
Package support for openSUSE via the zypper package manager

  • rpm Python module. Install with zypper install rpm-python


If you feel that Salt should be using this module to manage packages on a minion, and it is using a different module (or gives an error similar to 'pkg.install' is not available), see here.

class salt.modules.zypperpkg.Wildcard(zypper)

New in version 2017.7.0.

Converts string wildcard to a zypper query. .. rubric:: Example

'*' is '' and is equal to: ' >= and <'


ptn -- Pattern


Query range

Z_OP = ['<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>']
salt.modules.zypperpkg.available_version(*names, **kwargs)

This function is an alias of latest_version.

Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.

If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty dict will be returned for that package.


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed or not.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...

Remove unused locks that do not currently (with regard to repositories used) lock any package.


Operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.clean_locks
salt.modules.zypperpkg.del_repo(repo, root=None)

Delete a repo.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.del_repo alias
salt.modules.zypperpkg.diff(*paths, **kwargs)

Return a formatted diff between current files and original in a package. NOTE: this function includes all files (configuration and not), but does not work on binary content.

The root parameter can also be passed via the keyword argument.


path -- Full path to the installed file


Difference string or raises and exception if examined file is binary.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.diff /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/sudoers*packages, **kwargs)

Download packages to the local disk.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' httpd
salt '*' httpd postfix
salt.modules.zypperpkg.file_dict(*packages, **kwargs)

List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not specifying any packages will return a list of every file on the system's rpm database (not generally recommended).

The root parameter can also be passed via the keyword argument.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix
salt '*' pkg.file_list
salt.modules.zypperpkg.file_list(*packages, **kwargs)

List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will return a list of every file on the system's rpm database (not generally recommended).

The root parameter can also be passed via the keyword argument.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix
salt '*' pkg.file_list
salt.modules.zypperpkg.get_repo(repo, root=None, **kwargs)

Display a repo.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.get_repo alias
salt.modules.zypperpkg.hold(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 3003.

Add a package hold. Specify one of name and pkgs.


A package name to hold, or a comma-separated list of package names to hold.


A list of packages to hold. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.hold <package name>
salt '*' pkg.hold <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.hold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.info_available(*names, **kwargs)

Return the information of the named package available for the system.


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed or not.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.info_available <package1>
salt '*' pkg.info_available <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
salt.modules.zypperpkg.info_installed(*names, **kwargs)

Return the information of the named package(s), installed on the system.

  • names -- Names of the packages to get information about.

  • attr --

    Comma-separated package attributes. If no 'attr' is specified, all available attributes returned.

    Valid attributes are:

    version, vendor, release, build_date, build_date_time_t, install_date, install_date_time_t, build_host, group, source_rpm, arch, epoch, size, license, signature, packager, url, summary, description.

  • errors --

    Handle RPM field errors. If 'ignore' is chosen, then various mistakes are simply ignored and omitted from the texts or strings. If 'report' is chonen, then a field with a mistake is not returned, instead a 'N/A (broken)' (not available, broken) text is placed.

    Valid attributes are:

    ignore, report

  • all_versions -- Include information for all versions of the packages installed on the minion.

  • root -- Operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1>
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> <package2> <package3> all_versions=True
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> attr=version,vendor all_versions=True
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> <package2> <package3> ... attr=version,vendor
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> <package2> <package3> ... attr=version,vendor errors=ignore
salt '*' pkg.info_installed <package1> <package2> <package3> ... attr=version,vendor errors=report
salt.modules.zypperpkg.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, downloadonly=None, skip_verify=False, version=None, ignore_repo_failure=False, no_recommends=False, root=None, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0: On minions running systemd>=205, systemd-run(1) is now used to isolate commands which modify installed packages from the salt-minion daemon's control group. This is done to keep systemd from killing any zypper commands spawned by Salt when the salt-minion service is restarted. (see KillMode in the systemd.kill(5) manpage for more information). If desired, usage of systemd-run(1) can be suppressed by setting a config option called systemd.scope, with a value of False (no quotes).

Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to force a 'zypper refresh' before package is installed.


The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is ignored if either pkgs or sources is passed. Additionally, please note that this option can only be used to install packages from a software repository. To install a package file manually, use the sources option.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.install <package name>

force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


Specify a package repository to install from.


Only download the packages, do not install.


Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., --no-gpg-checks)


Can be either a version number, or the combination of a comparison operator (<, >, <=, >=, =) and a version number (ex. '>1.2.3-4'). This parameter is ignored if pkgs or sources is passed.


If this option is set to True zypper will take capabilities into account. In this case names which are just provided by a package will get installed. Default is False.

