Module for solrcloud configuration
New in version 2017.7.0.
For now, module is limited to http-exposed API. It doesn't implement config upload via Solr zkCli
Collections options type definition Reference:
Collection unmodifiable options Reference:
Check alias existence
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.alias_exists my_alias
Get collection list for an alias
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.alias_get my_alias
Define an alias
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.alias_set my_alias collections=[collection1, colletion2]
Get cluster status
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.cluster_status
Create a backup for a collection.
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.core_backup collection_name /mnt/nfs_backup
Create a backup for all collection present on the server.
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.core_backup /mnt/nfs_backup
Check collections options
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_check_options '{"replicationFactor":4}'
Create a collection,
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_create collection_name
Collection creation options may be passed using the "options" parameter. Do not include option "name" since it already specified by the mandatory parameter "collection_name"
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_create collection_name options={"replicationFactor":2, "numShards":3}
Cores options may be passed using the "properties" key in options. Do not include property "name"
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_create collection_name options={"replicationFactor":2, "numShards":3, "properties":{"dataDir":"/srv/solr/hugePartitionSollection"}}
Get collection option list that can only be defined at creation
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_creation_options
Check if a collection exists
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_exists collection_name
Get collection options
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_get_options collection_name
List all collections
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_list
Check if a collection exists
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_reload collection_name
Change collection options
Additional parameters (kwargs) may be passed, they will be proxied to http.query
Note that not every parameter can be changed after collection creation
CLI Example:
salt '*' solrcloud.collection_set_options collection_name options={"replicationFactor":4}
Core properties type definition. Reference: