses the following defaults which may be overridden in the minion configuration: 'salt'
redis.port: 6379
redis.db: 0
redis.password: None
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.bgrewriteaof
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.bgsave
Get redis server configuration values
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.config_get
salt '*' redis.config_get port
Set redis server configuration values
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.config_set masterauth luv_kittens
Return the number of keys in the selected database
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.dbsize
Deletes the keys from redis, returns number of keys deleted
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.delete foo
Return true if the key exists in redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.exists foo
Set a keys time to live in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.expire foo 300
Set a keys expire at given UNIX time
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.expireat foo 1400000000
Remove all keys from all databases
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.flushall
Remove all keys from the selected database
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.flushdb
Get redis key value
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.get_key foo
Get host information about slave
New in version 2016.3.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.get_master_ip
Delete one of more hash fields.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hdel foo_hash bar_field1 bar_field2
Determine if a hash fields exists.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hexists foo_hash bar_field
Get specific field value from a redis hash, returns dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hget foo_hash bar_field
Get all fields and values from a redis hash, returns dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hgetall foo_hash
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hincrby foo_hash bar_field 5
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given number.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hincrbyfloat foo_hash bar_field 5.17
Returns number of fields of a hash.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hlen foo_hash
Returns the values of all the given hash fields.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hmget foo_hash bar_field1 bar_field2
Sets multiple hash fields to multiple values.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hmset foo_hash bar_field1=bar_value1 bar_field2=bar_value2
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hscan foo_hash match='field_prefix_*' count=1
Set the value of a hash field.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hset foo_hash bar_field bar_value
Set the value of a hash field only if the field does not exist.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hsetnx foo_hash bar_field bar_value
Return all the values in a hash.
New in version 2017.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hvals foo_hash bar_field1 bar_value1
Get information and statistics about the server
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Get redis key type
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.type foo
Get redis keys, supports glob style patterns
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.keys
salt '*' redis.keys test*
Get the UNIX time in seconds of the last successful save to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.lastsave
Get the length of a list in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.llen foo_list
Get a range of values from a list in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.lrange foo_list 0 10
Ping the server, returns False on connection errors
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Get ip for sentinel master
New in version 2016.3.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.sentinel_get_master_ip 'mymaster'
Set redis key value
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.set_key foo bar
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.shutdown
Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master
CLI Example:
# Become slave of
salt '*' redis.slaveof 6379
salt '*' redis.slaveof
# Become master
salt '*' redis.slaveof
Get members in a Redis set
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.smembers foo_set
Return the current server UNIX time in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.time
Get the length of a sorted set in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.zcard foo_sorted
Get a range of values from a sorted set in Redis by index
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.zrange foo_sorted 0 10