Multiple Package Installation Options:


A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be passed as a python list. A specific version number can be specified by using a single-element dict representing the package and its version. As with the version parameter above, comparison operators can be used to target a specific version of a package.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4"}]'
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "<1.2.3-4"}]'

A list of RPM packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts, with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI or local path to the package.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"},{"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'

Zypper returns error code 106 if one of the repositories are not available for various reasons. In case to set strict check, this parameter needs to be set to True. Default: False.


Do not install recommended packages, only required ones.


operate on a different root directory.


If a list of package attributes is specified, returned value will contain them, eg.:

{'<package>': {
    'old': {
        'version': '<old-version>',
        'arch': '<old-arch>'},

    'new': {
        'version': '<new-version>',
        'arch': '<new-arch>'}}}

Valid attributes are: epoch, version, release, arch, install_date, install_date_time_t.

If all is specified, all valid attributes will be returned.

New in version 2018.3.0.

Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:

{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
               'new': '<new-version>'}}

If an attribute list is specified in diff_attr, the dict will also contain any specified attribute, eg.:

{'<package>': {
    'old': {
        'version': '<old-version>',
        'arch': '<old-arch>'},

    'new': {
        'version': '<new-version>',
        'arch': '<new-arch>'}}}
salt.modules.zypperpkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)

Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.

If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty dict will be returned for that package.


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed or not.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_downloaded(root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2017.7.0.

List prefetched packages downloaded by Zypper in the local disk.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_downloaded
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_holds(pattern=None, full=True, root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 3005.

List information on locked packages.


This function returns the computed output of list_locks to show exact locked packages.


Regular expression used to match the package name


Show the full hold definition including version and epoch. Set to False to return just the name of the package(s) being held.


Operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_holds
salt '*' pkg.list_holds full=False
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_installed_patches(root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2017.7.0.

List installed advisory patches on the system.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_installed_patches

List installed patterns on the system.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_installed_patterns

List current package locks.


operate on a different root directory.

Return a dict containing the locked package with attributes:

{'<package>': {'case_sensitive': '<case_sensitive>',
               'match_type': '<match_type>'
               'type': '<type>'}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_locks
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_patches(refresh=False, root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2017.7.0.

List all known advisory patches from available repos.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_patches
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_patterns(refresh=False, root=None)

List all known patterns from available repos.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_patterns
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, root=None, includes=None, **kwargs)

List the packages currently installed as a dict. By default, the dict contains versions as a comma separated string:

{'<package_name>': '<version>[,<version>...]'}

If set to true, the versions are provided as a list

{'<package_name>': ['<version>', '<version>']}


operate on a different root directory.


List of types of packages to include (package, patch, pattern, product) By default packages are always included


If a list of package attributes is specified, returned value will contain them in addition to version, eg.:

{'<package_name>': [{'version' : 'version', 'arch' : 'arch'}]}

Valid attributes are: epoch, version, release, arch, install_date, install_date_time_t.

If all is specified, all valid attributes will be returned.

New in version 2018.3.0.


not supported


not supported

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs attr=version,arch
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs attr='["version", "arch"]'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_products(all=False, refresh=False, root=None)

List all available or installed SUSE products.


List all products available or only installed. Default is False.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

Includes handling for OEM products, which read the OEM productline file and overwrite the release value.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_products
salt '*' pkg.list_products all=True
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_provides(root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2018.3.0.

List package provides of installed packages as a dict. {'<provided_name>': ['<package_name>', '<package_name>', ...]}


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_provides
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_repo_pkgs(*args, **kwargs)

New in version 2017.7.5,2018.3.1.

Returns all available packages. Optionally, package names (and name globs) can be passed and the results will be filtered to packages matching those names. This is recommended as it speeds up the function considerably.

This function can be helpful in discovering the version or repo to specify in a pkg.installed state.

The return data will be a dictionary mapping package names to a list of version numbers, ordered from newest to oldest. If byrepo is set to True, then the return dictionary will contain repository names at the top level, and each repository will map packages to lists of version numbers. For example:

# With byrepo=False (default)
    'bash': ['4.3-83.3.1',
    'vim': ['7.4.326-12.1']
    'OSS': {
        'bash': ['4.3-82.6'],
        'vim': ['7.4.326-12.1']
    'OSS Update': {
        'bash': ['4.3-83.3.1']

Only include results from the specified repo(s). Multiple repos can be specified, comma-separated.


When True, the return data for each package will be organized by repository.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs
salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs foo bar baz
salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs 'python2-*' byrepo=True
salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs 'python2-*' fromrepo='OSS Updates'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_repos(root=None, **kwargs)

Lists all repos.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_repos
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_updates(refresh=True, root=None, **kwargs)

This function is an alias of list_upgrades.

