
Functions to interact with Hashicorp Vault.








If you see the following error, you'll need to upgrade requests to at least 2.4.2

<timestamp> [salt.pillar][CRITICAL][14337] Pillar render error: Failed to load ext_pillar vault: {'error': "request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'json'"}

The salt-master must be configured to allow peer-runner configuration, as well as configuration for the module.

Add this segment to the master configuration file, or /etc/salt/master.d/vault.conf:

    url: https://vault.service.domain:8200
    verify: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    role_name: minion_role
    namespace:  vault_enterprice_namespace
        method: approle
        role_id: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-1111111111111
        secret_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-1111111111111
        - saltstack/minions
        - saltstack/minion/{minion}
        .. more policies
        - n63/TbrQuL3xaIW7ZZpuXj/tIfnK1/MbVxO4vT3wYD2A
        - S9OwCvMRhErEA4NVVELYBs6w/Me6+urgUr24xGK44Uy3
        - F1j4b7JKq850NS6Kboiy5laJ0xY8dWJvB3fcwA+SraYl
        - 1cYtvjKJNDVam9c7HNqJUfINk4PYyAXIpjkpN/sIuzPv
        - 3pPK5X6vGtwLhNOFv1U2elahECz3HpRUfNXJFYLw6lid

Url to your Vault installation. Required.


For details please see

New in version 2018.3.0.


Optional Vault Namespace. Used with Vault enterprice

For detail please see:

New in version 3004.


Role name for minion tokens created. If omitted, minion tokens will be created without any role, thus being able to inherit any master token policy (including token creation capabilities). Optional.

For details please see:

Example configuration:


Currently only token and approle auth types are supported. Required.

Approle is the preferred way to authenticate with Vault as it provide some advanced options to control authentication process. Please visit Vault documentation for more info:

The token must be able to create tokens with the policies that should be assigned to minions. You can still use the token auth via a OS environment variable via this config example:

  url: https://vault.service.domain:8200
    method: token
    token: sdb://osenv/VAULT_TOKEN
  driver: env

And then export the VAULT_TOKEN variable in your OS:

export VAULT_TOKEN=11111111-1111-1111-1111-1111111111111

Configuration keys uses or ttl may also be specified under auth to configure the tokens generated on behalf of minions to be reused for the defined number of uses or length of time in seconds. These settings may also be configured on the minion when allow_minion_override is set to True in the master config.

Defining uses will cause the salt master to generate a token with that number of uses rather than a single use token. This multi-use token will be cached on the minion. The type of minion cache can be specified with token_backend: session or token_backend: disk. The value of session is the default, and will store the vault information in memory only for that session. The value of disk will write to an on disk file, and persist between state runs (most helpful for multi-use tokens).

    method: token
    token: xxxxxx
    uses: 10
    ttl: 43200
    allow_minion_override: True
    token_backend: disk

  .. versionchanged:: 3001

Policies that are assigned to minions when requesting a token. These can either be static, eg saltstack/minions, or templated with grain values, eg my-policies/{grains[os]}. {minion} is shorthand for grains[id], eg saltstack/minion/{minion}.

New in version 3006.0: Policies can be templated with pillar values as well: salt_role_{pillar[roles]} Make sure to only reference pillars that are not sourced from Vault since the latter ones might be unavailable during policy rendering.


See Is Targeting using Grain Data Secure? for important security information. In short, everything except grains[id] is minion-controlled.

If a template contains a grain which evaluates to a list, it will be expanded into multiple policies. For example, given the template saltstack/by-role/{grains[roles]}, and a minion having these grains:

        - web
        - database

The minion will have the policies saltstack/by-role/web and saltstack/by-role/database.


List members which do not have simple string representations, such as dictionaries or objects, do not work and will throw an exception. Strings and numbers are examples of types which work well.

Optional. If policies is not configured, saltstack/minions and saltstack/{minion} are used as defaults.


Whether to refresh the pillar data when rendering templated policies. When unset (=null/None), will only refresh when the cached data is unavailable, boolean values force one behavior always.


Using cached pillar data only (policies_refresh_pillar=False) might cause the policies to be out of sync. If there is no cached pillar data available for the minion, pillar templates will fail to render at all.

If you use pillar values for templating policies and do not disable refreshing pillar data, make sure the relevant values are not sourced from Vault (ext_pillar, sdb) or from a pillar sls file that uses the vault execution module. Although this will often work when cached pillar data is available, if the master needs to compile the pillar data during policy rendering, all Vault modules will be broken to prevent an infinite loop.


Policy computation can be heavy in case pillar data is used in templated policies and it has not been cached. Therefore, a short-lived cache specifically for rendered policies is used. This specifies the expiration timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60.


List of keys to use to unseal vault server with the vault.unseal runner.


Where to get the connection details for calling vault. By default, vault will try to determine if it needs to request the connection details from the master or from the local config. This optional option will force vault to use the connection details from the master or the local config. Can only be either master or local.

New in version 3006.0.

Add this segment to the master configuration file, or /etc/salt/master.d/peer_run.conf:

        - vault.generate_token

Changed in version 3001.

Delete minion Vault token cache file

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.clear_token_cache

Delete secret at the path in vault. The vault policy used must allow this.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.delete_secret "secret/my/secret"
salt.modules.vault.destroy_secret(path, *args)

New in version 3001.

Destroy specified secret version at the path in vault. The vault policy used must allow this. Only supported on Vault KV version 2

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.destroy_secret "secret/my/secret" 1 2
salt.modules.vault.list_secrets(path, default=<Constant.NOT_SET>)

Changed in version 3001: The default argument has been added. When the path or path/key combination is not found, an exception will be raised, unless a default is provided.

List secret keys at the path in vault. The vault policy used must allow this. The path should end with a trailing slash.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.list_secrets "secret/my/"
salt.modules.vault.read_secret(path, key=None, metadata=False, default=<Constant.NOT_SET>)

Changed in version 3001: The default argument has been added. When the path or path/key combination is not found, an exception will be raised, unless a default is provided.

Return the value of key at path in vault, or entire secret


metadata --

Optional - If using KV v2 backend, display full results, including metadata

New in version 3001.

Jinja Example:

my-secret: {{ salt['vault'].read_secret('secret/my/secret', 'some-key') }}

{{ salt['vault'].read_secret('/secret/my/secret', 'some-key', metadata=True)['data'] }}
{% set supersecret = salt['vault'].read_secret('secret/my/secret') %}
    first: {{ supersecret.first }}
    second: {{ supersecret.second }}
salt.modules.vault.write_raw(path, raw)

Set raw data at the path in vault. The vault policy used must allow this.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.write_raw "secret/my/secret" '{"user":"foo","password": "bar"}'
salt.modules.vault.write_secret(path, **kwargs)

Set secret at the path in vault. The vault policy used must allow this.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vault.write_secret "secret/my/secret" user="foo" password="bar"