List all available package upgrades on this system


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_upgrades(refresh=True, root=None, **kwargs)

List all available package upgrades on this system


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
salt.modules.zypperpkg.mod_repo(repo, **kwargs)

Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will be created, so long as the following values are specified:

repo or alias

alias by which Zypper refers to the repo

url, mirrorlist or baseurl

the URL for Zypper to reference


Enable or disable (True or False) repository, but do not remove if disabled.


This is used as the descriptive name value in the repo file.


Enable or disable (True or False) auto-refresh of the repository.


Enable or disable (True or False) RPM files caching.


Enable or disable (True or False) GPG check for this repository.


If set to True, automatically trust and import public GPG key for the repository.


operate on a different root directory.

Key/Value pairs may also be removed from a repo's configuration by setting a key to a blank value. Bear in mind that a name cannot be deleted, and a URL can only be deleted if a mirrorlist is specified (or vice versa).

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias alias=new_alias
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias url= mirrorlist=
salt.modules.zypperpkg.modified(*packages, **flags)

List the modified files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will return a list of _all_ modified files on the system's RPM database.

New in version 2015.5.0.

Filtering by flags (True or False):


Include only files where size changed.


Include only files which file's mode has been changed.


Include only files which MD5 checksum has been changed.


Include only files which major and minor numbers has been changed.


Include only files which are symbolic link contents.


Include only files where owner has been changed.


Include only files where group has been changed.


Include only files where modification time of the file has been changed.


Include only files where capabilities differ or not. Note: supported only on newer RPM versions.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.modified
salt '*' pkg.modified httpd
salt '*' pkg.modified httpd postfix
salt '*' pkg.modified httpd owner=True group=False

Strips the architecture from the specified package name, if necessary. Circumstances where this would be done include:

  • If the arch is 32 bit and the package name ends in a 32-bit arch.

  • If the arch matches the OS arch, or is noarch.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.normalize_name zsh.x86_64
salt.modules.zypperpkg.owner(*paths, **kwargs)

Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can be passed. If a single path is passed, a string will be returned, and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name pairs will be returned.

If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.

The root parameter can also be passed via the keyword argument.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl
salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Parse name and architecture from the specified package name.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.parse_arch zsh.x86_64
salt.modules.zypperpkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0: On minions running systemd>=205, systemd-run(1) is now used to isolate commands which modify installed packages from the salt-minion daemon's control group. This is done to keep systemd from killing any zypper commands spawned by Salt when the salt-minion service is restarted. (see KillMode in the systemd.kill(5) manpage for more information). If desired, usage of systemd-run(1) can be suppressed by setting a config option called systemd.scope, with a value of False (no quotes).

Recursively remove a package and all dependencies which were installed with it, this will call a zypper -n remove -u


The name of the package to be deleted.

Multiple Package Options:


A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.


Operate on a different root directory.

New in version 0.16.0.

Returns a dict containing the changes.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>
salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db(force=None, root=None)

Trigger a repository refresh by calling zypper refresh. Refresh will run with --force if the "force=True" flag is passed on the CLI or refreshdb_force is set to true in the pillar. The CLI option overrides the pillar setting.

It will return a dict:

{'<database name>': Bool}

operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.refresh_db [force=true|false]

Pillar Example:

  refreshdb_force: false
salt.modules.zypperpkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0: On minions running systemd>=205, systemd-run(1) is now used to isolate commands which modify installed packages from the salt-minion daemon's control group. This is done to keep systemd from killing any zypper commands spawned by Salt when the salt-minion service is restarted. (see KillMode in the systemd.kill(5) manpage for more information). If desired, usage of systemd-run(1) can be suppressed by setting a config option called systemd.scope, with a value of False (no quotes).

Remove packages with zypper -n remove


The name of the package to be deleted.

Multiple Package Options:


A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.


Operate on a different root directory.

New in version 0.16.0.

Returns a dict containing the changes.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>
salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.resolve_capabilities(pkgs, refresh=False, root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2018.3.0.

Convert name provides in pkgs into real package names if resolve_capabilities parameter is set to True. In case of resolve_capabilities is set to False the package list is returned unchanged.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


operate on a different root directory.


If this option is set to True the input will be checked if a package with this name exists. If not, this function will search for a package which provides this name. If one is found the output is exchanged with the real package name. In case this option is set to False (Default) the input will be returned unchanged.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.resolve_capabilities resolve_capabilities=True w3m_ssl, refresh=False, **kwargs)

List known packages, available to the system.


force a refresh if set to True. If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.

match (str)

One of exact, words, substrings. Search for an exact match or for the whole words only. Default to substrings to patch partial words.

provides (bool)

Search for packages which provide the search strings.

recommends (bool)

Search for packages which recommend the search strings.

requires (bool)

Search for packages which require the search strings.

suggests (bool)

Search for packages which suggest the search strings.

conflicts (bool)

Search packages conflicting with search strings.

obsoletes (bool)

Search for packages which obsolete the search strings.

file_list (bool)

Search for a match in the file list of packages.

search_descriptions (bool)

Search also in package summaries and descriptions.

case_sensitive (bool)

Perform case-sensitive search.

installed_only (bool)

Show only installed packages.

not_installed_only (bool)

Show only packages which are not installed.

details (bool)

Show version and repository


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' <criteria>
salt.modules.zypperpkg.services_need_restart(root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 3003.

List services that use files which have been changed by the package manager. It might be needed to restart them.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.services_need_restart
salt.modules.zypperpkg.unhold(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs)

New in version 3003.

Remove a package hold.


A package name to unhold, or a comma-separated list of package names to unhold.


A list of packages to unhold. The name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.unhold <package name>
salt '*' pkg.unhold <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.unhold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
salt.modules.zypperpkg.upgrade(name=None, pkgs=None, refresh=True, dryrun=False, dist_upgrade=False, fromrepo=None, novendorchange=False, skip_verify=False, no_recommends=False, root=None, diff_attr=None, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0: On minions running systemd>=205, systemd-run(1) is now used to isolate commands which modify installed packages from the salt-minion daemon's control group. This is done to keep systemd from killing any zypper commands spawned by Salt when the salt-minion service is restarted. (see KillMode in the systemd.kill(5) manpage for more information). If desired, usage of systemd-run(1) can be suppressed by setting a config option called systemd.scope, with a value of False (no quotes).

Run a full system upgrade, a zypper upgrade


The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is ignored if pkgs is passed or if dryrun is set to True.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.install name=<package name>

A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be passed as a python list. Note that this parameter is ignored if dryrun is set to True.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'

force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed.


If set to True, it creates a debug solver log file and then perform a dry-run upgrade (no changes are made). Default: False


Perform a system dist-upgrade. Default: False


Specify a list of package repositories to upgrade from. Default: None


If set to True, no allow vendor changes. Default: False


Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., --no-gpg-checks)


Do not install recommended packages, only required ones.


Operate on a different root directory.


If a list of package attributes is specified, returned value will contain them, eg.:

{'<package>': {
    'old': {
        'version': '<old-version>',
        'arch': '<old-arch>'},

    'new': {
        'version': '<new-version>',
        'arch': '<new-arch>'}}}

Valid attributes are: epoch, version, release, arch, install_date, install_date_time_t.

If all is specified, all valid attributes will be returned.

New in version 3006.0.

Returns a dictionary containing the changes:

{'<package>':  {'old': '<old-version>',
                'new': '<new-version>'}}

If an attribute list is specified in diff_attr, the dict will also contain any specified attribute, eg.:

.. code-block:: python
{'<package>': {
'old': {

'version': '<old-version>', 'arch': '<old-arch>'},

'new': {

'version': '<new-version>', 'arch': '<new-arch>'}}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.upgrade
salt '*' pkg.upgrade name=mypackage
salt '*' pkg.upgrade pkgs='["package1", "package2"]'
salt '*' pkg.upgrade dist_upgrade=True fromrepo='["MyRepoName"]' novendorchange=True
salt '*' pkg.upgrade dist_upgrade=True dryrun=True
salt.modules.zypperpkg.upgrade_available(name, **kwargs)

Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package


force a refresh if set to True (default). If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is executed or not.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
salt.modules.zypperpkg.verify(*names, **kwargs)

Runs an rpm -Va on a system, and returns the results in a dict

Files with an attribute of config, doc, ghost, license or readme in the package header can be ignored using the ignore_types keyword argument.

The root parameter can also be passed via the keyword argument.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.verify
salt '*' pkg.verify httpd
salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix'
salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix' ignore_types=['config','doc']
salt.modules.zypperpkg.version(*names, **kwargs)

Returns a string representing the package version or an empty dict if not installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.


operate on a different root directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
salt.modules.zypperpkg.version_cmp(ver1, ver2, ignore_epoch=False, **kwargs)

New in version 2015.5.4.

Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if ver1 < ver2, 0 if ver1 == ver2, and 1 if ver1 > ver2. Return None if there was a problem making the comparison.


Set to True to ignore the epoch when comparing versions

New in version 2015.8.10,2016.3.2.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' ''